It's Easy to Grow a Pineapple Plant
Before I put mine in the soil, I put it in a glass of water so the roots can start. You only want a small amount of water, so it doesnt cover any of the leaves. Ive actually had mine in a glass with water for a year and just planted it in potting soil last...
Cleaning Teeth With Baking Soda?
You can make a paste of baking soda and water and dip your toothbrush into it and brush your teeth. Baking soda is not abrasive enough to remove enamel from your teeth. It is fine to use at every brushing.
Non Food Treat Ideas for Halloween?
You can go to the dollar store and get packs of crayons, colored pencils, erasers, childrens books or something else the kids can use. You can also send popcorn, sandwiches cut with a Halloween cookie cutter, dried bananas or other fruit.
Keep Medications and Water With You
For your information, carrying medications around with you that are not in its original container with the prescription on it is illegal. You can be charged with possession of a controlled substance or other drug related crime. Just be careful.