Other Uses for a Rice Cooker?
You can cook frozen vegetables that come out nice and steamed like chineese restaurants just add vegetablesand a 1/2 cup (4 oz) hot water, stir and add oyster sauce to taste after about 10 min. let cook till done. I also cooked my fried rice right in the cooker...
Other Uses for a Rice Cooker?
You can cook frozen veetables that come out nice and steamed like chineese restaurants just add a 1/2 cup (4 oz) hot water, stir and add oyster sauce to taste after about 10 min. let cook till done. I also cooked my fried rice right in the cooker too. Wait...
Organizing Fishing Supplies?
You can use empty prescription pill bottles for all kinds of fishing fishing gear you dont want all hooked together. works good for little emergency container for bandaids and stuff too.