Benefits of Japanese Matcha Tea
I have tried shopping for matcha, but being unsure about what exactly I was looking for in regard to purity and pricing, I have refrained. Do you recommend any certain brands? Thank YOU for sharing your experience! A
Adding Chicory to Ground Coffee?
Chock Full O Nuts ? That sounds interesting! So, chicory is NOT so mellow. Hmmmm. Still curious, however! =) Wish I could find some chicory in a small amount so I could test it out, but I have not had any luck thus far.
Sugar Free Jello Freezer Jam?
QUESTION: these look great! However, with the recipe requesting 1 box of SF jello. Is that the small or large box? Thank you!
Using Cinnamon Sticks Multiple Times?
yes, thank you, I figured bacteria would grow...that is why I was wondering if anyone would have a recommended amount of times the stick should be used. As of right now, I use it three times, then toss it.
Dove Bar Soap Flaky Scalp Remedy?
Heidi - Thank you for your feedback...and I have already bookmarked your site for further exploring! [fun] One question about using vinegar: I have LONG, THICK hair. I have tried vinegar in the past and I could rinse my hair for a week nonstop...and my hair...
Dove Bar Soap Flaky Scalp Remedy?
Thank you, Carol, for your feedback. The soap idea sounded pretty sketchy to me. The thought of rubbing a bar of soap on my head....I cringe. I think, like you, I will just stick with my Pantene and Head and Shoulder formulas for dandruff. I hear you in regard...
Recipe Ideas for Canned Ravioli?
Oh! You guys! This is ALL excellent stuff! Thank you....and keep em coming!!!! Could probably create some sort of a pasta salad too, huh! Thanky thanky! Amy