Seal Food Using A Recycled Plastic Bottle
Im so glad to see that I am not the only one who is confused. Those that get it. Can you send a picture for us confused ones?
Store Batteries in the Refrigerator
Easiest way of storing batteries is by using a plastic index card holder, then keep it with your office supplies.
Faster Nail and Hair Growth?
I have always had healthy but fine hair, and then began noticing my hair was thinning out to much, my skin began to give me problems & as much as I took care of my nails, they began to break constantly. It turned out I had hypothyroidism and even with treatment...
Fleas on Dog and Cats After Treating?
Im concerned about the condition of the animals as well as yourselves. Fleas are not just a nuisance but a health risk as well. There really are no shortcuts when dealing with fleas. So to better understand what your dealing with this website should help you...
Cleaning an Oven?
Im a sufferer of bones disease & because of that Ive had to learn how to do things without putting to much stress on my body. It was after my spinal fusion that I came up with an idea how to scrub & scour without injuring myself. I use a scrub brush with the...
Getting Rid of Wood Bees?
I had the same problem for years then 2 years ago I decided to try plugging their entrances with silicon caulking, the type you would use in your shower. It worked! Again make sure it is water/weather resistant. A note of precaution, these bees are very protective...
Paint Color Advice for Kitchen With White Units, Black Worktops, and Red Accessories?
It sounds very retro and so I would either go 2 tone with a black & white or one tone with smokey or slate gray. If you want to go dimensional, 12x12 metal tiles would really look great. Just keep in mind how much wall space do you have to work with. Good luck...
Which Wine to Use for Cooking?
Wines are based on ones taste pallet. White is fruity while red is dry. I use red when cooking beef & white when I cook pastas, white meat & seafood. Realize that the alcohol will evaporate and so the flavor left behind will enhances the flavor of the dish...
Which Wine to Use for Cooking?
Check this site out, it may help with your questions.
Paint Colors for Room with Red Sofa?
Hello Im a believer that color is a representation of you, your style & your personality. Also take into consideration the size of the room, the natural lighting in that area, as well as how tall your ceilings are. Then consider what is your focal point is...
Tiny Flying Insects in the House?
Vaseline works well and is odorless. I buy any cheap Vaseline and squeegee it onto my screens. I do both sides. It doesnt deter them because all bugs are attracted to light, it just stops them in there tracks. As for the ones that do get in. Windex works great...
Looking for a Good Dispenser for Baby Oil?
I recycle roll on deodorant bottles for just about everything. Ive used them from rolling on lotions to rolling out craft glue & craft painting. I also use recycled bingo daubers. Great for daubing your favorite fragrance on without spraying the wrong way or...
Cleaning Plastic Outdoor Chairs?
I agree with Keeper. Krylon (for plastic) spray paints are great. They come in a variety of colors and are an inexpensive way to give plastic chairs new life. I do suggest that you wash them first in a bleach bath to kill of any mold or mildew. I use a exfoliating...
Garden: Daddy Longlegs
Hi Carrie, I am curious to know what camera you used. I have a D5000 and am amazed at the results I get. Thanks & I hope You Have A Good One~~~ Cindy
Where Can I Get Free Puppy Vaccinations?
I go to my town animal shelter for free rabies shots & many of them do vaccinations for a very reasonable fee. You should give yours a call. Even the SPCA offers services at a minimal fee. I strongly recommend you keep him indoors and away from other animals...
Is There an Herb That Will Repel Fleas on Dogs and Cats?
I had a problem a few years ago with fleas. Just fill a bathtub with soapy shampoo then dunk them in. Give them a good scrubbing and rinsing. Most fleas will hop off and drown in the soapy water. Then give them a thorough combing using a Lice comb because the...
Wildlife: Goose Prints (Long Island, NY)
Oh thank you~~! I dont get around as easily as I would like to & so when I do venture out my camera is always by my side, some people carry guns in their holster. I carry a camera, my motto is, it is always better to flash em than shoot em. =0]
Champ (Dachshund - Terrier Mix)
Thank You for your kind posts. It was very difficult, but Jada is in my heart and Champ is a (spastic) bundle of joy =0]. As all my animals are rescues..this little guy rescued me. Enjoy & thanks again.
Scenery: Sunset (Tobay Beach, Long Island, NY)
Thank You All for your comments. Tobay Beach is actually behind the HILFIGER stadium in Jones Beach. It took me a long time to figure out the location myself. But as I said I stumbled upon this area behind the beach that was amazing. Thanks Again Cindi~~~
Finding a Free Used Refrigerator?
Oh yes Freecycle is great but also check out the free section in your local Craigs List. Good luck!
What breed is My Dog?
She definitely looks like a pit bull. There are so many varies of Pit & Staff but the tell tale sign is always the white under belly. Google Brindle pit or staff and youll be amazed at the variations of the breed.
Cats Peeing in House?
I had that with my cat, suddenly she began using my chair for her box, took her to the vet and one thing he mentioned was she may have a cyst, but I noticed her rectum was sore and clumped with dirt it turned out it was from changing her liter to another type...
Can I Use a Steam Cleaner on Cloth Vertical Blinds?
Steaming may only bring out the odor but wont rid it from the fabric, try using Ozium. It goes for a few bucks but works like a charm on any odor. Just a spritz here & there & no more odor. Last a very long time as well. Good Luck.
Chihuahua Puppy Poops In Crate?
1st how much are you feeding her and how late in the day. Also you may have to experiment with different foods more digestible so she does not sleep on a bloated belly. As with any puppy.....its hit or miss when it comes to their digestion. Over all for peace...
How Do I Keep Litter From Sticking to Sides of Cat Box?
I would not suggest applying any type of chemical to a cats liter box especially if it is the dome type. It can create an invisible vapor that can be quite toxic to your pet. What my suggestion is because it has been so helpful with my cat box issues is using...
Sewing Pattern Weights
After reading some of the responses, glass ware, forks, spoons, etc. It sounds more of setting a table than I personally dont understand the purpose of using weights, but what about a plain ole ordinary Rock? And if youre into pretty things...paint...
Painting Room With Red and Black Furniture?
Leather of any kind is very masculine. Then with the red chair that is dominant I would go with a denim blue or any blue muted color. Good Luck
Sasha (Boxer/Hound) and Loki (Treeing Walker...
What sweet pictures, does your daughter try to dress them in her clothes, cause I vision Sasha in a baby bonnet and loki in a poofy dress. =0] thank you for sharing. Good luck.