BCBS VS Medicare?
I have BCBS and Medicare. Medicare is primary. BCBS pays all my co-pays. Its a great combo.
Getting Rid of Moth Ball Smell in Basement?
Place charcoal briquettes all around the room. Do not use the ones with lighter fluid added. I place them in an old pie tin. Works great.
Chevy Pick Up Heater Blowing Cold Air?
My car was doing the same thing and it was a little low on anti freeze. Added the antifreeze and heater is now heating.Hubs used to work at a dealership. Thats how he knew to add the anti freeze. Hope this helps.
Improving Boxed Cake Mix?
Add a small box of instant pudding mix. You can also add 2 teaspoons of baking powder.
Gluing Glass to Glass?
An adhesive called E-6000. Made for glass to glass. I have used it on my outdoor glass projects. Some are over 5 yrs old and still holding. You can get it at any craft store and JoAnn Fabrics.
Feeding a Dog Potatoes?
I have four chihuahuas. The only people food my vet said was okay is a little cottage cheese once in a while and also a few Cheerios mixed with a small amount of Nutri-Cal (obtained from vet). This is given by itself when a small dog is suffering from low blood...
Getting Rid of Musty Smell in Basement?
To rid the basement of musty smells use regular charcoal bricks. The kind used for grilling out. Do not use the ones with lighter fluid added to them. Place several bricks inb a pie tin and place around your basement. Hope this helps.
SSDI and Child Support Arrears?
Just because the child is 20 does not make the child support owing just disappears. Give Child Support Enforcement in your state a call. The child now can go after what is owed to him or her.
Removing Stains on Sweater Cuffs?
A product called Totally Awesome is absolutely the best thing I have found to clean anything. If it wont remove it, nothing will. I get it at Dollar General or Dollar Tree. You must give this a try. You will see how wonderful it is. Hope this helps.
Cleaning the Outside of Aluminum Pressure Cooker?
I found a product and Advanced Auto that is specifically for aluminum. You cant believe how it shines up aluminum. It is called Mothers Mag and Wheel cleaner for aluminum. I have also seen it at Wal-Mart. I paid $6.99 for it. It is a cream in a small jar. Hope...
Removing Iron-on Tape Adhesive from Fabric?
A product called Un-Du will remove the adhesive. It will also remove smeared hot glue. You can get it at any craft store. I have also seen it at Lowes. Hope this helps.
Discarding Used Sewing Machine Needles
I also put used razor blades wrapped in a paper towel and secured with tape in an empty prescription bottle. Did this after I had stepped on a razor blade.
Social Security Survivor Benefit Eligibility?
Does your state recognize common law marriage? He is probably not eligible if not. Call your local SS Administration.
Soot Removal?
I used a product called Totally Awesome. It is carried in The Dollar Tree and Dollar General. It is yellow in color. This stuff is amazing. I havent found anything that this product doesnt clean. Make sure it is Totally Awesome and not any other. It comes in...
Tips for Keeping Cats Away
Cats hate, hate, hate the smell of citrus. I throw orange peels in my flower beds. I also place holly bush clippings around. Its the prickly leaves they shy away from.
Receiving Social Security Survivor Benefits?
My father was killed when I was 14 years. old I am the oldest of six. When I turned 18 (I am now 58 yrs. old) my benefit stopped. As each of my siblings turned 18 they also stopped. Let me tell you something.The death benefit belongs to you and not your mother...
Student Loan Forgiveness for Disability
My daughter never encountered problems you are referring to. I think that she had two lenders Her doctor was very understanding and they didnt have any trouble. I am sorry if it was you who had to deal with the red tape over and over again. She had thousands...
Lemon Scent to Deter Cats
Cats hate the smell of citrus. I place orange, lemon and lime rinds in my flower beds to keep the kittys out.
Scented Candle Recommendations?
Oh you just have to try Texas Triple Scented Candles.com. They have 1000 scents. Their candles are just so wonderful. They have so many choices on the jars also. Tea lights, votives, warmers and oils. Hope this helps.
