Notification to Neighbors Regarding Building Permits?
I worked for my local municipality for a while and dealt with questions like this often. Obviously, your city will have different rules but hopefully this is helpful. Where we live, all home based businesses need to have a basic business license and be approved...
Finding a Free Dresser?
Craigslist is an excellent source for finding inexpensive furniture. However, they also have a Free section. Look in the For Sale area on the main page of your local Craigslist page and you will see a link to the free stuff. There are a surprising amount of...
Pampering Lemon Peppermint Bath Bombs
I bet these smell delicious. Cant wait to try making our own bath bombs!
Using a Microwave with Burn Holes In Wall?
The amplitude of a microwave is about the width of a pencil my physics teacher told me. So a pinhole should be safe. However, the wall is there for a reason. It would be best to replace it sooner than later.
Repairing the Strap on a Leather Shoulder Bag?
I was able to repair my wifes purse when she has a similar issue. With the end pin in place, I squeezed the ring around it down to an oval with pliers. That way the end wouldnt slip out but it still swiveled.
Cleaning Remote Control?
Alcohol is a great cleaner for sticky things like this. I have used it to clean remotes in the past. If you are using rubbing alcohol, it is most likely 70% alcohol. Get the 91% isopropyl alcohol and try that. I have found in my area that the supermarkets no...
Slugs Coming Down Chimney?
They dont like to crawl over copper. You could try using copper tape at the top of the chimney or wherever they are getting in.
Temperature Control in Oven Inaccurate?
Ovens designed for use in the home are rarely accurate. They simply are not manufactured to the standards of commercial products. Your best solution is to purchase an oven thermometer and leave it in there. They usual sit or hang on your oven rack. You can...
What Breed is My Dog?
She looks like part Chow Chow for sure. Mixed with Husky or Malamute? That would be my guess. Thanks for posting a picture of Happy, she looks like a beautiful dog!
Fixing Soup With Too Much Pepper?
Sour cream is great way to cool down a spicy soup. It wont be a clear brother soup anymore, but it will work.
Fire Alarm Beeps for No Reason?
Some smoke alarms beep if the batteries are dead or perhaps not put in correctly. Hard wired ones will have back up batteries that need to be replaced occasionally and they may beep if the are not wired properly. There are some alarms also detect carbon monoxide...
Removing Sticky Residue from Camper Windows?
If the windows are plastic, using a product like Goof Off or Goo Gone will melt the window and just make it worse. Try using a little isopropyl alcohol and see if that helps soften the residue. A good sturdy razor blade and a steady hand may be your best bet...
Buying an Orange Zester?
You should be able to buy an orange zester at just about any supermarket or department store. If you are looking for a specific brand, such as Microplane, you should look at a specialty store that carries nice kitchen utensils. Sur La Table, Williams-Sonoma...
Value of 1998 Royalton Collection Porcelain Doll?
The best way to find out the value of a collectable doll like this, is to look into purchasing an identical or similar doll. Royalton makes many different dolls each year and the market value is determined by a combination of rarity and desirability. Ultimately...
Pressure Cooker Chicken and Rice Recipe?
Rice does well in a pressure cooker. Sounds like you have a great base for a soup.
Newspaper Recycling Book?
Hi Vicky, Looks like Powells has a copy that is for sale via eBay. Good luck!
Free Shipping Promo Code for Oriental Trading?
WSTRM01 appears to be a valid code for free standard shipping. However, it is only valid through today 11/28/11. Good luck!
Are Electric Blanket Controls Interchangeable?
Even if the 4 prongs line up perfectly, I am not sure it worth the risk. There could be fundamental differences in the way the two are manufactured that would not be readily apparent. Electric blankets are enough of a fire hazard on their own. Please use the...
Pizza Box Left White Heat Mark on Table?
We have had this happen a number of times with our table. We think its the wood polish we use turning white because its just on the surface. Usually we just used the green side of a scrubby sponge and a little elbow grease. Obviously, you dont want to damage...
Getting Rid of Songs on My iPhone?
There are two simple options. Either you will need to remove the songs from your iTunes library, then they wont show up on your phone next time you sync. The other option is to manually manage your music. In which case you will just need to not sync the songs...
