Puppy Won't Poop on Puppy Pad?
Scruffing of the neck does not work and is misleading the puppy thinking he is punished for a reason he does not know. Hopefully this is just a caution pad for when you are out. Place a piece of his poop on the pad and let him sniff and explore then get rid...
Previously House Trained Dog Peeing in the House?
Very good answer, have the vet check him for problems. Also, have you gotten another animal recently?
Cleaning a Dog's Ears?
Wal-mart an Kmart carry a ear cleaner/drying liquid, use a damp cloth and softly clean inner ear, do mot stick q tips in ears, place recommended drops in ears and take your fingers around back of ears and rub to make sure liquid covers all of the inner ear...
Hairball Cure for Cats That Throw Up Their Food
WARNING! DO NOT use mineral oil. Please read below! Mineral oil is a light oil and because of that it can be easily inhaled into the respiratory tract where it stays. It never becomes assimilated into the body and the body can never get rid of it because of...
Older Dog Peeing in the House?
Hi, 9 years is getting up there. a urinary infection could be happening, have a vet check him. Kenneling him at this stage might feel like punishment. also go to ebay and check out dog belly bands. They are wonderful and all you have to do is put a womans pad...
Cat Peeing on the Furniture?
Make sure all cats are fixed but this could also be a urinary tract infection, please have him or her checked.
Lucky (Collie Mix)
Thank you to all for your kind words. And the serendipity comment is is wonderful because it is my favorite word and applies to all the babies I rescue. I beleive that when I named her I really meant that name for me and for everytime I can save a baby. I dont...
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil for Dogs
This is a great idea but watch the amount and frequency of what you give them as to much can cause diarrhea and then dehydration.
Cat is Losing Hair and Has Dandruff?
This should not be ignored, if its painful for you to sit next to him, guess what its like for him to go through this. Take him to your local humane society which is less expensive and have him checked. Could be an allergy and ask them to shave him so he is...
Soap Scum In Washing Machine?
A tub full of hot water and CLR works great too and takes out hard water deposits.
Craigslist for Lost Pets
Please never describe the pet you have found in detail nor tell what sex it is. Let them describe the pet to you in full detail including color of collar and if it has tags or not. There are many animal collectors who feast on free animals to sell to labs who...
Neutered Dogs Fighting With Each Other Around Females in Heat?
Why dont you just get the females fixed? There are so many animals in the pounds being gassed, heart stuck and killed everyday.
House Training a New Puppy?
It could be what you are feeding him like to much soft food. Also he might be feeling some anxiety with confusion on why he is being penned up. Good luck an lots of love to your new arrival.
Banana Mutt Cookies
Hi Jodi, I love this. But I have used peanut butter instead for easier digestion than the crushed peanuts, my furbaby loves them. Thanks again. Deby
Dark Circles on My Elbows and Knees?
There is this stuff called pretty hands and feet or the reversal, need to go get another bottle. This is sold at Walgreens or rexalls usually. Its a sloughing cream i have never seen before that works like a miracle. I even used it on my face several times...
Treatment For Dog's Itchy Ears?
Yes there is, in the pet section at Kmart or Walmart just look for a cat / dog ear cleaner. This kills mites which can deafen your animals and takes any moisture out of their ears that could cause infection. It costs about 3 dollars.
Spray Can Cap Clogging Toilet?
Do not push it further down. Shut off water and try a wet vac hose down the toilet drain, this just might work.
Cleaning Coffee Thermos Carafe?
Three tablespoons bleach and the rest hot water, let sit for 1/2 hour then wash well and rinse well in hot water. Best way to rinse is put under tap at hottest water temp and let it run.
Replacement Controller for an Electric Blanket?
Check ebay, or go to your search bar and type in the type of cord you are looking for, it should take you right to a site.
Cleaning Silk?
I would use Woolite or baby shampoo but get the whole piece of fabric wet so you do not leave spots.
Removing Tree Leaf Stains on Camper's Insect Screens?
Try a small section with C.L.R. The stuff is wonderful.
Front Load Washer Smells Terrible?
Put 2 cups of C.L.R. In washer and set washer on hot water and for the longest time possible, let it go through entire cycle. This will also clean out the drain holes in washer tub. Then let it go through another cycle. This should do the trick, if it still...