Is This Restless Leg Syndrome?
Yes you are suffering from Restless Leg Syndrome. I have had this for several years now.It is the constant feeling of having to move your legs for relief. Relief doesnt come. I take medication for it. RLS is an awful ailment to suffer from. My doctor prescribes...
Getting Rid of Ants and Mice?
Mice hate, hate, hate the smell of peppermint. Soak a cotton ball with oil of peppermint (which will be easy to find this time of year) and put them where u think they might be coming in or randomly in cabinets. They will scamper away and never will return...
Wire-Edged Ribbon Bow
If you twist the bow instead of the wire your bow will be tighter and it is easier on your fingers. Hope this helps.
Removing Urine Smell from Bathroom Floor?
The best thing to use is white vinegar straight from the bottle. The smell will be gone instantly. The vinegar smell will go away shortly. I also use straight vinegar to clean windows. Works great. Vinegar is also a disinfectant. Hope this helps.
Back-Child Support?
My daughter is on Social Security Disability. Her 14 year old son desides he wants to go live with his father. The family court judge granted his wishes. My daughter now has to pay $175.00 a month child support. She even has a daughter to care for but that...
Killing Algae in Backyard Fishpond?
The best and safest to use is Sterile Carp Fish. I ordered mine from a feed store. In no time the algae will be gone. I have used so many products that didnt work at all. My pond is fairly big so I put in 3 of these fish. Oh one more thing, they are really...
Removing Sticker Residue on Inside of Shoe?
The absolute best product to use is called Un-Du. Goo gone does not work as well. Un-du will remove chewing gum like magic. It will unstick pictures that are stuck together and not harm them at all. It removes postage stamps if you make a mistake addressing...
Removing Ink Stain from Carpet?
Oh no! you should have used hair spray on the ink spot. If that doesnt work get a product from The Dollar Tree called Totally Awesome. This stuff is unreal for getting out everything. It is a spray that is yellow in color. Hope this helps.
Ask For Lifetime Child Support For Children with Disabilities
The disabled child can also draw a check from Social Security. You as the caregiver can also draw Social Security for taking care of him/her.Social Security wont be forthcoming with this info. You have to tell them you want to apply.
Removing a Seed Wart?
After the seed wart is open, put iodine on it so it seeps down into the wart. You will be able to see the iodine going dow into it. Appy the iodine several times if need be. The wart will eventually disappear. This worked for me. Hope this helps.
Remedy for Night Leg Cramps?
I suffered from severe leg cramps so bad that my legs would bruise. I found this solution to be skeptical until I tried it. Put a bar of Ivory soap down in your socks. I broke a bar in half for each leg. I could at first feel like one was coming on then it...
Child Support from Disabled Parent?
I think I would hire the attorney and go back to family court. My daughter had custody of her son. When he turned 14 he wanted to go live with his father. She lost custody. She is also disabled. She has to pay child support and her disability was not even considered...
Riding Mower Won't Start?
Try spraying WD-40 in the carburator/air cleaner. Hope this helps. It worked for me.
Keeping Cats Away from the Pool?
Cats hate the smell of citrus. Try putting any citrus peelings around the pool. I use this method to keep the cats out of my flower beds. Worked like a charm.
Poulan Pro Mower Won't Start?
Try spraying WD-40 in the carburetor. It worked for me. Hope this helps.
Kohler Engine Mower Won't Start?
Try spraying WD-40 in the carburetor. It worked for me. Hope this helps.
Thrown Up Cat Food Left Red Stain on Carpet?
I have found that plain old club soda is a great stain remover. Something else you can try ( love this stuff) is a product called Totally Awesome. I get it at The Dollar Tree. You can also get it at Dollar General. A person I know who has a cleaning business...
Removing Ink from a Photo?
The same thing happened on a few of my photos. I used a product called Un-DU. You get it at craft stores. It can usually be found in the scrapbooking section. It can also be used to unstick pictures. This product is wonderful and will not harm the pictures...
