Identifying Bumps on My Dog?
I cannot identify what the bumps are, but if I were you I would take you dog to a veterinarian and have them looked at before they get any worse.
Mum Flower Heads Fell Over After Blooming?
This is a good time of the year to dead head any blooms and cut back even the leaves, you will get new growth showing thru and the plant will heal itself.
Freezing Eggs?
Yes you can freeze fresh eggs still in the shell up to a year, before using run under cold water for a few minutes to make into liquid again.
Is My Dog a Full Blooded Pit Bull?
Take your dog to a veterinarian, they see thousands of dogs and would know breeds, I am sure they would be able to tell you if your dog is pure breed or a mix.
Value of a Lawnmaster I 400 Self Propelled...
Old lawn mowers are really not worth much of any thing, there are so many of them out there. The worth is to you if you still use it , as for getting parts I would suggest you do a search on eBay and putting in exactly what you have described, it is amazing...