Old Dog Urine Stains on Carpet?
Soak spots with full strenght hydrogen peroxide. Let it work until it stops foaming. Blot up with old towels, or give it a good shampoo.
Cleaning Refrigerator Seal (Gaskets)?
Hydrogen peroxide. I cant praise this stuff enough. Put some in a spray bottle and spray the mold or if you dont have a spray bottle just pour it on. Let it sit a few minutes. Wipe. You may have to repeat.
BBQ Stain on White Cotton Shirt?
Hydrogen Peroxide works on any organic stain. Put an old towel under the stain. Soak the stain with the peroxide and leave until it stops bubbling. Rinse the stain. Repeat if the stain is still there.
Peroxide Mixture to Remove Urine Stains?
I found hydrogen peroxide used full strength works best on old stains. Test a spot first for color fastness. Soak the spot,leave it until it stops foaming. Blot it all up. Reapply if needed. I dont use soap of any kind any more on carpets it creates dirty spots...
Removing a Cooking Oil Stain On Carpet?
Try soaking the spot (spots) with hydrogen peroxide. It works on anything organic. Soak the spots,let soak until the foaming stops or about 15 minutes. Repeat if needed until spot is gone.
Pre-Washing Quilt Squares?
What Ive done several times is sew the quilt top together, then serge (or zigzag) around all edges. Then wash.
Can You Replant Tomatoes In The Same Place?
I have heard and read that you shouldnt. Ive never had any luck planting them in the same place.
Kosher Dills
Ive been canning dill pickles for over 30 years. Never hot water bathed them and never had any problem with them not keeping as long as they have a good seal. :)
Keeping Pickled Cucumbers and Okra Crunchy?
Powdered alum. Add 1/4 tsp per 1 qt jar before adding brine.
Dog Is Frightened Of Boyfriend?
Im pretty sure there are laws against abusing animals. Get rid of the boyfriend.
What Breed Is My Dog?
He looks my Bijou. Bijou is pit bull and boston terrier. Same color and same markings.
Enzyme Cleaner Didn't Completely Remove Urine Odor?
I use hydrogen peroxide. It work with anything organic. Soak the spot with peroxide, Let it work until it stops foaming, or for 10-15 minutes. Blot until dry or shampoo.
Easy Display Board
Cover with batting and flannel and this would be great to put together a guilt block to see what it will look like.
Getting Rid of Poop Odor?
I have two dogs. They are like my children. My little girl sometimes has accidents at night because she is to little to hold herself all night. I just clean it up and soak the spot good with Febreze. The extra strong stuff. For the air I use AIRWICK Neutra...
Removing Carmex Stains from Clothing?
Try using hydrogen peroxide as a prewash. If you have washed and dried already, let the peroxide soak for about 15 minutes. If that fails use a product called Awesome from the 99 cent store.
Accompaniments for Chicken Salad?
No :), I use my sisters recipe for chicken salad. Its the best! What I need to know is, What foods go best to eat (with) chicken salad. Like hambergers and (fries). Ellen
Accompaniments for Chicken Salad?
Hi Fay and Grandma Bess, I tried the banana bread sandwich with the chicken salad, heavenly. Also tried the cottage cheese and tomato, my mouth is watering just thinking about this. I will try the fruit next. Thank you! Ellen
Hoover Vacuum Stinks When Used?
I dont know if you have animals but, if you do its the animal hair. I had that problem and didnt know what was causing it. One day I mention it to my brother. He said it was the dog hair. He went to Sears and got some deodorant tablets for vacuum cleaners. I...
Hoover Vacuum Stinks When Used?
I forgot to tell you that the tablet goes in the bag. Use a tablet with each new bag. Expensive I think, but well worth it.
Advice For Exfoliation?
Mix a tablespoon of olive oil with about the same amount of granulated white sugar and gently scrub face. Scrubing in circles.
Inexpensive Food Ideas For Family of Nine?
Soups are wonderful winter fare. Make a big potful with a pan of cornbread. Wonderful.
Sterilizing 5 Gallon Water Container?
I use crushed ice and white vinegar in mine. The ice is for a scrubbing and the vineger is to kill the bacteria. I use about two cups of ice and 1 cup vinegar and shake, shake, shake. Ellen
What breed is my dog? (Border Collie)
She looks like Bijou, my pretty boy. He is Pit Bull and Boston Terrier. Shes beautiful. (Bijiou)
Removing My Phone Number From Google?
Thanks everyone, I appreciate you taking your time to help. Ellen
Low Cost Activities?
When I managed apartments I started a monthly birthday party, also a monthly potluck. I had a pot of coffee going every morning in the rec room for those who wanted coffee hour. I put together a monthly newsletter, anyone could contribute. They had to keep...
Video: Happy Birthday Susan
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUSAN!!! I second what every poster before me has said. You are much appreciated. Ellen
How do you carry your checkbook?
I made a checkbook cover from Capri Sun packets and made a pocket inside for drivers license, bankcard, etc. Works well for me.