Burnt Popcorn Smell in Microwave?
Cut up a lemon and put it in a bowl with some water. Should be half full. Cook until water boils. Let sit until cool. The lemon is a natural deodorizer. The steam helps the lemon smell circulate in the microwave. I used this method when I cooked salmon in my...
Removing Dog Urine from Leather Furniture?
Try using plain old club soda. I have used it on alot of things and it has never discolored any of them. Just use it straight from the bottle. Hope this helps.
Peony Leaves Turned Brown After Spraying with Pesticide?
I dont believe he killed it. They are a pretty strong plant. Take a branch and bend it to see if it is green inside and bendable. If it snaps and looks woody it is gone. Good Luck.
Using Deemark Diaba Amrit for Diabetes?
My doctor told me that once you develope diabetes you will always have it. Blood sugars will be normal if your diet is correct but you still are a diabetic.
Rotten Meat Smell in Refrigerator?
Try using plain old charcoal. The kind you use to grill with. Do not get the kind that has a starting fluid in it. Place several bricks in a bowl or any container. Charcoal is an odor remover. Also along with the charcoal it wouldnt hurt to use some crumpled...
Choosing a Compost Bin Size?
I started my compost bin using a plain old round storage container.The kind you see with the rope handles. Got mine at Walmart. I also started it using a cheap potting soil. Dont need to use the expensive brand. Also go to Lowes and their is a product that...
Urine Odours Outside on Small Garden Stones and Gravel?
There is a product I found at Sams Club called Oda-Ban. Works great. Also sounds like you have cats urinating all over the place. If you put any kind of citrus peelings all around they will not go their. They hate the smell of citrus. A friend of mine uses...
Pinesol To Keep Pests Away
I believe anyone with just a little common sense would keep pine-sol away from pets.
Collecting Social Security for Child of Deceased Parent?
You should have contacted SS the day he died. As soon as the child was born he would draw a SS check until the age of 18.
Shiny Spot on Polyester Pants from Iron?
I read this somewhere that if you spray the area pretty heavily with white vinegar and then lay over that a damp cloth. Next barely set your iron down on the cloth until there is a little steam coming from the cloth. Iron should be set according to the fabric...
Child Receiving Social Security Benefits After Father's Death?
The deceasedents mother might have to provide her DNA. Parenthood can be established under the law. If mother isnt possible then his father.
Soap For Leg Cramp Relief
This really does work! I used to get leg and foot cramps so bad that I would suffer bruising from them. I havent had one cramp since I started sleeping with a bar of soap close to my legs.
Cat Chews Electrical Cords?
If you rub the cord with an orange peel it will stay away from it. Cats hate anything citrus. There was a cat in my neighborhood that would walk on my black car. I placed a couple orange peelings on the front and back bumper. Problem solved. Also put them in...
Morning Glory Growing on Sunflower
I have them of several colors. Also growing up a huge sunflower. The prettiest morning glory is the Japanese Morning glory. It has a double pink bloom. Just gorgeous.
Refreshing an Old Cedar Closet?
Sanding will do the trick. An easy way is to sand with a sanding sponge. You will have better control. Hope this helps.
Removing Vomit Smell from Truck?
There is a product called Oda Ban or Odor Ban that is sold at Sams Club. Works wonders.
Treating Staph Infections and Cellulitis?
I had cellulitus and had to be hospitalized for it. I was put on very strong intravenous antibiotics for 3 days. It took care of it.
Cubed Steak Recipe?
Line a pan with foil. Brown the cubed steaks in a skillet. Place the steaks on the foil and add 1 bag of stew veggies over the steak. Add 1 envelope of onion soup mix to 1 can of cream of mushroom soup. Pour the mixture over the veggies. Seal up the foil and...
Removing Sharpie from a Backpack?
I used hand sanitizer on the marker stains. Pour the sanitizer on the stain and blot until all is removed. This worked for me. Hope this helps.
Fix for Chewy Fudge?
