Roses Losing Petals Quickly?
The more heavily perfumed the rose, the quicker the petals seem to fall off. They are more like the original rose, the unperfumed modern roses seem to keep their petals longer, but are not as nice. As far as I know there is nothing you can do about it except...
American Gas Prices 1996-2008
Just be thankful you dont live in the UK, petrol prices here are now over £5 a gallon. Im so glad I dont drive.
African Violets Infested with Insects?
Sound to me like mealy bug and they are horrible to get rid of. They have a waxy protective covering to them which means that anything you spray does not get through to them. You could try dabbing them with a cotton bud dipped into some kind of alcohol(vodka...
Growing Geranium From Seeds?
I presume by geranium you mean pelagonium? I would start them off indoors first, they are not difficult, but are not frost hardy. I have no idea about hardiness zones though
My Frugal Life: The Best Type Of Car
In my experience the best type of car is none at all! They are so expensive to own and run that I dont bother. I realise that this is not an option for everyone, but many people feel they have to have a car, when they could mange perfectly well without one...
Product Review: S Curl - Curl Activator
S Curl is a kind of spray , I first spray it into my hands and then scrunch it into my hair. Its really too moisturizing to just spray in. Its called curl activator I wouldnt say it makes your hair a lot more curly, but it definitely defines the curls and makes...
Product Review: Diva Cup
I am considering the UK equivalent called Moon Cup, however Im 44 and not sure it would be economically viable!
Product Review: Diva Cup
I bought a Mooncup & I love it! It cost £20, but I reckon I spend £1.50 a month on tampons so it should pay for itself in less than a year. I have found it very easy to use and in a strange way quite liberating.
Dye Light Towels To Match Decor
What do they put your fabric dye in the US? Here in the UK Ive never had a problem with any dyed fabric running. I dye stuff all the time.
Drum in Frigidaire Washing Machine Dropped 2 inches?
Could be the belt has gone, not that Im an expert or anything. Unplug, remove the back & see if anything looks obviously wrong. It might help to turn the drum by hand. The machine might be a goner but it cant hurt to look & it might save you a fortune. I thought...
Keeping Color From Bleeding When Washing Clothing?
Salt! Soak the offending clothes in very salty water, then remove them and spin. You may need to repeat several times but it does work. It is also possible to remove the colour run off from clothes by doing this. Also washing alike colours together prevents...