Save Seeds From Store Bought Tomatoes
Unless the tomato was an Heirloom tomato you will not get the same tomato as the one you purchased at the store.
Bury Plastic Bottles for Garden Irrigation?
With the bottle sitting right side up drill a 1/16 inch hole in the side of the bottle below the little collar just below the cap. Cut the bottom off of the soda bottle most have a ring about 1 1/2 inches up from the bottom cut there. With the cap on bury the...
Loose Hinges and Screws
Go to hardware store buy a dowel rod to fit the hole. Push rod in the hole then break off clean at the hole entrance put screw back in for a tight fit. This way there is no danger of cutting yourself.
Potatoes in Tires
I had no luck with potatoes in tires. I had great sucess planting potatoes in rows as usual then when they start to come up cover them with about 6 to 8 inches of straw. When you need potatoes just lift the straw get what you need. You dont have to keep hilling...
Recommendations For Seed Companies? These are great places to get seed from.
The Joy of Hydroponics
Do you have instructions for making the hydroponics garden in the last picture of your article? I would love to have them and to try growing something that way. Thanks, George
Saving Money on Flea Prevention?
Put a couple of drops of Dawn dish detergent in the bath water but be sure to rinse well. It should kill the fleas.