Drink Through A Straw To Help An Upset Stomach
Also make sure liquid is luke warm. Hot or cold can be more upsetting to stomach.
Choosing Hardwood Flooring Color?
With a southern view it means there will always be sun. I would go with a light color like oak to avoid problems with uneven fading if you plan to use throw rugs or furniture.
Getting Mascara Off Without Burning Eyes?
I use plain unscented petroleum jelly or Vaseline. Wipe off with soft tissue. I have severely sensitive skin and every fragrance burns it. So I am very limited on what I can use to remove makeup. I only wear make up on occasion. This also has the advantage...
Calling 911 on a Land Line Without Home Phone Service?
I use to work for the phone company. In most areas of the country if you do not have land line service then you usually can not call 911. In some areas based on income you can get a lifeline which will allow local calls and of course 911. There are still places...
Check Unused Campsites for Fire Wood
When I was a kid we usually brought wood from home for camping. Especially in state parks because we heat part of our house with a wood stove my dad and brothers would get wood cutting permits. We would leave the extra wood because we really didnt need it at...
Yellow Stains on Sheets?
These are probably sweat stains a lot like ring around the collar stains which can easily be removed by rubbing a cheap shampoo into the stain shampoo is designed to break down body oil and sweat. The cheap stuff that leaves your hair feeling really dry because...
Buying a Citronella Dog Training Collar?
He needs training. And since he is a terrier that was breed to work and get rodents down holes. He needs to be kept busy a bored dog will bark more and will be more destructive. Those spray or shock collars do not work definately check out books by Cesar Millan...
Craft Ideas for Hospital Activities Department?
You can make stress balls out of balloons. Take heavy latex balloon, small funnel, Q-tip or small paint brushes to help pack all-purpose flour into the balloon. Tie knot in the end and you have a squishy stress ball.
Stain on Nylon/Spandex Blouse?
I would saturate the stain in hairspray. The wash according to the care instructions. I have used this as my secret spotting agent for many a stain on anything that is water washable and it has never failed. Some times I have to treat a stain twice but this...
Remedies for a Cat With Dry Skin?
I had luck with purinna sensitive system. I had a cat that got sores when they have sores they do need an antibiotic and possibly steroids. Then I supplemented with Fish oil that I just punctured one soft gel over the food 2 times a day some times this is a...
Having Someone Cremated in TX?
When My Grandpa died my parents transported the body and that saved them a bunch. They had a van so it was easy to do. Different states can have different laws on body transport.
Save Grocery Money in a "Five Dollar Cup"
I have always shopped like this because this is how my mom shopped. I feed 3 adults off of 200 a month and we eat pretty good. I also shop at the bargain grocery somethings are okay even when slightly expired. We only buy bread from the bakery outlet. We get...
Adjusting Liquid in Bread Machine Recipe?
Because bread machines can be really finicky about the amount of liquid, the easiest way is to crack the egg into your liquid measuring cup, beat slightly and then add the water until the total level in the cup is 3/4 of a cup then there is no math required...
Roquefort Dressing Recipe?
INGREDIENTS (Nutrition) * 2 cups mayonnaise * 1 1/2 cups buttermilk * 8 ounces Roquefort cheese, crumbled * 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce * 1 teaspoon garlic powder DIRECTIONS 1. In a blender or food processor, combine mayonnaise, buttermilk, cheese, Worcestershire...
Relearning a Frugal Upbringing
My friends say I was born in the wrong era but because of where I lived and the time that I was born my parents taught use what was truly needed. And it was easy for me to take it one step further when I became disabled and much poorer financially than my parents...
Stretching Ground Beef
You can even stretch ground beef even farther if you mix 1/2 low fat ground beef with 1 can fat free refried beans. This is a nice way to keep protein up in the meal while adding fiber and cutting the calories.
Is Clay Litter Bad For Cats?
I have used regular litter and clumping clay litter for years. With my first cat we used regular clay litter and she lived to be 18 years old and never had a litter caused sick visit. I have used clumping litter for about 4 years because I bought a litter robot...
Clearing the Air with Vinegar
Well since vinegar is an acid it will definitely work for most bacteria since most bacteria are sensitive to ph. Plus if you are worried that much about bacteria in the are turn down your heat. My mom had a doctor tell her to do this because I was frequently...