Can I Dye a Red Wedding Dress White?
If it is polyester you might have a hard time bleaching all of the color out.
Christmas Gifts for Grandchildren?
Once a month check out sales, like for toys at a good price if the children are small enough for toys, maybe purchase 2 gifts if the prices are good.
Repairing Cracked Mirror?
You might want to call one of those places that fixes cracks in car windshields and see if they can handle the job.
Removing the Yellow Cast from Stored White Clothing?
People are way to scared of bleach. Take your shirt, add 1/4 cup of laundry soap fill the sink with hot water add 1 1/2 cups bleach, swish with big spoon to mix all evenly and soak your shirt turning every so often to check. Rinse well then let soak in fabric...
Removing Odors and Labels from Plastic Spice Bottles?
Soak in a sink of hot bleach water. If stickers dont come all the way off which they should and they do leave a sticky residue use funiture polish believe it or not. The oils from the polish remove the sticky feeling on just about everything non porous that...
Can You Use Easy Off in a Self Cleaning Oven?
No, you havent ruined it. Just rinse well with wet washrag.
Shopping for Centerpiece Fish Bowls to Hold Tea Light Candles?
Beth, bettas have a very hard time in small fish bowls that they sell for those fish. They actually require 2 gallons of water per fish. This would be pretty cruel. Use the dragon tear glass chips from walmart and put water in it with a floating candle in each...
Planning a Commitment Ceremony?
How about a rose garden with an english tea and brunch for the reception. Call a caterer and ask about renting the appropriate dishes and check their prices on an english style brunch, line your walkway with roses. The china could probably be rented in the...
Advice For Aggressive Older Dog?
Make sure that equal attention is being paid. Also try to get one on each side of you and pet at the same time and talking to each one softly with lots of affection. This will also assure your lab that the husky isnt any more important than she /he is. I have...
Puppy is Aggressive When Playing?
Like all puppies they can get rough with each other. This is not necessary because they are pits. Pits are horribly starved and tortured and abused which makes them fight for their lives. Pits are very misunderstood. When they play to roughly talk sternly without...
Puppy is Aggressive When Playing?
Once the aggression starts, take him or her for a time out. For a walk, or sit next to him and talk softly and show calm. Do not let him continue these mannerisms. But also do not yell or hit. They are all just babies but very smart and if you dont control...
Homemade Dog Toys
The sock idea is great, the water bottle thing is very dangerous. These should never be given to your dog! You cannot always keep an eye on your pet and it takes one piece of this plastic to get logged in their throat, a sharp piece to pierce the stomach lining...
Dog With Smelly Ears?
Paul, this could be a very bad mite and inner ear infection. Go to Walmart or Kmart and in the animal section get a cat/dog ear cleaner. This cleans the inner ears, kills mites which can deafen your pet and takes out moisture which can cause bad infections...
Rubbing Alcohol as a Flea Repellent
Do not spray your pets with alcohol as this will coat to much of their skin and cause irritation and skin dry out. Also if they have scratched where a flea was and tore their skin this will cause burning. If you must use alcohol to remove fleas do it this way...
Rubbing Alcohol as a Flea Repellent
Be safe and just buy a local flea treatment from your local humane society or vet. These chemicals are not safe. Prone to skin irritation, burning on breaks in the skin from scratching, eye contact, indegestion.
Caring for a Newly Adopted Frightened Dog?
A good percentage states he was probably abused with no patience allowed. Lay with him, talk softly to him and let him know no harm is coming to him. Walk into another room as you are still talking to him to let him know you havent forgotten him and that he...
Name Ideas for Desktop Publishing and Graphic Design Business?
Serendipity Designs Serendipity means finding a wonderful thing by accident.
Buying VHS Tapes?
Brenda, Go on ebay and look for a vhs head cleaner. its just the the vhs tapes and comes with a small bottle of alcohol that you apply to the cassette then run like you would a movie. More than likely its your machine and if you look you might be able to find...
Installing Tile Without Backer Board?
Your tile will not look half as smooth without it and it will not be as secure as it should be.
Installing Tile Without Backer Board?
