Renew Your Driver's License Online
The small fee would be worth it so you dont have to stand in line or be around all those other people and maybe exposing yourself to the virus. When our DMV reopened the line was around the building and that is in a shopping center!
Finding Bathroom Repair Help for Disabled Homeowner?
Im not sure of your age but if youre a senior - well dont worry because age may not matter because of disability. Check your local office on aging first. In PA. we have a 211 number to reach a group that can refer you to groups that can help you with whatever...
Value of Vintage CorningWare?
Thanks for posting about Country Festival corningware as I have several pieces that I bought at an outlet store of Corningware many years after it was discontinued - around 1996! I wish I had found more as I really loved the colors! I only recently found out...
Struggling with my Small Budget
Good luck on your project. It will take a while to get them all paid off. Praying you dont have any setbacks!
Smoke Detector Keeps Beeping?
If it sounds like a chirp it means batteries need replaced. If it sounds like the regular alarm you may need to replace it assuming its the kind that takes batteries. You dont want to get in the habit of ignoring the fire alarm sounding in case of a real fire...
Name Ideas for Adult Computer Skills and Resume Program?
Starting Over popped in to my mind...just a thought. Good luck - it sounds like a good idea...even to those of us that dont have kids.
Removing Flatware Scuffs on Porcelain...
I use Bar Keepers Friend for that same purpose. It probably works the same way and doesnt hurt the surface at all.
Cooktop Cleaner for Bathtub Stains
What kind of finish is your bathtub? I have an acrylic tub that is grungy and nothing seems to work. Im afraid to use any kind of abrasive cleaner on it for fear of scratching it. Thank you.
Fundraising Ideas for Student Run Charity?
Have a collection of change. People are willing to give up their small change usually and dont really miss it. Youd be surprised how much you can collect that way! Its really good if you can do it when youre having a sporting event that way you get the local...
Ridding Home of Centipedes?
I was hoping someone had answered as Im seeing them in my house too. Im told there are harmless and to kill them and sweep them up but there must be something else I can
Dealing With a Verbally Abusive Husband?
You have been dealing with it long enough to be a saint. I know you are Catholic but I think God would understand a divorce in your case. He is abusive and unless you get to a counselor to help you get out of the relationship it will continue to beat you down...
Dealing With a Verbally Abusive Husband?
I was in a relationship like this and it was also an emotionally abusive which is also what yours sounds like too! I got out at age 42 as I could see things would not improve. We had been together 27 years so I understand the long time youve been together. I...
Sending Invitations to a Surprise Party?
Some people might not recognize your email address and not have opened the email. In the subject line I would put surprise party for Moms name...also Sat. is not too soon to send out another email. They may have been waiting to make sure nothing clashes with...
Finding Free Furniture?
Since Im not sure what part of the country you are in or even what country. Search for a group - its called online and then you put in your area and they will direct to your local group. I found one through Yahoo groups and I live in a small town...
Finding Help for Low Cost Building...
If you have a local Habitat for Humanity office give them a call. Some of them have stores that sell things like that very reasonable. If you are involved with a church you could ask them as sometimes they do local projects or can direct you to a local group...
Christmas Gift Ideas for Daughter's Partner and His Children?
I would agree about asking your daughter for info on them - the kids especially. You could make them cookies - but I like the idea of a board game as that is something they could all do together. The idea of a movie box was a neat idea too. Good luck with the...
Finding Pants That Fit Properly?
If youre talking about the inseam or pant length - try petites. Im 57 and find they fit me much better than regular length pants do. Keep trying different pants...Ive tried different colors in the same style and maker and find a difference in the stride! Pain...
Organizing and Cleaning Tips for Someone in Poor Health?
Depending on your age I know some help can be available through senior care (if youre a senior citizen) agencies. See if your county has an agency like that and call to see what they can offer you. You might also ask your clergy because they might know someone...
Ninja Blender Reviews?
Be very careful with them. I sliced my finger very bad (11 stitches) with their blades. I prefer my immersion stick blender to anything else I use. I make lots of smoothies and even with ice I have no problem using it. I have a Braun and it has several attachments...
Home Remedies for Gaulding?
There is a newer product out there that I have tried with great success. Its Lanacane - anti-chafing gel. After I shower I use my hair dryer to dry under the belly first - then I put it on. A little bit goes a long way so you dont use much. Good luck - I found...
Shopping for Wheels for a Tea Cart?
I measured the wheels I needed - the length of the shaft and the height of the wheel and if they have an actual shaft measure that width. Also ... Im hoping you have one at least. I went to Lowes and Home Depot for mine. Also if you have a place like a surplus...
Finding a Source for Furniture Vouchers?
Not sure what part of PA. you are in but another source would be to check Freecycle ( google Freecycle) as they have areas all over PA. I live near Williamsport and they have a local group that covers my area. Good luck as I know you can post what you need...
Deciding When to Retire?
In order to make your informed decision you need to talk to your financial advisor. Youll need less money than you think - I was surprised to find that I could live on a pension as I retired at age 50 (with medical and dental benefits though). Since you have...
Potty Training a Four Year Old?
Please do not punish him, hes not doing it on purpose! There are a few things I would like to suggest. Since its urine it maybe hes not aware of the need to urinate. Take him to the toilet and tell him to try, youre trying to train his bladder. Dont ask him...
Cleaning Hard Water Spots on Windows?
I would try on one of the windows the CLR in a more concentrated form, not diluted down as much. Hopefully your window isnt etched by the chemicals at which time most nothing will help. Good luck. Linda
Lightening Dyed Hair?
