Do Horse Shampoos Make Your Hair Look Thicker?
Hi Joan from another Joan in the desert of southern California. I fully sympathize your mother as Im just now getting my hair back. By Mar 15 I resembled a cue ball, fight as I would, chemo takes all your hair away. There was no eyebrows, nothing! The first...
Lime Deposits on a Stainless Steel Sink?
If all else fails, go to the auto parts store and get a small can of Maquires chrome polish. rub in and keep rubbing. We have rotten water and big lime and calcium problems, vinegar works if I catch it at once but not if it gets ahead of me. this stuff really...
Chester (Mixed Breed)
When our Shadow was at the chewing age we gave her ice cubes from the ice maker to chew on. I say the ice maker because they are not as large as ice cube tray cubes. She would chew the cubes and left everything else alone except 1 leather shoe string from DHs...
Sew Two Twin Blankets To Make A Big King Sized One
What a great idea. We have the California king and I keep ending up with sheets, etc. that are too wide and not long enough. Maybe with a bit of thinking I can figure a way to make the fitted bottom fit! But this will sure take care of the blankets that do...
Making Better Pancakes
For those that do drink alcohol, beer gives the pancakes a light airy consistancy and a little yeasty flavor. Does not taste like beer just very yummy!!
Is It OK To Use Moldy Cheese?
After you trim the mold off of hard cheese, (Cheddar, Jack, etc.,) wipe all the surfaces of the cheese with a paper towel or cheese cloth saturated with vinegar. Use what you need & then wrap your left over cheese in the vinegar saturated towel or cloth, place...
No Bake Treats for a Bake Sale?
You might try talking the ladies of your church into having a bakeless Bake sale. Living in the southern Calif desert where our temperatures hit triple digits from May to October we take the amount of money it would cost us to prepare an item plus what we would...
Finding Clothing That Fits?
Blair sells Petites in the W sizes and they fit pretty well. also try the 2 piece tankini type swimsuits, they cover a multitude of sins (as it were) and are quite stylish. Im no help with the shoes as that part of me chose not to expand with the rest! Good...
Prepaid Wireless Reviews?
Because we use ours so seldom most cell phone plans, even the so called prepaid plans did not work for us. We originally had Just Talk but they raised their basic cost for minute cards so we went to Free 2 Go which was ATT but is now Cingular. We can buy minutes...
Is Cypress Mulch Safe for Dogs?
You can see if the answer is available here: or call a local vet. Theyd rather help you by answering your questions than have to help your pets through a poisoning that is avoidable!!
Poll: Does your home have an air conditioner?
We couldnt survive without it. Today was 105 on our front porch at 4 PM.
Poll: Have you ever bought a new washer and dryer?
We waited until washers and dryers went on sale and checked both Home Depot & Lowes for their best prices. When they went on sale HD had a no interest for 1 year deal so I divided the total amount by 11 (to be sure I was under the year) and charged them. The...