I meant to add if this is a wall then I would use backer board, if it is something like a table then just use the right tile glue and grout.
Writing a Brief Community Service Congratulatory Speech?
With the world the way it is, it is truly an honor that you have reassured us that good deeds and sincere efforts are still available and graciously given.
What Breed is My Dog?
Hello, this is definitely a chow trademark, black roofed mouth and spotted tongue. Also his ears. His chow breed definitely takes over his other breed. Beautiful baby, deby
Cleaning Stool Odor from Dog's Fur?
First clean dog with vinegar and water solution then shampoo iwth people shampoo. Please be careful not to get vinegar solution in his eyes. People shampoo is stronger than dog shampoo. The vinegar solution should work well. To make a gallon for future use...
Tubby (Miniature Dachshund)
I applaud you for saving this precious life. It takes a real human with real humanity and a soul to care as much. There is way to much neglect, abuse and murder of our innocent animals. Also if anyone sees any abuse or neglect happening please report it as...
Domino and Lizzie (Cats)
Another person with a heart and real soul. This is what humanity is all about. Being a real huma! Congrats on your new babies. Deby
Titus (Yellow Lab/Husky Mix)
Thank god for you that this beautiful animal wasnt placed in a shelter or worse. Over 75 million animals are needlessly put to death in the united states alone. Him him a big hug from me and thank you for your humanity. Deby
Ice Maker Not Getting Water?
This could also be hard water that is clogging the lines if you dont have a water softener connected to your home for your water supply. Replacing tubes may be necessary.
Belladonna (Mastiff)
Another savior story, you were there when he needed you. That is so awesome. They all want love and thats all they ask for. Just look at those eyes. A lot of people dont believe it but there is a real soul in there. You just described humanity. Doesnt it feel...
Keeping Dog's Ears Floppy?
Just love him, we all have faults and they never say anything when we are having a bad hair day. Its just part of his character.
Beethoven (St. Bernard - Golden Retriever)
I love all of these rescue stories. Over 75 million animals are being put down every year in this country alone. Needless and cruel so what you have done is amazing and truly heartfelt. I applaud you, give your baby a big hug from me. Deby
Wishbone (Border Collie)
Over 75 million animals are put to death every year in this country alone, if everyone could just have the patience , love and soul to give an animal a chance at life like yourself I believe this would be a better world. Unfortunately its not like that. Bless...
Coco (Pomeranian)
So sorry for the loss of your other baby and I pray that she is safe. Your new baby is beautiful. Deby
Rainbow Tea Party Ideas?
Im not a practicing religious person but I do believe in God. Didnt Noah have a rainbow after the flood receded? Cut out watermelons to look like Noahs ark and fill with melon balls, cut out little windows on the side and set little animals on a crafted ramp...
In Memory Of Growlithe (Lhasa Apso)
I am so so sorry for your loss, what a sweetie. At least he was loved and cared for by you. May peace be in your loving heart. Deby
Housebreaking Cocker Spaniel?
Go to ebay and look up female dog belly bands. They are cute diapers that you put a womans pad in. They have lace and ruffles, all types and protect your carpets and floors.
In Memory of Maggie (Dog)
I am so sorry for your loss of Maggie, it surely is never easy when we lose one of babies. May your grief be short and memory be long. Deby
Nipping Problem?
Please get her to petco or petsmart for obedience class. They are said not to be to expensive at all. She actually thinks its playful and Im sure it is in her way but playfulness needs to be controlled because when she gets bigger she will still think she is...
In Memory of Herbie (Chihuahua)
I totally understand your loss and I am so sorry this has happened to the herbie and yourself. He was adorable. The grieving process is hard when you lose a baby so I send you my prayers and positive thoughts. Thank God he had a loving mama like you in his...
Dealing With The Grief After Losing a Pet?
i am so very very sorry for your loss. there is no way to get over the greif of losing a family member. jsut try to think of the great times and remember there is another baby out there needing a home because of abuse or homelesness, you will never replace...
Ralph (Mixed Breed Cat)
O.M.G. He looks like he is on the same diet as me. The staypuff marshmallow man on ghost buster. He is to cute.
Does My Dog Have Ear Mites?