Oh do I have the best peanut butter fudge recipe for you. It is so unbelievably creamy and is foolproof. Comes out great every time. Never gritty or chewy. 3 cups of sugar, 12oz. of Jiffy peanut butter ( I like Jiffy the best), 1/4 cup of clear Karo syrup, 1...
Reusing Old Candles?
Purchase the tea light molds and the wicks especially made for making tea light candles (in the candle making dept.) I melt the wax that has been removed and pour into the tea light molds. Save back some of the wax to add to the tea lights after they have cooled...
Potty Training a Three Year Old?
I always started the potty training when the weather warms up and they can wear only training pants. Dont be concerned about her age. I started my daughter in the summer before she turned 4. I have trained several little ones and i have found that the closer...
Removing Yellow Spots from White T-shirts?
Use plain club soda on the spots before washing. Let it set on the stains for a little while. Stain should come right out in the wash.
Can I Keep SSI and SSA Benefits When Enrolling in College?
Greg. My daughter has been on SSA benefits since she graduated from high school. She went straight into college. She received her Bachelors degree and is almost has her Masters degree. She is now 30 yrs. old. This has never been an issue. As a matter of fact...
Can I Keep SSI and SSA Benefits When Enrolling in College?
Greg, Even though it has been a few of years since you posted your question. I thought you should also know that if you are collecting SSDisability benifits and have any student loans you can have these loans totally forgiven and not affecting your credit score...
Use Cheerios as Dog Treat
I also use Cheerios as a dog treat for my chihuahua. I mix them with a product called Nutri-Cal I get from the vet. This product is loaded with vitamins. It also helps with keeping glucose levels where they should be with very small dogs. I mix 1 tsp. to 1...
Other Uses for Awesome Cleaner from Dollar General?
I just love this cleaner. I beats anything I have found on the market. I have used it on my couch . Spray on 50/50 with water and use an upholsery shampooer. Worked great. I even use it to clean my carpet. I spray it on full strength then use my own carpet...
Removing Salt Stains on Wooden Platform Shoes?
White vinegar will take care of the propblem. Use 50/50 with water. After the stain is removed use a wood polishing wax over the wood. It will repell the salt and water.
Child Won't Poop in the Toilet?
I had the same problem with my son. I put him in Pull-Ups, but when he had to poop he let me know and I put a diaper on him. I then waited until summer time when he could wear less clothing and he was a little embarrassed for people to see he wore a diaper...
Removing Dried Paint from Leather Sofa?
I used hand sanitizer on my sofa to remove the paint spatter. I dabbed it on the paint and let it soak in a little. I then used the side if a spoon to scrape it off. After all the paint was gone I rubbed the areas with a little petroleum jelly. It worked great...
Removing Stitch Witchery Residue?
Try hand sanitizer to remove the stitch wichery. This is what I used to remove it from my iron. Worked great.
Easy Light Bulb Removal
Wow what a great idea. I have this one light fixture that the lightbulb breaks in the socket everytime I go to change one that has burned out. Thanks so much.
Keeping Cats Away From Houseplants?
Cats hate the smell of citrus. Put a few orange,lemon or lime peels around the base of the plant. No more worries. Hope this helps.
Fudge Came Out Gritty?
In my fudge post I forgot to include the clear karo in the ingredients to boil. Sorry about that. ~Janette~
Removing Permanent Marker from Wood Furniture?
I used hand sanitizer to get the Sharpie art work off of my coffee table. My grand drew me a pic. It worked like a charm. Good luck.
Pedro (Chihuahua)
I think your chihuahua is gorgeous. I have one also. Her name is Ivyann. She is two. I just wanted to share something with you. You should never ever put a collar around a chihuahuas neck. Always use a harness. Their esophagus is extremely fragile. The slightest...
Painting Plastic Christmas Ornaments?
There is paint on the market just for plastic. You dont need a sealer either. You can also use an acrylic paint called patio paint. It can be used on plastic also. A little tip is to sand the plastic a little to give the paint something to hold on to. Hope...