
Kerry Browning

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2 Posts | 165 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Selling Used Books?
Here is a link that you can use to find out what your books are worth and where you can sell them. I use Amazon and Half. No complaints here.


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Spray And Refrigerate Shirt Before Ironing
I remember this too. If you forget to put it in the refrigerator and dont iron the item right away - mildew.


Fall in the Smoky Mountains.

Finding Peace in the Valley
My eyes are very, very watery. Not from sadness, but joy. This was my Sunday morning sermon. Just the kick in the okole (rear-end) I needed.


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Fannie Farmer Cookbooks
Yay! Fannie Farmer. Learned a lot from that cookbook. My copy is all smudged and bookmarked.


Duke (Jack Russell)

Duke (Jack Russell)
Wonderful dog. I have a Jack Russell too. Hes my fiercest bodyguard.


Lessons From Baking Bread
And the payback is exponential. Thinking about how it rises,the scent of yeast, the perfume of baking bread, the first slice with butter......So worth the effort.


My Frugal Life: Pay As You Go
So generous of you to share your heartwarming saga.


My Frugal Life: Focus On What's Important (Part 1)
Full of wisdom. Mahalo nui loa for putting it in writing. Im posting this on FB.


Holiday: A Very Hairy Christmas
Looks like he could be from Hawaii.



Bacchus (White Rat)
Love his name, the god of wine and intoxication. And I greatly appreciate the contributions made by rats in medical research.



Bacchus (White Rat)
Wow! I truly am deeply appreciative of the contributions rats have made in medical research. I dont understand what is insensitive about acknowledging that. Great strides have been made in medicine because of rats and other animals.


Larger Than Life Christmas Tree

Larger Than Life Christmas Tree
What a wonderful sense of humor.



Cassie (Weimaraner Mix)

Cassie (Weimaraner Mix)
A lot of my dogs have shown up in my yard too.


Escalators at a shopping mall

Ten Things to Do Instead of Black Friday
Mahalo for taking the time to write this list. The TF community is so generous. Love being connected to such wonderful souls.


Scenery: Summer Clouds
So expansive. Makes me take a deep breath.


Scenery: Road Salad
I like your sense of humor.


Panda (Bluetick Hound/Border Collie)
Love those brown socks and muzzle.


Hoarding: Too Much Stuff

Hoarding: Too Much Stuff
WOW! This is a wake up call for me.


Scenery: North Shore, Long Island Sound
Fitting way to end the day. I can hear the haunting bagpipe and the heartbeat of the drum in my mind.


Grapping mom's nose.

Ginger (Boxer/Border Terrier)
Wow ow! Just kidding, I can see that Ginger is a gentle giant.


Scenery: Fishing (Sunnyside Lake, NV)
Just looking at the photo relaxes me. Almost hear the fish frying in the cast iron skillet.



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Iron Left Imprint on Velour Fabric?
Maybe you could cover the burn mark with some black lace cut into a flower shape or a leaf or a shadow shape of the flower. To attach the lace you could hand sew it to the purse with small stitches that only go through the first layer. Pretty little black buttons...


A picture of Split Rock Lake in Montana.

Split Rock Lake (MT)
Big sky country!


dad on bench

In Memory Of Dad
I bet the birds entertained him too, when they bathed or ate.


Scenery: Oregon Coast
I remember this coastline from 42 years ago. I think that is the rock off Tillamook. Still gorgeous.


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Write Down Blessings To Change Your Mood
So timely. Thank you. I am thankful for Thriftyfun also. Seems to attract a lot of wonderful folks.


My Frugal Wife!

My Frugal Wife!
Had to laugh when I read the hippie comment. I was a hippie back then. It was wonderful to have the time to learn whatever I was interested in. And you know from your capabilities, thats what makes you happy, not things.


Cowboy (Mixed Breed)
Have to share this on Facebook.


Scenery: Kids
They are so entertaining. I live across the street from a man that raises goats. Make me laugh a lot.


Tractor in road.

Scenery: Country Living
I know what Mirador means---the other side of the story. Not fun getting stuck behind a cantankerous old fart. In my area there are now a lot of Chinese farmers. They pullover to let you pass and are very generous about letting you glean their fields after...


Wildlife: Antelope
Thanks for sharing your experience. Made my eyes watery.


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Contact Manufacturer For Assistance
I love that Betty Crocker cookbook. My Mom let me loose in the kitchen with that book during the 50s.


Pete in the garden with rubeckia and dasies in foreground.

Pete (Boxer/Walker Mix)
I totally agree with suziq9. Makes me take a deep breath.



