Afghan Stitch Tips?
I learned this just this month. If you have a pattern that looks the same on both sides and you are working on a cylinder shape, you can turn it around and work your crochet across the inside of the piece.
Bath and Body Basket Ideas?
You could cushion the basket w wash cloths. They could be folded in fancy napkin forms.
Microwave Heat Bag?
Heres a coincidence! Not 30 minutes ago I finished two hot pads for my Chihuahuas. I used 100% cotton fabric and 100% cotton batting (thin). I cut 6 layers of fabric using a plate for the shape and 2 layers of the batting. Layer 2 fabric, 1 batting, 1 fabric...
Rats or Squirrels Chewing on Wires Under the Hood of My Car?
I have had good luck with minced garlic getting them out of my attic soffits. I also painted the screens with clear pepper juice. You can make this: putt peppers in a hot glass jar, pour hot vinegar in to fill the jar, put the lid on and leave for 3 weeks. After...
Nature Foretelling the Season?
I have noticed that my dog will grow a thick coat before a bad winter. I noticed it because one year he did not grow a thick coat and I thought he was sick. It was was a very mild winter. One day it hit me--epiphany! This late summer has been horrid with fiddleback...
Soft Drink Stains In Car?
Ive used Windex Blue with Amonia on fabric with success. The trick is you have to get the liquid out--the stain dissolves into the liquid. Maybe you could take the seats out and turn them so the liquid is pulled down into a paper towel. Or just try to press...
Cheap Recipes For Australians
Well, all my ideas have just been posted by these great folks. Victory Garden. Bean sprouts. Corn and bean combination=necessary amino acids equivalent to meat. Sounds like it is time for a town meeting. Agenda: community garden, barter system, labor for labor...
Uses For Plastic Hooks From New Socks?
Youre talking about the plastic stick thing that starts with a curl on one end, goes up and bends back down and ends with another curl higher up? I have a rolling cart/table that I use for house cleaning. Ive got a trash container held at one end with a bongo...