My Frugal Life: Shop Smart
I live in the state of Georgia and our prices down here are NOTHING like yours for sure! In my opinion for it to be a Goodwill, their prices are way too high! I mean come on, the merchandise is DONATED to begin with, give us all a break!
Wedding Reception Venue Advice?
Years ago, that used to be the norm. I dont know how things ever really got away from that or maybe thats just the way things were done down here in the south, but we always had the reception in the social hall at the church after the wedding. Its cheaper, way...
Christmas Light Lanterns for Outdoor Wedding?
What runs through my mind would be to start saving your empty jars. Soak in hot, soapy water to remove labels and glue then encircle some wire right under the rim at the top and then form a handle and run the ends of the handle underneath the wire around the...
"Unforgettable Memories" Parade Float Ideas?
My first thought was dressing them like old tv show characters such as Darla, Alfalfa and Spanky from The Little Rascals, Howdy Doody, Gilligan and Skipper from Gilligans Island, Scooby Doo and Shaggy, etc. You could make face masks of the real actors who portrayed...
Freezing Fried Squash?
This is how I freeze my squash now since freezing it fresh cut doesnt work. I wash and cut my squash and onions, place in pan with some bacon grease, season to taste and cook down just like normal. When cooked to desired consistency, I take my potato masher...
Reception Ideas for an "At Home" Wedding?
Since you mentioned you had a small budget, my first piece of advice is to NETWORK! Dont be afraid to ask people for help, most are more than happy to assist on such a happy occasion! My hubby and I had an outdoor wedding and reception 2 years ago, in his sisters...
Life Lessons Graduation Gift Idea
What a beautiful and thoughtful gift and Im sure Kara will treasure it the rest of her life!
Icing for Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes?
I agree, a good old buttercream icing would do the trick! Mama used that icing on everything and it is soooo simple to make and you can tint it any color you choose with simple food coloring! 1 box of confectionary sugar 1 stick margarine, room temp 1 teaspoon...
Balloon Centerpieces?
Along that same line using the balloon sticks, you could put sand in the bottom of Mason jars and place the sticks down into that and then pull tissue paper up around the outside of the jar, gathering at the neck with curling ribbon or wired ribbon.
Use Old Bowling Ball for a Garden Globe
I had the same thought but instead of painting the ball I was going to glue those stones to it like you use in the bottom of a beta fish vase. I thought that would be pretty and reflect the sun.
Organizing Your Grocery Shopping to Save Money?
It can be a daunting task, especially when you see these women on tv and theyve just went and bought $150 worth of groceries and only paid pennies for them! Believe me, I know! But it can be done, theres just a trick to it and you have to research and read...
Problems With Printable Coupons?
All your major grocery chains should have their coupon policy located on their websites. My suggestion would be to visit each website and read their policy first, then if it states that they accept all manufacturers coupons, print off a copy and place it in...
Getting By on a Low Income?
Youre definitely not alone in the paycheck to paycheck boat, so dont feel bad! Youd be surprised at the number of folks who rob Peter to pay Paul every month! Were a family of three with only one income and one member is a growing teenage boy who eats for an...
Garden: Trellis Rosebush
That is so pretty! I have a Lady Banks rose bush that I need to start training. Hopefully it will look something like that one day.
Find Produce Bargains in the Reduced Bin
Not only do grocery stores mark down their produce, but they also mark down their meat. My hubby and I regularly shop at one of grocery stores around 9:30am and find some awesome deals on meats! My Mama worked in a meat market for 15 years and thats all we...
Tips for Frying Chicken?
Here in the South we fry everything in a cast iron skillet, so thats my first piece of advice. Wash chicken pieces thoroughly, season according to your taste preference, I usually just use salt and pepper and sprinkle hot sauce onto pieces, rub to coat completely...
Halloween Painted Jeans
Fantastic job!!! Brings back memories of my painting days! I used to personalize alot of my kids clothes when they were smaller. This is just sooooo cute!!!
Getting Seeds From Zinnias?
As many years as Ive dealt with zinnias, Ive always just clipped the entire flower head off(called deadheading) and let dry thoroughly, pop them in a ziplock bag until the following spring and bust the entire dried flower over the readied planting area. The...
Parade Float Ideas for an Insurance Company?
Or maybe something along the line of a wrecked car with the heading We meet by accident. Of course, any patriotic theme is going to go over big with the war going on.
Peach Cobbler With Pie Crust?
Im not sure if this is what youre looking for but its one my Mama taught me years ago and is so easy to do! 1 stick of margarine, melted 1 cup self rising flour 1 cup sugar 1 cup of milk Fruit Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Melt margarine in pan/dish you are...
Craft Birdhouses
Now this is CUTE!!! I knew Id been saving those empty seed packs for SOMETHING!!! Thanks for the great idea!!!
Fish Bowl Snowman
That is the cutest thing Ive seen in a while and so very simple that anyone could do it!! You could probably find the fish bowl at a thrift store too for a dollar. I was thinking of painting one with a scarecrow motif, using a straw hat maybe? Great idea!!!!
Fabulous Fudge Frosting
That was my thought too, wheres the chocolate or cocoa?? This sounds more like a caramel icing to me.
Party Favors for 10 Year Old Boys?
What about those lightweight airplanes or the parachute guys that you throw up into the air? My son always loved those things. Yoyos, silly putty, those capsules that you put in water and watch grow, glowsticks. You need to go to your nearest Dollar store and...
Vacation Spots From Virginia to Key West?
Living in south Georgia, Ive been to both Savannah and St Augustine and they are tops on the list! I love St Augustine and all the old world charm it holds, please plan to stay more than one day tho to enjoy all that it holds! Make sure you eat at Paula Deens...
Buying Inexpensive Flannel Backed Plastic Tablecloths?
If you have a Dollar General in your area, they have all their summer merchandise on clearance now and you should be able to find them pretty cheap there. Same goes for Family Dollar. Goodwill and other thrift stores are a good source also.
Ideas For Door Prizes At Womens Church Function?
My suggestion is to scour the stores on their clearance aisles which now that summer is ending you should be able to run across some good deals. For instance, my hubby and I ran across 3 decorator pump hand soaps marked down to 99 cents at a store the other...