Kitten Teething?
Kittens lose all their baby teeth by the time they are about 6 months old. So she is probably just chewing because she is a kitten and trying to play. Get plenty of things that she is allowed to chew on and encourage her to play with those things. They make...
Help with Using a Sling on Dog?
Make sure she is on a leash. Then you can put a towel under her abdomen to walk her until you get out into the grass in your yard and then let it go so she can use the bathroom, or just decrease the amount you are holding her up so she has some control. If...
Can't Get Seeds To Start Growing
Make sure they are this years seeds. If seeds get too old they will not germinate well. Also you can try one of those Jiffy pot containers, where you add seeds and water and put the lid on to hold the moisture in. Then I would put it in a location to get some...
White Worm on My Puppy?
If it is little like rice, then it is probably a tapeworm. They get those from ingesting infected fleas. If it is a long white worm then it is probably a roundworm. They get those from the mother or ground outside. Your vet can take care of either.
Fleas on a Cement Patio?
You need to treat the entire house and yard at the same time (weekend). Take the cat to a friends or the vet for the weekend and apply something to the cat to kill fleas for a month (ex. Frontline, Advantage, Advantage Multi). Vacuum the entire house and sweep...
Are A Deaf Dog's Ear Canals Closed?
Depends on why the dog is deaf. If it was born that way, then probably the ear canal is open just some part inside did not form properly. If it is an older dog with chronic ear infections (like Cocker Spaniels) then deafness could be from long term damage and...
5 Year Old Having Bowel Movement in Pants?
Some kids just dont want to stop playing long enough to do their business, they might miss something. Try making her go sit on the toliet several times a day. Give her a book or something. Kind of like make her take a time out on the toliet, but dont make it...
Hives After Eating Ice Cream?
You might have a food allergy to something in the ice cream. Read the ingredients and see if there is anything that maybe you dont eat much. So it wont happen again. Antihistamines are good for hives, but if they dont go away you might need a steriod shot from...
Can I Use Peroxide To Get Rid Of Ear Mites?
Go to the pet store and buy an ear cleaning solution and ear mite medicine. Clean the ears out well and let your dog shake his head, and then apply the ear mite meds. It will take retreating several times to clear them out if that is what he has follow instructions...
Puppy Has Very Runny Eyes?
She could have entropion or tiny little hairs touching her eyeball itself causing irriation. Has she had her Distemper/Parvo series and Rabies vaccines yet from a vet? Usually they will look at the eyes with an exam. Some tearing from eyes can be serious and...
Strange Bump On Dachshund's Belly?
Could be just a benign mass. Get your vet to aspirate the mass and look at it under the microscope. It might just be a histiocytoma or a mole-like growth. But noone can tell by looking at a picture. Get her examined.
Getting A Dog's Coat Shiny?
Omega Fatty Acids are what is in your fish oil. Find a dog food that has that already added. Hills Science Diet has added them to most of their formulas. Also make sure you dog is on a heartworm prevention or has been dewormed for whipworms lately.
Getting Puppy To Wear A Harness?
I would put the collar on in the house and then play with him with his favorite toy or food. He may scratch at the collar but it isnt going to kill him. Dont attach a leash for the first day. Let him walk around the house and just get used to it. Then the next...
Mark In Iris Of Cat's Eye?
melanoma or benign hyperpigmentation
MTD 18 HP Motor Won't Turn Over?
I usually try spraying a little carb cleaner in as I turn the key. You can try the fuel filter and make sure your gas is still good after sitting all winter.
Federal Law Regarding Refills On Vet Meds?
For veterinarians to prescribe any prescription medication there has to be a recent veterinary-client-patient relationship. This is why some of the internet pharmacies are getting in trouble because they have never seen the pet they are giving medications to...
Guinea Pig Is Pregnant?
Call around and find a vet that will see guinea pigs BEFORE you need one. A good website is There isnt too much you can do other than educate yourself about guinea pigs as much as possible so it wont happen again in the future...
Young Pit Bull Puppy?
Here is a good website for caring for orphaned pups. Buy a good milk replacer instead of trying to make a homemade recipe if possible
Using Terramycin Powder Instead of Ointment For Cat?
Ask your vet about a Herpes infection. He/she should be able to test for it. If that is what it is you are going to battle it on and off for some time. But there are meds that will help better than the terramycin. A culture/sensitivity would tell you what antibiotic...
Dog Treats to Put in Kong Toy?
the kong website has several recipes then click on tips and advice and then KONG recipes.
Homemade Remedy for Mites on Puppy?
You can ask for Revolution or Advantage Multi from your vet. If you use it monthly it will treat and prevent your pup from getting the scabies mange mite. Your vet should be able to sell you one of those. It will also treat intestinal worms and fleas and prevent...
Chest Pains and Anxiety?
Gall Bladder problems or Stomach ulcers can have similar problems. Ultrasound of gall bladder should help diagnose that problem. But if the CT scan went into his abdomen then that should have been evident. Stomach ulcers are sometimes harder to diagnose. Sometimes...
What Shots Does My Puppy Need?
Also he needs to start on Heartworm prevention that will also get 3 common intestinal worms.
Teething Puppy's Mouth Is Bleeding?
