Remedy for a Dog's Itchy Ears?
GO TO THE VET!! Your puppy must depend on you for proper care for LIFE and the highest quality life. Would you ask untrained people on any web site how to treat your human child? Your Fur children deserve the same loving compassion as your human child deserves...
Child Doesn't Like New School?
So what if she made new friends and is a star in her class. She MISSES her other friends and teacher. These were her comfort zone. Shes in 1st grade and is still very unsure of the world, her body and especially what is happening to her because of the move...
Having a Successful Yard Sale
Be honest about your products. When we had our one & ONLY moving yard sale in Arizona we had many items that had sat for a few years and even one television that was almost junk - good for someone to fix that wanted to work in electronics. We put a tag for...
What Does the Groom's Family Pay For?
This brings back a lot of memories - My wedding never happened as my fiance was killed in the line of duty, but we had planned much of the wedding. The two of us decided who we would invite and we made his parents stick to that list. They wanted to do the invitations...