Animal Crackers as a Cat Toy
Thriftmeg, our cat doesnt eat the animal crackers, just paws at them, and they tend to spin a little, and its a great game. Maryeileen, I took some aluminum foil and had done what you also mentioned. At first she wasnt interested, but she played with it one...
Removing Wax Build Up on Tile Floors?
Weve always been told to clean tiles with a little vinegar in a gallon of water. Im curious why there is wax on the tiles (please dont be offended by this). How many years of buildup is there?
Cooking Questions from an Amateur?
perfumed fan, if I use unsalted butter, how much salt do I know to add?(ie making cookies) Thanks!
Making Things For Pigmy Goats to Play On?
Thanks everyone! Great ideas! We are actually planning to pick up some large spools on saturday. The goats(from freecycle) are living with horses(outdoors 24/7) and its quite fun to watch them all.
Quick Touch Power Roller Reviews?
Marge, can you tell me the cons? I too, have always used the brush and pan but Ive been thinking a while about getting something easier. I appreciate your input. Thanks!
How Do You Antique Stain a Table Cloth?
Thanks everyone! I tried on my own yesterday, before I read your posts, and I used green tea bags. Boiled, steeped, cooled, then added the tablecloth. It didnt get quite dark enough so I added chai black tea. I got the perfect shade while wet so I added a little...
Making Your Own Cat Tree
Thank you so much!!!!! Our daughter has been wanting one so bad but I wont spend the $140 on the one she would like.
Windowsill Celery Hearts
cool idea! Ive heard about growing carrot greens but never celery. Ill have to try this! From another Wisconsinite in Watertown.
Uses for Used Tea Bags?
For potpouri, I simmer whole cloves, cinnamon, etc on the stove. A small pot lasts for a few weeks and I keep adding to peels, used tea bags, etc!
Mason's Thank-You
This is really a great idea, isnt it? Well take pictures of the child opening up the present, then print that out, making it into the card. The giver sees them open it, and remembers the day. When my Mother-in-law was in the hospital and our children couldnt...
Easy Tip Calculations
Ive done the same thing, make the bill 10% and add half. Goes for shopping sales too. Sometimes my friends cant figure out how I do it, sometimes I cant figure out how they cant! :-)
Use Car Alarm For Home Safety
This is a great tip, but I would suggest trying this out first. Our cars can be parked outside our attached garage and I have to be outside to unlock the door. Maybe the alarm is more sensitive so it would work through doors and walls. Also, if you have a bedroom...
Canister Vacuum Cleaner Reviews?
I had a canister vac which I loved, found it at Sears the day after Thanksgiving. It quit working but I kept the floor attachment so I can use it with my other vaccuum. I wouldnt buy another one, as I found that even though they are really great, the canister...
Lady Fingers (Flower)?
Ive heard of Lady Slippers, but not Lady Fingers so Im curious to see any information on it.
Instant Cappuccino Mix
This sounds great! And for your own powdered chocolate milk mix, here is my recipe, making this totally homemade! 2c. powdered sugar 2c.dry milk 2c. coffee creamer 1c. cocoa powder mix all together! Some recipes call for a little added salt so depending on...
Ranch Potato Crisps
This is sort of a different version of what I used to make(and forgot about). I diced potatoes, sprayed them with Pam, then sprinkled seasoning salt over them. Mix ocasionally while baking. Thanks for sending your recipe and reminding me of mine! Now I have...
Zesty Party Meatballs
My family loves this type of food. I cant wait to try your recipe! And Im heading to the store to buy ground chuck today!
Making Wedding Scroll Favors
When my oldest sister was married(1976) we did this with a thank you poem and a ribbon. Not to take over from the actual thank you note. Other weddings always had something too. Once an older relative proposed to us young girls(preteen) and we giggled and giggled...
Make a Mobile Out Of Kids Meal Toys
What Ive done, is used our first christmas tree which was only 3 ft tall but too sentimental to give away, and hung some of our toys on it, making it the kids tree. I used fishing line, and colorful ribbon. Most toys have a spot to attach the ribbon, whether...
Zesty Party Meatballs
I bought the ground chuck. Guess what we are having for supper tonight! Dont have all the ingredients for the sauce, why didnt I write them down?
Pink Spreading Plant?
I agree! Id love to see a picture. Post on Freecycle! Bet youll have plenty of takers.
Potato Recipes?
Marlene, we are actually having baked potato bar for our church supper tonight. Delicious!!!!! Robin, I read someones tip the other day and they said they bake a bunch of potatoes, then freeze them in aluminum foil. Reheat and they still have a wonderful ovenbaked...
