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1 Post | 6 Comments | Active Since 2009
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Clean Tiles Quickly With Wipes
A mixture of distilled white vinegar and water works great also


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Inexpensive Church Mother's Day Project Ideas?
Last year my Sunday school students turned their hands into flowers. We traced each students hands on several different colors of construction paper and poked a chenille stick through the center. We then gently rounded the hands up so they appeared almost like...


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Baby Shower Clothesline
Someone gave me a clothesline gift at my baby shower. She started in outfits that I could put on my daughter when she came home and ended the line with clothes that would fit when she was about a year. The gift was wonderful and so very appreciated.


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Mix Jams Together to Get Every Bit
You can also add a little bit of milk (dry milk is fine) to the jar, shake it up and make popsicles. My girls love them!


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Getting By on a Low Income?
If Im repeating someone else, Im sorry. I think its great you live within your means. So many people just dont get that concept. The first thing to do is track all you spending for one month...the stick of gum, the coffee to the electric bill. You may find...



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