Peachy SalsaA refreshing side dish for fish, chicken and other meats. Try some on burritos, tacos or with chips.
Use Zucchini as Apple or Pineapple SlicesThis is one of the neatest things for using extra zucchini. You can use those large ones no one wants or regular sized ones in place of apple or pineapple slices in pie or cake recipes.
Freeze Basil in Cigar ShapeTo freeze fresh basil, create a cigar shape by overlapping leaves in an 8 inch line on plastic wrap. Continue laying leaves over the original line moving the next line slightly higher so that your line is getting wider. When 4 inches wide or so, use the plastic wrap to help gather the contents from bottom to top.
Blooming Cactus with New BabiesI've had this cactus for 15 years and this is the third time it has blossomed. It doesn't last long and will soon fade, but it is always a happy surprise when it happens. It is surrounded by babies.
Chicken and Eggplant BakeA delicious way to enjoy breaded eggplant. This recipe uses chicken drumsticks, but you can use other parts of chicken such as thighs or breasts.
Lovely Yellow LilyThis lily surprised me by blooming near my herb garden. It was so bright and delicate, lasting only one day before it was gone.
Spooky Spider HatThis hat has web designed tulle around the rim and in a large bow and long tail trailing down in back. There is also a spider ribbon intertwined in it.
Beebalm and ButterflyThe garden is such a busy place, but often goes unnoticed. Taking a break from planting, I've watched praying mantis, bees, and butterflies land and wander through just doing what they do. You are never alone in a garden.
Growing San Marzano Tomatoes from CuttingsWhen growing tomatoes people suggest you remove the suckers that grow at the elbow of the plant. I did this early this summer, but instead of tossing the suckers, I put them in a small glass of water. Slowly they developed threadlike roots.