Puppies usually lose their baby teeth up until they are around 6 months old. A little bleeding is normal, but a lot is not. You will see some on the item they are chewing on, like a rope or rawhide. But look inside the mouth and make sure that she has not broken...
Longhorn Steakhouse Style Salmon?
LONGHORN STEAKHOUSE SALMON MARINADE Equal parts of: Brown sugar Soy sauce Bourbon Marinate salmon overnight, turning once. From:
Saving Money to Buy an Expensive Item?
You could set up a savings account at the bank. You can even collect interest on it while there. It is good to save for a rainy day too, so maybe you can keep the account open after you make your purchase. Then there is no fee usually to cash your paycheck...
Painful Pressure in the Back of the Head?
One thing to try is breath in through your mouth and out your nose for 5 minutes. I think it helps because you have to think about it and it helps you relax and take your mind off your pounding head.
Pros and Cons of Having Pet Insurance?
There are many different types/plans of Pet health insurance. The ASPCA has a good website with their insurance There is no way to know if you will come out ahead with insurance, just like human insurance. Sometimes...
Puppy with Cloudy Eye?
It probably means your puppy has a scratch on the cornea (clear part of the front of the eye). You need to go to the vet so they can examine it, make sure there is nothing in the eye and see how large and deep the scratch is. If it isnt too bad he might need...
Dog Has Clear, Foamy Vomit?
Your dog could just have a tonsillitis. Does it scoot his hiney on the carpet?
Buying Food for Puppy with Pancreatitis?
For the short term you can try boiled chicken (no bones, skin, fat) and rice or noodles with some green beans and carrots. If the vet said you have to stay on low fat diet permanently, then Science Diet makes an i/d food. It is a prescription diet so you need...
Buying Food for Puppy with Pancreatitis?
Did they check your dog for a liver shunt? Like Bile Acids before and after eating. Do you notice the head tremors worse after eating?
Dog with Recurrent Feet Sores?
Has your vet did a skin scrape? Sometimes Demodex will be a cause of recurring toe infections. How long has she been on antibiotics continuously? I would make sure she is on something about 4 weeks, like cephalexin or ciprofloxacin. If it only works for a little...
Do All Un-neutered Dogs Mark Their Territory?
There is a great chance that any intact male dog will mark his territory inappropriately in the house. This happens more when you have any friends/company over. He will want to make sure noone else is going to take what is his. There may be some dogs that wont...
Do All Un-neutered Dogs Mark Their Territory?
Neutering dogs does NOT guarantee that a dog will stop marking his territory. It will help. It is even better if you do neuter him at 6 months before they reach their sexual maturity and figure out how to mark everything. If they do mark their territory for...
When Can I Bathe a Mommy Cat and New Kittens?
For the can put Frontline on the momma cat to last for a month. It is safe for pregnant and lactating cats. Dont use the OTC flea products from the store. It doesnt take many fleas on a kitten to cause anemia, so use something that works on the...
Free Entertainment Ideas?
Rent movies, tapes, or books from the local library. Take a hike or walk at a near by park. Bowling is always cheap fun. Some colleges will have concerts or plays to see. Not sure where you live, but some many places have Karoke or bars will have live entertainment...
How Do I Get My Cat's Abscess to Drain?
You can try a warm compress held on there for 5 to 10 minutes 3 or 4 times a day until it ruptures. But if it is not small there is a good chance that he will need some antibiotics. A cold nose doesnt mean he doesnt have a fever. The only way to tell is to...
Why Do Shih Tzu Dogs Have Seizures?
If you did the other post too and have a puppy that is having seizures with high ammonia blood levels then a liver shunt is a very likely culprit. That means that blood isnt going through the liver to detoxify it and toxins build up causing seizures. It can...
Fed Up with Cat Clawing Everything?
Yes a vet should be able to trim the nails. You can even try a groomer. Do you have a scratching post? Cats will scratch even if you trim the nails. They use scratching for marking their territory both visually and with scent. You will need to put one where...
Kitten is Constantly Meowing?
Make sure that he isnt hungry. Try dry kitten food, then canned kitten food. Play with him, like chasing a string see if you can make him tired. You can just hold him and see if that will comfort him. Try finding a small box he can hide in or a warm towel.
Beagle Puppy Has Severe Itching?
Since you only have a 6 week old pup, you should consider Sarcoptic Mange as a culprit. You didnt say if your pup had scabs or not. Pups can commonly have Staph. skin infections too. Ringworm is another reason they can become very itchy. If there is hair missing...
Daschund is Aggressive Towards Children?
Is he neutered? That is the first thing to do. The second is find a trainer and take him to obedience training. If the grandkids are old enough you can have one of them go too. I would guess he is the alpha dog and runs the house. Dont let him on the furniture...
'Vet's Best Ear Relief Wash and Dry' from Petco?
You didnt say what breed of dog you have. Some breeds have hair in the ear that you can keep pulled out. Yeast is usually there because something else is going on with the ear. It could be allergies, moisture in ears, masses in ears, or other infections. The...
Dog with Irritable Bowel Disease?
You should find one hypoallergenic food and stick to it for at least 6 weeks. That is how long it takes to see how they will respond. Hills Science Diet z/d Ultra or Purinas LA are both low antigen diets. You hope that once you find a food that your dog will...