Using Vinegar for Shiny Hair?
When I use it I Shampoo and condition then rinse then condition with just a little bit to take out the smell of vinegar. I have never used lemon juice with it though! Hope this Helps!
Shower Doors are White Instead of Clear?
Hi, I have an Idea, I am from OH but, Dollar General here has what is called: Las Totally Awesome. I am almost sure that if you spray that on and let it set for a few minutes, then scrub with a scrub brush and rinse it would come of... IT works on lots of other...
Remedies For Oily Skin and Pimples?
I know this sounds sick! But it works! Every day, drink a glass of water with one tablespoon raw apple cider vinegar and 1 tablespoon molasses. Do this for at leas a month. After a week you should tell a difference!
Growing Pumpkins?
Yes, let them dry and you can plant them next year! Let them dry completely before storing them in an airtight container!