When I want to lift color I use Neutrogena shampoo. It takes off extra hair conditioner etc. so it works good to remove extra color. Just use it once or twice. It is more gentle on the hair so it wont affect the hair texture or make it dry or straw like. A...
Top Load Washer Smells Moldy?
You should put in the brand as that will help people respond to your problem. If you put in the name and then said something bad about them, that would be a different story. As far as odor if there is a rubber seal around the door check and see if there are...
Top Load Washer Smells Moldy?
My previous post about washer smelling was about a front loader. I misread the question and overlooked top loader. Oops, but I would still contact the manufacturer or local store that handles the brand and ask them. Our local store is very helpful and they...
Carpenter Bees Damaging My Home?
My husband said to put small pieces of steel wool in the holes. You will begin to see less of them. You may have to send in a small person under the porch to plug the holes but it will be worth it. He was telling about steel wool to someone that had the problem...
Moving Into a Much Smaller House?
Like the others said, take the time to grieve. Remember when you are cleaning things out you still have the memory. As far as the house though the trend is we are getting older. TAKE the TIME to make it the house you will get old(er) in comfortably. If that...
Makeup Stains on White Face Cloths?
I use a mix of bleach and water with detergent to soak them in first, rinse them out and then do a regular wash and that should cut the dingy out of them. Otherwise if that doesnt work there is something my mother-in-law did with boiling my hubbys whites on...
Where Can I Buy Gray or Silver Hair Dye?
I talked to two of my friends that are stylists and very good at their job. They said to tell you to please call your local shops as they have a gray they can color your hair with. Due to the cancer and if you have any kind of chemo or radiation that would...
Teach Children That Abuse Is Not A Sign Of Love
I posted this on my Facebook. I support your article and wish it was posted everywhere. Things havent changed since my mom was raped 58 years ago and she was asked What did you do to provoke it? and What do you expect with a rack like that! and she was 15... that...
Surprise Birthday Party Ideas?
Tell her you need her help to plan your planting of flowers etc. and take her to her favorite store. Usually people will say Oh I like that or isnt that neat, knowing theyd never pay that amount. You can get some ideas that way. If it actually got warm you...
Cleaning Heat Stains on a Gas Range?
Contact Maytag as you should have a longer warranty. If its over warranty contact the store you bought it at - or if the place is no longer around contact a local appliance store that is friendly. I know the place I bought my stuff in is very good, any time...
Using King Size Comforter on Queen Bed?
If its actually too long I wouldnt hem the sides. Id take it out of the middle so that way youd have your clean edges and a smaller, easier cut that you could line up as your center of the cover, personally I like my king on the queen as it doesnt touch the...
Determining Fair Market Value for Donations?
The company donating must have an appraisal if the combined value is over $5,000. There is a IRS publication 561 about donations and fair market values. There is also a Form 8283 they must have to claim the donation. It is their responsibilty not yours. You...
Plastic Bag Melted on Roasting Oven?
If you are talking about a roasting pan put it in the freezer and then you peel it off or it will crack off. If you are talking about the actual oven you can do almost the same thing with an ice cube. Place it in a washcloth and let it sit until it gets cold...
Ink on Cotton Fabric?
I have done this on my ex husbands shirt even after washing and drying and it worked. Hairspray the ink and have a blotting cloth under it, then wash as normal and double check it before drying. Sometimes (depending on the ink) you have to do it twice but it...
Protecting a Lawn from Road Salt Damage?
You might want to design an area between the road and the main part of the lawn that can take the abuse from the salt etc. Try contacting a local nursery or (like Lowes) to see what can tolerate the abuse. That way youre not paying extra every year to undo...
Financing a Treadmill Purchase?
Do you have a local Sears store? This time of year they tend to run specials plus special financing like no interest for 6 months - that would allow you to use the product and make regular payments.
Washer Leaving Brown Stains on Clothing?
Take one of the rag bag shirts and try Bar Keepers Friend on the spots and see if it comes out. I make a paste of the stuff and rub it on the stain. If you rinse it out and the stain is gone - its rust. Its sold with the powered Comet and type of products. If...
Selling a Home to a Family Member?
To answer your main question is that he might be getting a little bit more because of the drop in house price. Like the others have answered we dont know anything else about the family. My husband has a medical issue that means his income will never equal what...
Removing Rust from Vintage White Jacket?
If its washable I would make a paste of the Bar Keepers Friend and use that to clean the stains. It doesnt have to be very wet as its a paste that works well on the rust. Then youd just throw it in the wash and wash gently. If its not washable you can still...
Recipes for Cool Desserts?
I make what I call Ice Cream Jello - you make the jello in whatever flavor you want and when its almost set ( soft-set) you mix in Cool Whip. If you use a small Jello only use half of the Cool Whip, and then put it back in the fridge to firm up. Even my hubby...
Alternatives to Sugar in Recipes?
If youre cutting down or out sugar in your diet you will get used to the less sweet taste. Try cutting back on the amount of sugar in recipes ( I think they said by half) but use cinnamon and ginger to trick your taste buds. I used frozen apple juice concentrate...
Facial Redness?
If you have a local store in a mall that handles Clinque cosmetics I would visit them and ask for a sample as they have several products for redness. They have a small set of Redness Solutions that runs about $25. you can buy. Ive tried it with success. They...
Ink on a Microfiber Vera Bradley Bag?
If youre going to use hair spray I would first try it in a spot you cant see so you can make sure you dont damage the color. Actually the first thing I would do is call Vera Bradley Co. or the store you bought it at and ask if they have contact information...
Managing Time as a Working Woman?
Its not a time management problem - its a labor issue. Youre doing more work than before and with no help youre getting overwhelmed. Women want to do it all...(I dont but thats another story!). I like to cook more than I need that way there are leftovers for...