Remedy for Dry Itchy Ankles?
It is most likely an allergy. I would see an NAET practitioner and have the problem eliminated permanently. It is energy medicine. and youtube NAET, google also.
Allergic to Adhesive on Band-aids and Tape?
I would see an NAET practitioner and have these allergies eliminated! Go to for info.
Getting Rid of Warts?
I just treated a boy with NAET for warts, 2 treatments and they were gone for good. Non-invasive, feel good treatments using acupuncture sites and pressure.
Relief for Shingles Pain?
You can see an NAET practitioner and the shingles will be gone in a few days or less. Non-invasive, feel good treatments using acupuncture sites and pressure.
Buzzing in the Ear?
The cause is usually allergies. To eliminate the allergies, thereby eliminating the disease, find an NAET practitioner ( I treated my client with Menieres, and by the 3rd session, she could hear the rain! You can be treated for an allergy to anything...
Fruit of the Spirit Speech Ideas?
Get ahold of the Virtues Guide by Linda Popov. There should be information online under the same. Kindness was one of 360 virtues she identified from around the world.
Caring for a Cat With Jaw Cancer?
Take him an NAET practitioner, vet or not. They will eliminate the cancer.
What Causes Facial Warts?
The cause is an allergy. See an NAET practitioner- They will use a form of acupressure/vials, non-invasive to eliminate them.
Possible Bed Bugs?
They may be coming from the inside out. Or, you have a lower immune system and they dont bite others. I would suggest seeing an NAET practitioner, energy medicine and in a treatment or two, they will be eliminates from your body. Non invasive, painless, see...
Package Ordered from Internet Site Never Received?
I would call the post office, UPS, etc. and ask about where items go when they cannot be delivered. They get stored for while. Look over credit cards for #s, check book.
Freeze Water Bottle
I used to do that, I now feel guilty because freezing plastic releases it into the water causing harm. Keeping and washing plastic, esp. in a dishwasher causes it to disintegrate, it goes into the water this way also. The only safe water container is stainless...
Removing Scented Oil Type Odor from House?
I would suggest eliminating your allergy to the candles by seeing an NAET practitioner ( I was allergic to perfumes and got headaches, but no longer do.
Getting Help for a Contested Divorce?
Im still going thru that 8 years later. My email is I suggest going to a self help place. Im in No. Ca. and a friend who worked in the system was correct- as a woman, it wont be fair anyway. The judges favor the men all he way. But...
Remedy for Severely Itchy Scalp and Hair Loss?
Contact an NAET practitioner and get permanent relief! You can reverse all of your problems with energy medicine, go to find a prac. and find someone near you.
How Can I Keep Dogs From Pooping and Peeing in...
Dogs wont go where fresh water is, put out gallon jugs of water. Looks bad, but works!
Photo: He's a Papa!
I would like to strongly suggest you consult with an N.A.E.T. practitioner and receive treatments for your son. Non-invasive, painless, he will absorb his food. I am treating a friend who was dying of Crohns a year ago, her Crohns is gone and she is able to...