Scope of Medical Power of Attorney?
you can request to see/have a copy of the medical power of attorney and the person that has it must furnish it to you.
Repairing Chair Upholstery?
i would suggest first contacting the company who manufactured the chair, explain the problem and how it occurd, and ask if you can purchase fabric to match the chair to fix the problem. there is a good possibility they will send you a piece for free but at...
House Cleaning Charges?
pay you for cleaning? what did you pay them for staying there? how many days were they allowing you to stay? did you overstay your welcome? did the rent and the cleaning fees cancel each other out?
Outlet Not Working On One Side of Room?
You can buy a plug in tester at Home Depot or any big box hardware store that has lights on it to indicate a short, open, open ground, etc. That is the best way (they come in 2 or 3 prong, depending if you have a grounded system) or it may be as simple as a...
New Outlets Don't Work?
If it has red, white, black wires, sounds like a three way switch, and it should have a bare copper ground. You probably got the wrong switch.
Campho-Phenique and Lysine for Cold Sores
I have suffered from cold sores since I was a child. I had tried everything. There was a time when I had a sore somewhere on my lips for over a year, one would heal and another would pop up. Then over 30 years ago, I developed an ulcer. Tagmet was prescribed...
What do I do? Breakers Keep Tripping
I would be very afraid that these guys dont know what they are doing! Since they are rewiring, by law a permit must be issued and an inspection done. Call the city, county or state to see if this has been done (it should be posted where it can be seen). Putting...
Removing Home Security Equipment?
Security systems are low voltage and use a transformer plugged into an electrical outlet (thebattery was a backup). Find the transformer and disconnect it. Then you can just cut all the wires and stuff them into the wall, patch the hole and remove any contacts...
Manual for Welbilt ABM3030 Bread Machine?
Go to the welbilt site and they should have a help, tech, manual link, or google welbilt amb3030 user manual and you should find a link.
Back Child Support and SSI?
I agree, you need to see an official copy of that information, However, my guess is it is from that date forward, and it does not forgive back child support. See a lawyer.
Moving with Houseplants?
Use a box larger than the plant, line it with a plastic garbage bag (do not close at the top). Put plenty of paper towels soaked in water around the plant to keep from drying out. Close top of box and mark fragile and watch the movers so the boxes are at the...
How To Prevent Lettuce Rotting In The Fridge?
You can still get Debbie Meyer green bags, bed bath and beyond is one of the stores, or Amazon.