Follow Your Dreams
The reality is we make the time to do things that are important to us. Wisdom. Im filled with admiration for you.


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Speak Aloud to Help You Remember
Im going to try this. Thanks for posting. Might not work on me.


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Dishpan Sandbox
Boy! I sure would like to come play at your house.


Dog in wheelbarrow.

Xena (Jack Russell Mix)
I love Jack Russells. Mine leads the pack when we go for walks. Other 2 dogs are much bigger.


closeup of Schnauzer

Olive (Miniature Schnauzer)
Very interesting composition. Depth of field is deep. Olive is a good model.


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Cucumber Slices for Insect Bites
I like that site too. They have a remedy for mange that really worked on my Jack Russell.


Life's Path
Made my eyes very watery.


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Recipes From The "I Hate to Cook" Cookbook
My Mom had that book. I think Peg Bracken was the author. Mom needed quick and large quantities of food to feed her ever-hungry horde of children.


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Host a "Pancake Palooza"
Wow! What a generous spirit you are. I want to live in your neighborhood.


Dewey and Daisey May (Ducks)
How could Lil Abner let Daisey May go? Just kidding.


tan dog n the yard

Pebbles (Chihuahua/Dachshund Mix)
Love that curly tail.


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Making the Pastry for Eclairs?
This recipe for eclair dough works for me. 1 block butter, 1 cup water. Boil together in a non-aluminum pan. (Dough turns an unappetizing gray color if you do.) Add 1 cup flour and pinch of salt. Mix in pan over low heat until very thick and the mixture leaves...


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Homemade Dry Eraser Fluid?
De-natured alcohol. Just spray and wipe. Buy at hardware store.


Congratulations Paul and Harlean (50th Wedding Anniversary)

Congratulations Paul and Harlean (50th Wedding...
Salt of the earth faces. Lookin very serene.


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Trouble Sewing Elastic on Sheets?
Mahalo for asking for the easiest way because I am definitely going to use JoanDogs idea. Thank you to her also.


Pouring coffee from a Starbucks cup.

My Frugal Life: Coffee Wasters?
Wow! Im a country gal, so I dont see this waste. Thanks for posting. My parents and teachers said the same thing eat your vegetables. The old coffee is good for making your own Starbucks treat. Coffee, milk, sugar, ice cubes, your own flavorings, vanilla, almond...


Pouring coffee from a Starbucks cup.

My Frugal Life: Coffee Wasters?
Forgot to mention, old coffee is good for the liquid when you make brownies or chocolate cake. Also makes gravy a nice brown color when youre short on pan drippings.


A jar of homemade potpourri.

Become a Frugal Crafter
I really appreciate your sharing. The thriftyfun community is so generous. My spirit is always lifted when I read their articles, hints, questions and look at the photos.


Bull terrier in sweater on couch

Molly (Bull Terrier)
So elegante!


Daisy (Chihuahua/Toy Fox Terrier)
Daisy on daisies. Love it.


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Sunday Newspaper Coupons Online
I looked at the site. It is helpful to me because I get the local newspaper online and it doesnt upload the weekly sales flyers. I miss that. Office Max site even virtually turned the pages as you browsed. Thanks for posting the link.


My Frugal Life: Learning on the Farm
What a wonderful education you had. Your parents taught by doing. Such valuable lessons. You knew how to adjust to the inevitable changes of life.


Walter Kovacs (Cat)
Is he related to Ernie Kovacs? Just kidding.


JJ (Border Collie)
I have a Jack Russell that pulls me to the side when he hears a car coming. Im grateful to him. My hearing is not good. However, I could never take him for a walk without a lead. Must be lovely walking and exploring with JJ.


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Outdoor Clothes Drying for Baby Entertainment
That works on adults too. But I guess they dont have to lay underneath the line. Clothes smell so good when you bring them inside.


A dog looking at the camera.

Buster (Jack Russell Terrier)
Look at that face, so contented. My Jack would envy your fenced in yard.


Babbs (Basset Hound)
I learn so much from dogs.


Luke (Redbone Hound Dog)

Luke (Redbone Hound Dog)
Its probably a gentle leader. These dogs are hunting dogs. I have a rescued hunting dog and I use a gentle leader on her, otherwise shes pulling my arm out of the socket. Doesnt hurt the dog, just stops the incessant pulling ahead. The dog doesnt like it but...


Millie (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel)

Millie (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel)
I know that look. Didnt even need to read about her aversion to getting wet. Made me laugh!


Foxx B (Chow/Golden Retriever Mix)

Foxx B (Chow/Golden Retriever Mix)
Bet he loves his bling.