Scenery: Riverside Campground (Mt. Hood, OR)
Thank you! Yes, I love Oregons gorgeous scenery. Everywhere I go there is something lovely to take a picture of. I know about the Scenic Bypass but I havent done it yet. Maybe in the Autumn. :-)
Recycling or Reusing Old Cell Phones?
E-Tech Recycling does an excellent job of recycling electronics in an environmentally conscious way. They are used by the numerous tech companies in our area and several municipalities as well. They mostly deal with computers but they do accept cell phones...
Wear Earplugs When Vacuuming
Using earplugs to block out the sound of the vacuum is a great idea. However, be cautious about using earbuds at the same time. Most vacuum cleaners run about 75-80 decibels; below 85 decibels is considered safe. So, if your music is turned up loud enough that...
Trouble Getting Sunday Review Coupons?
Cindi, I looked on their website to see if I could find any additional information for you and all they have is this contact form: Hope that helps!
Scenery: Beach (Manzanita, OR)
Thank you all for the kind words! If you send me a PM I would be more than happy to e-mail you a hi-res version. ;-)
What Do I Use to Glue Sand Dollars on the Bathroom Walls?
I would recommend trying regular wood glue for a project like this. Its a great all purpose glue for glueing things that are not plastic or glass. Anything with a slightly rough service, like a sand dollar, will stick just fine. The one problem I can anticipate...
AmEx Paid for My Vacation
I have thought about doing this before, but I am always too worried about the interest and finance charges out weighing the benefit. Thanks for the great tips. Now I think we will give it a try for our next family vacation! :-)
Sharpen Your Scissors With Aluminum Foil
This is not an effective method of sharpening scissors.
Mattress Know-How
Our pillow-top mattress was not top of the line 6 years ago when we bought but it was certainly an upgrade from our previous hand me down. Recently, my wife and I have not been sleeping as well and I was noticing the pillow-top was not as comfy as I had remembered...
Homemade Steam Cleaner Solution?
Try adding in a cup or two of vinegar and a little ammonia to the hot water solution you use in the carpet cleaner.
Scenery: Snowy Sequoias (Hillsboro, OR)
(format_html) I am glad you all like the photo so much, thank you!! Here is a link for a higher resolution version for your desktop.
Sparkle Ball Hanger?
I have been making these the last couple weeks and fishing line works great. It is thin enough that it slips right into the holes left by the soldering iron at the base of the cups. If you need to use S-hooks you should make sure you burn one hole large enough...
Turbo (Chocolate Lab/Boxer)
I better not let my two boys see this one or Ill never hear the end of it. They want me to get them a puppy so bad! And this cute picture makes me want to consider it. So sweet! jess
Saving Money on Office Beverages
This is a great idea. We did the same thing in our office. The 2-liters are cheaper but if you dont use them fast enough they go flat, so cans seem the best way to go there. For coffee, one of us would go to Costco about every two weeks and get their big bag...
Carey Lind Recess Pirate Wallpaper?
(format_html) Where can I find discontinued Carey Lind Recess Pirate Wallpaper? Gina from Las Vegas, NV Answers: RE: Carey Lind Recess Pirate Wallpaper Gina-I found the ships sail border and the mural at From the home page, select the...
Smoothing Out Chalkboard Paint?
Ann, We painted the back of a steel door with chalk board paint and it worked quite well. The door was white when we started so two coats were necessary. We just used a regular paint brush and it didnt come out perfectly smooth but it was definitely functional...
Removing Sharpie from Hair?
(format_html) How can I remove red sharpie from my blonde hair? Jenn from Newton Falls, OH Answers: RE: Removing Sharpie from Hair Try pouring lemon juice over the area and sit in the sun for a couple of hours then wash off, or it might just wash out eventually...
Make Your Own Cloth Diapers (From Recycled...
(format_html) RE: Make Your Own Cloth Diapers (From Recycled Clothes) I dont even have kids but if I did I would definitely try this. You are so clever AND thrifty. Thanks for sharing! Pat (03/28/2006) By Pat RE: Make Your Own Cloth Diapers (From Recycled Clothes...