Low Fat Frozen Treat
I bookmarked this I think it sounds delicious. Maybe my diabetic husband would like it with the chocolate cool whip?
What is This Piece of Furniture?
I think is is beautiful, wish it was mine. ;) I beleve it is a European Shrunk, most likely German or Bavarian. They used this type of over sized storage instead of cabinets or closets.
Uses for Leftover Fabric Scraps?
Hey I love scraps, you can make anything: Barbie clothes, Barbie beds, etc. for the girls. Sew a bunch of scraps together any old way then cut in squares and flip them around to make a new design. Sew them into pillows, bags, Christmas presents. Go to the library...
Shower Curtain Made from Fabric Scraps?
Crystal, honey, so what if you mess up? That is what a seam ripper is for. Everyone messes up, it is a way of learning. I dont think you even have to make squares, you would just make panels as narrow or as wide as you like. I put bead trim on mine to make...
Painting a Serving Tray?
I would think that using a spray acrylic would protect the tray and your food.
Ideas for Using Deceased Father's Clothing?
I see you have some wonderfull suggestions, but I thought since your dad made his suits, maybe you could get a pattern or make your own of a tote bag, purse or labptop sack. Ive seen these in one of my crafts books and they look very smart and If you have a...
Heart Tree Ornament
Hey, this is a cute ornament. I am going to make it for my family as we have no money. Duh! Who does now-a-days. I am so sorry about your poor results of your craft show. I guess I will learn from your lesson,because I have been thinking about it. I bookmarked...
Christmas Tote Bag
Thank you soooo much for this pattern. I have bought four patterns from Joanns for bags or purses and cant understand some of the directions. But your is great and the way you make the inside pockets, Genius. Good Job.
Help Doing Things Opposite Handed?
Well, honey you will get used to it. Learning ways to get around using that right arm. Pull up pants,pull over shirts. I admit socks are hard. slip on shoes too, like clogs. Get an electric can opener and learn lefty way to use it. I can use my right arm now...
Rash On Eyelid?
Please dont take anymore chances with your eyes. see a Dermatologist or a good Ophamalogist about your rash. Ive seen this before and it could be many types of infections. or just psorasis,or sebborhic dermatitis. I just worry eventually your vision could be...
Stone Coasters?
I have two sets of this type of stone coasters and they work great and I am glad someone says they can be scrubbed because we always use them for sodas or ice tea and they are dirty. They will crack if thrown by grandkids however. Your glasses do not drip when...
Making The Original Diaper Cake?
I used a cute baby bottle as the center. For bottom layer I rolled up receiving blankets around the bottle. The second layer was rolled up cloth diapers (or you could use disposable). I used straight pins in the center to secure both layers. On outside I used...
Easy Quilt
Im just learning to quilt, this is a wonderfully clever idea. Thanks for sharing it with us.!!
Crafts for Large Glass Vases?
I have not tried this but I will; get a plate larger than the top of the vase but not too big that it will make it tip. you can put something colorful inside (or not) and use glass glue to glue the plate to the top and you have made a cake plate that is one...
Beginners Crochet Christmas Ornaments?
I made this for my kids teachers years ago. Very easy. Get a canning jar ring. All you do is double crochet around the ring,crocheting until the stitches are tight together. the stitches when tight will ruffle very prettily. Then all you have to do is add beads...
Patriotic Garden Ball
Cool Debra, thanks for sharing this. I bet families with military members would especially like the patriot theme. I have 7 military in my family so, I really am proud of them for their sacrifices. May be good gifts for them. Or putting your address number...
My Husband Cheated on Me?
Hang in there. Worse things can happen in a marriage and survive if you truly try try try and then try again. Men are very similar and no you cant change them unless it is their desire to change. Very few men grow up in the way women do. Men and women dont...
Rotting Aloe Leaves?
Thanks yall my last aloe bit the dust. I repotted it into a really big pot and I dont think I got the leaves wet. but I think aloe hates me this is the fourth I killed....... call me plant executioner.
Hair Growing Tips?
standing on your head is supposed to stimulate hair growth. .......and trim it a little, that is supposed to stimulate it to. Good luck!!!
Entomology Centerpiece Ideas?
Matbe you can find a cake decorator that can make a cake with cartoon insects. I know that on the food channel they can make nearly anything out of marzipan. Good luck.
Hand Mixers With Three Beaters?
I have had my mixer for 2 years and I like it. My daughter says it whips too much but I like that aspect of it. my brand is Wolfgang pucks. I am a HSN junky ,but I do recommend the three beater style.
Mr. Clean Magic Erasers Reviews
I really am a Magic Eraser fan. I recieved a coupon in the mail from my daughter and bought it thinking that this had to be a gimmick. But no, it truly is amazing, it removed old,old stains from my counter-top. I had been griping for new counters and now they...
Organizing a Sewing Room
Hey justlaugh I could use your organize gene care to donate LOL great tips;)
Preventing Hair Dye From Getting On Skin?
I got a tip from my hairdresser she said to use vaseline too, but if you dont have it just use an old chap stick. it works just as well!!!
Lessons Learned at the Farmer's Market
What a great Mom you are!!!! You must be very proud, thanks for sharing.
Button Bracelet
I love your bracelet, I had just bought a bag of buttons and now I know what to do with them. Thanks for sharing....
Crocheted Barbie Clothes
Hey, thanks for these patterns, I plan to make some for my grand-girls this Christmas and found these soon enough. Karen
Joining Grannie Squares?
I put the right sides toward each other an slip stitch making a long strip of squares according to your size needed. Once all your strips are done then attach the strips together. Weave in any loose threads. For my kids ponchos and afghans I left the ends til...