Abandoned House

Scenery: Abandoned House
On the prairie, bone of peoples lives.


Luna (Husky - Shepard)

Luna (Husky - Shepard?)
I have a licker too, a giveaway jack russell pitiful puppy, who was covered with ticks. Those lickers seem to be so grateful. Such a peaceful look on Lunas face.


Closeup of Jack.

Jack (American Pit Bull Terrier)
Very, very loyal arent they.


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Using a Proxy to Access YouTube?
I always learn new things on Thriftyfun. Did not know about a proxy? Good question and good answer. I bookmarked the link. Thanks mucho grande.


Maggie May, Pattie Kay and Rosie Irene (Dogs)
Is Maggie May named after that old Rod Stewart song?


Maggie May, Pattie Kay and Rosie Irene (Dogs)
Nevermind. I looked up an older post on her and I see why she is named Maggie May. I have a Jack Russell/Dachsund mix named Booger. But hes not named after anyone.


A dog dressed as a horse for Halloween

Halloween: Horse Costume (Dog)
This picture just made my night and tomorrow too! You might consider drawing a circle (maybe use an eyebrow pencil?) around his eye on the white side of his lovely mug for next years Halloween costume. Petey of Our Gang wouldnt mind. I suppose that is who he...


tan dog with a child

Busa (Staffordshire Boxer)
Is he Izzys buddy?


Izzy (Staffordshire Terrier)
You are so fortunate to have a place for your dogs to run until they are exhausted. Here in Hawaii, there was a young boy that had a Staffie pulling him on a skateboard. He was criticized for doing that, but that dog and boy were happy campers.


Reinforcing a Costume Helmet?
Maybe you could dip a square of cheesecloth that is larger than the mask into a white glue/water solution. Hold the cheesecloth up to drain excess fluid back into your solution. Then drape it on the inside of the mask. Press the cloth into the hollows of the...


Couple putting money in piggy bank

Frugal Ways To Save
Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Thrifty Funners are so generous.


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Reuse Discarded Silk Flowers
This makes my eyes very watery. It is so wonderful.


Two Scarecrows
Looking at the photo is enjoyable. Made me SMILE. Hope you dont mind if I put it on Facebook.


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Save Plastic Lids for Toddler Toys
I bet your children were never bored and are most likely able to deal with lifes ups and downs.


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Choosing Where To Be Frugal
Wow. You sparked a realization in me. I need to look at what I think is significant to me. How much time and money do I spend on those things?


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Kalua Pig
This is indeed, delicious! In Hawaii, cabbage is often added to the dish. Served with steamy rice. Onolicious.


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Chore Incentives for Kids and Adults
This I am going to try. I definitely have procrastinitus.


My Frugal Life: Saving on Electricity
Love, Oh the light fairy must have turned off the power to those lights. A real attention getter, better than nagging.


Refurbished Yard Swing
I want one too! What a pleasure it would be to swing in it on a cool evening with friends and dogs.


Craft Project: Beaded Flip Flops
Really good instructions. I appreciate the drawing. I have trouble visualizing written instructions.


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Too Many Unfinished Craft Projects?
Really good advice to a pertinent question (for me).


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Having Chickens as Pets?
I miss having chickens.


Dog Nibbles on Us?
I had a dog who gave me or my daughter a little nibble on our hand when we were walking him on a leash. I agree with Pepsi Gal his way of showing his love.


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Use Shop Vac to Clean a Small Animal Cage
Hah! Preeetty funny..take the animal out first.


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Cleaning Dry Erase Boards?
I bought a can of denatured alcohol at the hardware store and put it in my original Dry-Erase Cleaner spray bottle. Doesnt take too much to clean the board. I spray it on a rag and wipe. For red ink I spray it right on the board.


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Breadmaker Tips
Pretty funny....the thing that slid out of the breadmaker!


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Lasagna Without Ricotta Cheese?
Mashed tofu works too. Just smash it to the consistency of cottage cheese.


Brown and white dog on couch.

Panny (Jack Russell/Beagle Mix)
Im wondering if disemboweling stuffed animals and licking feet are a Jack Russell traits. I have a J.R/mongrel mix male that just loves to do that. I should have named him Tickles, but my son named him Booger.


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USB Cord for Sony Camera Model #DCR-HC21?
I bet you could find one on ebay. I needed one for my camera and the cost was under $5.00.


bird nest basket

Wildlife: Birds Nest Basket
Seems like a lot of ThriftyFun posters really appreciate the loveliness of life. They notice the subtleties that take time and reflection to see. I enjoy reading the postings every day.


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