Keep Trash Bags In Place
Just use a large rubber band. I bought a bag of assorted sizes in the dollar store and IT WORKS with no problems.
Cleaning Grease Buildup on Kitchen Cabinets?
We just had that same problem and used Simple Green non-diluted from the bottle. our cabinets look great.
Using Reed Diffuser Air Fresheners?
I use them all over the house .No more candles for me. I think that they are great. Buy good stuff. Smell them first
Cleaning and Managing Your Freezer
I too take inventory of all the items in my freezer, it is amazing what was found under all the other stuff I also went further and used plastic bins to hold different items and put a label to read-pork chops-chicken breast-chopped eat-steaks. They are the...
Walmart Matches Competitor's Ads
I use this opportunity all the time and it amazes me at the number of people who dont.
Freezing Deli Cheese?
We freeze swiss cheese in in 1/2 lb./pks when We can catch it on sale.have the deli slice and bag it that way or,to your liking we just put all the pkgs in a large Freezer bag.. and we take it our of the freezer the night before we need and put in in the refrig...
Buying an Old-fashioned Dust Mop?
O Cedar has a microfiber Performer dust mop set-Ck O cedar on the webb- I bought a mophead and 3 refills at Target I use them to dry dust and another to wet mop my ceramic tile floors and then throw it into the washer I bought 3 because I was afraid they would...
Removing Labels from Plastic?
Spray a tiny bit of no stick cooking spray on it or, W/D 40 type solution.
Recipes for Someone With Heart Disease?
Megaheart is a great newsletter and check various web sites for heart disease and low sodium.
Hysterectomy Advice
I had a the surgery years ago for fibroids and it was the worst mistake I ever made. If you can postpone your surgery Do So Now Rsch the net, check Webb MD,Go to Hyster Sisters(sp) on the net.dont do it unless its for reasons of cancer.
Hysterectomy Advice
I just checked for Hyster-sisters their web site is going as strong as ever Tarlo
Use a Covered Bucket as a Camping Toilet
We get hurricanes in FL and power goes out. No power, no sewer pump. This is a good alternative to have, just in case.
Dry Carpet Cleaning?
I used Capture for my carpet and I am looking to buy it again. I read on their site that Lowes carries it in their stores.
Painting an Old Refrigerator?
Call a company that refinishes appliances. I did. It came out great. I cant remember the cost. It wasnt that much.
Making Paperback Book Covers?
I have used left over heavy weight wallpaper, to make my paper back covers. It was all that was needed. I dont want to sit in a doctors office with my book cover for everyone to see,
Saving Money on Greeting Cards
I send E-Cards I only mail cards when the person is not on line. E-cards are Free
Neutral Paint Color Advice?
We painted our open plan with a color called cafe au late. Its a creamy beige with greenish undertones in certain lights you see more beige in others the green but it is is so subtle. Check it out. We had it made up in Walmart, and then in Sherwin Williams...
Reviews of Power Strips?
We use power strips all the time for our 3 computers and 3 T.V.s. When we are done watching for the day, the power strip is shut off, and when we log off the computers for the night, we flick the switch off there too.