Use Email As Your Online Cookbook
Ive been doing this for several years. I have 5 e-mail addresses. I use 2 of them for recipes, 1 for all things pertaining to needle work and sewing, 1 for crafts and 1 for overflow of recipes and misc. I have 20 folders per address and each folder holds 32...
Poll: How do your heating expenses compare to last year?
Our utility co. raised there rates and with extra cold weather this winter, Im paying $20-$25 dollars more a month. OUCH
Does anyone still use the old mop and bucket?
Can you use rubber bands to hold the pads on? I use a mop and bucket so I dont know for sure what it looks like.
What Pets Do You Have?
I am owned by 2 dogs. Bijou is my pretty boy. Hes half Boston Terrier and half Pit Bull. He has the sweetest disposition of any dog Ive ever had. He is 2 years old. Abby is my little love. she is half Chihauhau and half Mini Pincer She wakes me every morning...
Dry Elbows?
I use (from k-mart) the store brand of Eucerine cream. I used it 2-3 times a day, massaged in well, until my elbows were baby-butt smooth. Then only once a day. You do have to maintain. Excellent for all over body dryness. I use it in the mornings so it doesnt...
Tell Me About Australia?
Hello to all that responded to my request. Thank you for taking the time to make this old auntie happy. Youve painted such a wonderful picture that I cant think of any questions at the moment. In my 30s I traveled extensively thru out the U.S. but now a days...
Tell Me About Australia?
One name keeps coming to mind. Can someone tell me a little about Alice Springs. Ellen
Old Food Stains on a Tablecloth?
Soak the stains with hydrogen peroxide, leave it until it stops fizzing. Then wash it. May have to repeat several times.
Is 12 Old Enough to Go Places Alone?
Everyone here has made some very good points. I say NO, SHES TO YOUNG!!!
Sewing Machine Questions?
Hi Suzanne, sewwhatsnew.com is a really good site. They have a great forum. The people are knowledgeable and very friendly. Have fun with your sewing. Ellen
Rice Stain on Carpet?
Hydrogen Peroxide might work. I used it on a blood stain on my carpet, it took the blood out. Cover the stain with the peroxide, let sit for about 10 minutes and blot up. May have to repeat. Hope it works for you.
Buying Velcro?
Buy the non-sticky velcro. The sticky kind will clog up your machine if you sew it on and it doesnt stay on the pouches.
Rotten Onion Smell in Home?
Sometimes when plastic gets old it will smell like that. I had some plastic food containers and a plastic shampoo cape that started smelling like rotten onions. I had to toss them out. You might check/smell of anything plastic. Hope you find it.
Choosing Good Potatoes?
Sorry, but no. Ive never found a way. Ive wasted a lot of money on green potatoes. If anyone knows I would be interested too.
Freezing Chips?
Hi Martin, If you are talking about what we in the US call French Fries (fried or baked potatoe sticks) I fry mine until they are almost done, spray a cookie sheet with vegatable spray, put on a single layer (after they are cool) then freeze. When you want...
Bootie Bag Instructions?
To see what a Bootie bag looks like go to imaginarykingdom.com and click on bootie bag.
Repairing a Hole In My Inflatable Back Cushion
Try silicone glue. I repaired a childs wadding pool with it and a crack in a big glass window. Worked great on the glass and saved a replacement bill. The leak in the pool was still holding 2 years later when I thru the pool away. Be sure to let the glue dry...
Poll: Do you have a sewing or craft room?
I only have a small corner of my living room for sewing and crafts. So Im cramped and always have a mess going. I live in a mobile home so space is limited. I have a 3x 6 oak desk have has to do for everything, but I make it work. Its a good thing I live alone...
Poll: Do you have a dog?
I have 2 dogs. Bijou is 2 1/2 years old. Part Boston Terrier and part Pit Bull. He is very sweet and affectionate. I got him for company when I lived alone. Ive Had him since he was 5 weeks old. Abbygail was on her way to the pound when I took her from my nephew...
Putting a Shelf on the Wall Without Brackets?
I like my wild hairs. I can usually make most of them work. I dont think the soup cans would hold much weight. I think the can itself would bend after a while.
Cat Odors on Carpet?
White vinegar is a wonder cleaner. I use it to clean everything. Use 1/2 cup with carpet cleaning solution and give your carpets a through cleaning. It kills the urine and poop odor. Mix white vinegar and hydrogen peroxide in equal amounts to make a spot cleaner...
Making Braided or Hooked Rugs?
Use the web search engine and type in braided rug instructions or hooked rug instructions. I got some good results.
Homemade Urine-Be-Gone?
This does a great job on stains and smell. 3 or 4 drops dawn dish liqid, 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide 1/2 cup white vinegar. soak up the spot with an old towel, apply solution, just enough to cover the spot, let sit 10-15 minutes then soak that up.
Poll: Would you subscribe to a weekly Crafts newsletter if ThriftyFun published one?
This is a wonderful web site. YES, YES, YES to a weekly crafts newsletter.
Lemon Manicure
Never cut or file your nails after soaking. Do that first, then soak and carry on from there. It will make them ragged or cause them to split.