Three Layer Jello Recipe?
Just go to Google and type in what you are looking for. 123 Jello pops up on the Jello website. I use to make this all the time.
Making Small Amounts of Homemade Bisquick
Thank you for sharing. Just what I need just the smaller amount size.
Alternative to Wet Wipes
I just use old washcloths for spraying and wiping down surfaces in the bathroom with disinfecting spray. Like Simple Green. Toss the wash clothes in the wash and no add to the landfill with wipes.
Getting Rid of Fruit Flies?
I have personally found that using small dishes filled with Apple Cider Vinegar with a small amount of Dawn dish detergent placed around the sink attracts the fruit flys and they drown in the solution.
Bishop's Bread
I have made this delicious bread especially around the holidays but I use chocolate chips in place of the Hershey bar.
Homemade Bisquick Mix
Does anyone think that one could use Almond flour in place of the flour to make it gulten free? Please advise
Travel: Loretto Chapel (Santa Fe, NM)
My husband and I visited Loretto Chapel a couple of years ago. We live in Texas and it was a wonderful drive to New Mexico but especially just to visit the Loretto Chapel. It is a wonderous and miraculous place to visit. Well worth the journey.
Do I Need to Use HE Detergent in a Front Load Washer?
BSVGS Thats exactly what I think, less detergent. I think it is all a marketing gimmick with the detergents. I am very frugal and always cut back when I wash. Thanks for responding and if you find out anything different let me know. Thank you.
Overcoming Boredom After Retirement?
Start the day by prayer and walking. Volunteer and always be thankful you can still do what you can do.
Getting Rid of Mosquitoes, Flies and Bugs?
I recently read in the newspaper that having a dryer sheet sticking out of your pocket will work. The scent keeps them away. Another tip I read is to mix 9 parts water to one part Listerine (preferably the yellow one-mouthwash) in a spray bottle and spray is...
Instant Pickled Beets?
Easy pickled beets 1 (14.5 oz) can small beets (Not the pickled kind) 1 cup sugar 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar 1/4 t. ground cinnamon 1/4 t. ground cloves 1/4 onion coarsely chopped Drain & discard the juice from the beets and place beets in a bowl. In a pan...
Freezing Potato Chips?
Yes, they keep very well. I use to do this years ago and always had chips for the kiddoes lunches.
Scenery: Snow In Hull, UK
Thank you for sharing the pictures all the way from the UK. Our son and daughter-in-law live in London and tells us it has been extremely cold there and they did have some unusual snow flurries as well. Here in Texas we also have had very cold temperatures...
Pineapple Casserole
Just tried this recipe...It is very good. Would also good for a breakfast brunch.
Good Seasons Italian Salad Dressing Recipe
Thank you so much for this recipe. What a money saver too.
Souper Salads Restaurant's Gingerbread?
Souper Salad Fettuccine Salad Fettuccine 1/2 C Mayo 1/2 C Frozen Corn 1/4 C Grated Parmesan Cheese 1/2 t. Garlic Powder 1 t. Fresh Cracked Pepper Salt to taste. Cook pasta according to directions. Drain. Mix pasta and corn in a bowl. Mix together the mayo, cheese...
Keeping Bananas from Turning Black?
Yes. I agree. I love the Debbie Meyer green bags. I put all my produce these days in the bags and put them in the refrigerator. I leave the bananas out on the counter in the bags. What a money saver as well my produce lasts longer, less trips to the store and...
Recipe for Walmart's Red Sauce?
Thanks Tracey...I know about enchilada sauce as that is what this Red Sauce was next to. Maybe is was the same thing in the can just a different label. My husband said it probably was just about the same thing maybe a little less chili powder or some other...
Recipe for Walmart's Red Sauce?
Thank you Becki I will try this. I appreciate your time. Happy Day. Barb
Recipe for Walmart's Red Sauce?
Here is my SUMMERTIME CROCK-POT CHILI 2 lbs lean ground beef 1-1/2 cups chopped onion 1/4 cup chili powder 1 T. paprika 1 T. ground cumin 1 t. garlic powder 1 T. dried leaf oregano 1/4 to 1/2 t. cayenne pepper (to your taste-this is HOT) 1 t. salt Fresh ground...
Red Lobster Style Coleslaw?
Thank you, Kathi. I appreciate your time to post another great sounding recipe. Looking forward to trying this one as well. Barbara
Albertson's Raw Vegetable Basil Salad?
A Special thank you...I am so delighted to get this recipe. You have made my day! Happy Thanksgiving, Barbara
Poll: Do you hang dry your clothing?
Yes. I hang my permanent press on hangers and then on a drying rack that is available from QVC. I also use vinegar in every wash and it softens the clothes. I try to be as thrifty as can be and would rather be cool than spend money on the clothes dryer. I only...
Homemade Seed Tapes
Thank you for sharing. I will be making up some seed tapes today. It will be a great project for the granddaughter to be a part of. What fun. :)
Tutti-Fruiti Pie
Cannot wait to try this sounds cool and refreshing for the hot summer days. Thanks for sharing this recipe.
Christmas Ideas for Men?
I am thinking ahead to male family members and their birthdays and I would love the Recipe for the Cowboy bubble Bath if anyone can share it. I think it will be a cute thoughtful present. I recently became unemployed and interested in all thrifty ideas. Thank...
Using it Up - Lotions, Shampoo, Perfume?
I used to work at a 24 hour emergency shelter and yes donations are accepted but not opened half way used bottles. Safety first is the thought for the residents.