Using Carpet Samples to Carpet Your Room
A friend of mine grew up with her basement done up like this--and that was 25 years ago! Glad to see the idea is still around!
Homemade Egg Substitute
Hi neighbor Jan! I never heard of Suring but Im from Watertown, WI. Thanks for this recipe!
Soda Cracker Bars
Do you used cracker crumbs, or the square soda cracker? Also, does the cracker stay square so you just cut between them when its finished, or does the cracker mush like a crust where you need to cut them? This sounds like a good recipe to use for our lenten...
Home Made Liver Paste
Jan, Im just loving your recipes today! This sounds so good! I have another liver paste recipe but it calls for 1 lb of butter so I dont use it anymore, although it is sooooo good. Can this be used with beef liver too?
Bench and Perennial Border in Early Spring
Wow! We just built and my husband has dreams of tending to a rose garden. I can just imagine that if he saw this picture, it would closely resemble his dream. Thanks so much for sharing!
Serving Ice Cream at Parties
Great idea using tins! When I made ice cream, Id put it in styrofoam cups before the party, topped with plastic wrap. It was in the summer and when the time came for serving, I just loaded the cooler with the cups. I agree, save time when you can!
Pineapple Pruning?
Ive heard of growing pineapples but never really had any luck. Dont you just cut off the top inch or so of the pineapple with the green? If you can give me any pointers, please do. Thanks! (b)Editors Note:(/b) Heres a link with instructions: http://www.thriftyfun...
Holding a Nail in Place
Cool idea! Just what I needed since we recently moved and havent put up the pictures yet. From another (Watertown)Wisconsinite-Mikki
Sew Two Twin Blankets To Make A Big King Sized One
This is a great idea! I too have such a problem finding a blanket that will fit over the sides of the mattress. On both sides, plus the bottom as we dont have a footboard. I have returned too many because they just didnt fit. Dont companies realize the object...
What To Do With Those Wonderful New Seed...
Thanks! I usually go through and cut out any plants I hope to buy someday but I really like your ideas.
Cleaning Supply Co-Op
This is something I think Im going to try when my kids are leaving the nest. Theyll know which products work great since Ive been using them for years, and well have a way to save money! Woohoo for your tip! Thanks a bunch!
Use A Hair Dryer To Defrost A Freezer
I use a hair dryer too, and also lay a bath towel on each shelf. As Im melting off the top layer of ice, it falls on the towel, making the cleanup less messy. The heat also starts melting the rest of the ice so the rest of the shelves are easy.
Kids' Cut and Paste Cookbook
I really like this idea. My Mom handwrote a lot of her recipes, then copied them, giving all of us a book. I will treasure it forever. Your idea takes things a bit further. I love the cover, In Memory of Melissa. Bet that alone makes the book more special.
Water Stains on a Countertop?
I too have found I get water stains on my counter. When using vinegar, have you let it soak? When my faucets were needing a cleaning, Id wrap paper towels soaked in vinegar around them for at least an hour. Im looking to hear other responses too.
Little Girl's Lampshade
This is really adorable Brenda! To take a favorite girl or boys outfit they wore as a small child, this would really be a wonderful keepsake! A++ for thriftiness!
Use A Hair Dryer To Heat Up Cold Body Parts
We use the sock filled with rice idea and my kids love it. Try drinking a cup of hot/warm water too. When I first heard of this, I thought it would be to plain to enjoy but hot water tastes just fine.
Cat Fishing
my kids love to use the horse whip as a cat toy. Hours of fun with something already in the barn!
Tap Water Smells Like Eggs?
We just moved and are having a someone come to add some chlorine, then remove all the water. Hope this helps because we just built and I hate this smell.
Dark Walnut Flooring?
Judi, I think it would be beautiful. We just finished building, and put in maple trim and doors with a dark stain. Looks great, but shows the dust tremendously!
Choosing a Stroller?
Congratulations! No advice on strollers, but I wish you the best in the pregnancy and in your childs life.
Where can I buy glass blocks?
I just saw a block at my doctors office at the receptionists desk. Someone had painted a winter scene on it, then tied a wide ribbon around the sides and tied at the top. Add a sprig of fake holly, etc and it was very festive!
Chair Seats Made of Old Belts
My daughter has a pink room. Pink ceiling, pink walls, pink comforter, pink hanging beads.........having a chair decorated like this would really add a good contrast, yet blend in. Thanks for a very cool idea! And I thought it was going to be a caning chair...
Chair Seats Made of Old Belts
Oops, it is a caning project. I guess you could still do this on a regular chair too. I absolutely love this, especially the sentimental part.
Square Knitting Needles?