Please take your dog to the vet, I just went through this and my baby had two inner ear infections, you as a human knows what 1 ear ache can feel like but 2 at one time is excruciating, dont try to medicate yourself. Get to the vet right away, he or she could...
Repelling Stains On Shower Doors?
Dirty glass shower doors are a pain to clean. Start with CLR. To clean glass thoroughly, you can also use a tooth brush to get in between the doors with CLR on it. After shower doors are clean and dry, apply Turtle Wax like you would on a cars finish. Buff...
In Memory of Skeeter (Opossum)
Thank you so much for your condolences. I miss her very much. Check out my facebook photo albums to see all the babies I rescued, adopted and sadly are in their final sleep. Again, thank you, Deby p.S. Look under deby j.
In Memory of Skeeter (Opossum)
Thank you all for your kind words. I am so proud that she is on here and that I could share her story.
Caring for a Senior Dog?
Hello, what kind of dog? I can start by saying take him or her to the vet for a full check-up, cure what ails him or her and give all the love you have in your heart to this wonderful animal that is very old, make them feel young and play alot, massage when...
Tia (Domestic Shorthair)
Oh. She looks just like my Harley, a male, he is so smart and sophisticated. Great picture. Deby
Cleaning Hard Rubber Boots?
Murphys Oil Soap and hot water. it will clean wonderfully and leave a semi shine but no oily residue.
Does My Dog Have Mange?
Demodectic mange is also contagious, in that most dogs acquire the infection from their mother. The mite usually lives in relative harmony with the dog and it is assumed that most dogs have Demodex canis mites on their body. If the dogs immune system is competent...
Clearing a Sluggish Sink?
Hi, at your hardware store ask about a product that is a long flexible plastic rod that has little upward teeth on it. All you do is stick this down your drain and pull up. It is unreal what you will pull up, works great and no chemicals. Sorry i cant remember...
Memorial Glass Block
You should win, I believe this is the classiest, sentimental keepsake I have seen in a long long time. Your brilliant. Deby
In Memory of George (Chocolate Labrador Retriever)
I am so very sorry for your loss and for his of a loving home. Keep saving pets, its our life force. Deby
Product Review: NutriSystem
Got to ebay and look under nutri system. You can get 4-5 weeks of meals for about 170.00 Then alls you add is a little exercise. I read when people go to the nutri system office they continually bill your credit card for anything. These meals are selling like...
Product Review: NutriSystem
Check out ebay under nutri system. They are selling the meals like hot cakes. 4-5 Weeks worth of meals for around 170.00 I have seen people get them even cheaper and with good expiration dates on them. Breakfasts, lunches, dinners and desserts and big big savings...
Cleaning Old Kitchen Cabinets?
Murphy oil soap. If they are really old you might have to do it a couple of times but the stuff is amazing.
What Breed is My Dog?
He definitely has boxer in him, maybe all boxer and his ears were just not clipped. But leave them alone he is beautiful.
Cat Scratching, Licking, and Pulling Out Fur?
Sometimes this is just a nervous disorder, or a skin condition, where the skin is very dry and this can be from the inside to the outside. Like ferrets that need furo-tone, a skin and coat supplement that goes into their water because if they dont they will...
Kenmore Freezer Not Automatically Defrosting?
Unplug your fridge and take your vacuum hose and thoroughly vacuum underneath front and back, this should help a lot. My fridge does the same thing especially if you have pets. The fan sucks up dust and hair.
Making a Tassel?
Get a wooden bead with a hole in it. Depending on the size of the tassel you will see in the bead, that will be the head of the tassel. Say you want a large tassel. Get one with a 1/2 inch hole, the bead 1 - 1 1/2 inches tall (Do not cut lengths until you see...
Recycling Old Barn Wood For Crafts?
Just an idea, take a couple of tea bags in about 1/2 cup of water put in microwave for about 1/2 minute or so then try dipping your raw wood pieces in the tea water, it might work, if you need darker add more tea bags. Deby
Christmas Cards Cut for Tree Paper Chain
What a great idea and you always get to save the cards friends and loved ones send you.
Managing Cords on Kitchen Counters?
A lot of newer appliances have cord storage on back where you just push the cord into the back of appliance till you have your desired length.