Cat with Urinary Tract Infection?
First of all, I thank you for being such an attentive pet owner. To have an 18-year old cat reflects much love and care. UTI is more prevalent in male cats than females, and can be fatal in a very short time (overnight). Sometimes it comes with age, sometimes...
P.K. (Parking Lot Kitty)
Aaww Sounds like you came upon a lover! He is beautiful and I can tell you are already reaping the benefits. (just dont let him sneak into the dryer!) How old is he? Be sure to have him neutered before he turns 6 months old. Otherwise he will likely begin spraying...
Rust Stain on Antique Wooden Ice Box?
I would certainly test on another piece of wood first, but the product Whink Stain Remover amazes me when watching the rust just disappear. I have used it on carpet and clothing as well as sinks and toilets. Its in a brown bottle - about 8 tall - and can be...
Removing Sharpie from a Couch?
Try a product called Simple Green. I believe you find it in the automotive section of Walmart, Sams Club, etc. I knows its removed Sharpie marker from hard surfaces for me, just dont know about material. You might look on the back of the label for uses or call...
What Breed Is My Dog?
Im not really sure. But she looks like shes full of licks and kisses! Shes a real cutie ......... a keeper for sure!
What Breed Is My Dog?
She does appear to have some shepherd in her ...... and maybe a little husky as well. She looks to be a sweet girl. Why are you worried about her breed? She can be a great companion whether shes huge or tiny. She just needs you acceptance and love.
Keeping Salt and Sugar Free Flowing?
We have always put several (uncooked) grains of rice in the bottom of the shakers. Hope this helps. SWG
Recipes For Valentine's Day Dinner?
The spaghetti dinner and chocolate frosted brownies is my favorite of all the Valentines Day dinner ideas. Something red and something chocolate! Easy, convenient, and yummy. Best of all, no need for that scary red food coloring!