Hi Jantoo, I cant help you, but thought Id say hi neighbor! --From Watertown, WI
Sinus Solutions
I know two people who have had sinus surgery and one person could finally taste and smell again. I never realized how inconvenient it would be if you cant taste or smell!
"Cut" Your Serving Sizes
When my children were small, I decided to cut food into bitesize pieces right away, like in Beef Stroganoff, so I wouldnt have to search for the pieces and then cut, once we started eating. The smaller pieces are distributed easier throughout the dish. You...
Caring for Your Skin?
SweetCali40, you mentioned youd give a website. Did you send it to only granieanie, or did I miss it on here? Id love to see the site!
Reheating Leftovers In The Crockpot
I agree, terrific idea! One that will be used in my house and I cant wait to here others when they see this. Ill tell them it was from Sheila on Thrifty fun!
Homemade Christmas Cards?
I do this for all occasions. I use a digital photo, print it on cardstock, using that as the front of the card, letting everyone sign it themselves with their own personal note. For example, when my m-i-l was in the hospital, I had my children make a Get Well...
Growing Plum Trees From Pits
Wow, are you ever a thrifty person! I hope you have great luck making and selling all your food! Thanks for posting!
Wrapping Paper Starburst Ornament
I can see it now......The Thanksgiving meal is cleaned up, the game is on, and a few of us are enjoying a conversation but we are also enjoying making these ornaments for my dream Christmas, having homemade ornaments on the tree! Thank you so much. You have...
Orange Slice Candy Pumpkin
I couldnt have written it better the other posts already have. I just love it!
Local Blue Jays
You have a great shot of those bluejays! Lovely, arent they? They are one of my favorite birds and here is a picture I took in December from my kitchen window. Just something about a bird you cant resist........
Leftover Pizza Toppings In Omelets
We too dont have much leftover pizza here although I will bake 8 just so we have some for a few days. I never thought of using pizza in eggs but youll have all the flavor you need right there! I cant wait to try this! Thanks for posting this.
Save The Salon Products For When It Counts
Michele, I read years ago to switch your shampoo/conditioner every 2 weeks so I used an expensive kind and a cheaper kind. Now I cant find my expensive kind anymore and started buying whats on sale and its amazing that with the sales around, I can still find...
Using Newspaper To Dispose Of Feminine Hygiene Products
Hi Cheryl, Great tip! I quit using toilet paper years ago because I felt I was wasting so much. I have started buying the cheapest zipper sandwich bags and using that. Walmart brand comes to 2 cents a piece and the bathroom smells better too. When travelling...
Winter Wedding Ideas?
Tawnya, Congratulations! You could take strings of white christmas tree lights and wrap nylon netting or tulle(JoAnn Fabrics, etc) around the lights, tying them up with ribbon. Im attaching a picture of the lights in netting which we used for a school graduation...
How clean dried blood from inside a shoe?
dip your shoe in hydrogen peroxide. Rubbing alcohol also takes blood out of clothing, etc. They are both cheap enough even in you need to use a whole bottle.
Burnt Mac and Cheese In a Stainless Steel Pot?
Add about 1/4 of water with some baking soda. Once it boils, turn off the burner and let sit. The baking soda will turn into a paste and when cooled, use something to scrub it off. Comes off easily. If it doesnt all come off, add some more water, boil, cool...
Using Old Patterns for Artwork
You have just made my day! For years, my husband traveled all over the world so our 5 children were always given t-shirts from his destinations. I still have them, but wasnt sure how to display them. I thought Id just pin them up on the walls in the kids playroom...
Loofas for Scrubbers
nimwe, if you still get message......I grew loofahs in the summer of 2005, from seeds sent from another yahoo group, and they grew wonderfully. My first time so I didnt know what to expect. Unfortunately I didnt have the time needed for all my harvesting like...
Protecting Your Home When Traveling
If you live in the snowy states, have someone drive in and out of the driveway a few times, and if possible, shovel the sidewalk, even if its only a small path.
My Frugal Life - The Frugal Gene
I find this in grocery shopping too. When first married, we could only keep $35 a week for groceries so everything I bought was on sale. I can shop without keeping track of how much I spend now, but I still only buy items on sale unless I absolutely need it...
Cute Edible Apple Turkey
After reading the oreo turkey, I think this is just as adorable! Now we have one for dessert and one for a healthy snack! Thanks for the idea!
Putting Shoes On The Proper Feet
At our house we have chore boots which only come in blue for the girls and brown for the guys. Im 41 and still put my initial in my boots, inside near the top of the boot, on the inner side. I may know which boot goes on which foot, but seeing that mark makes...