Emergency Veterinarian Services on a Payment Plan?
You can apply GEs credit card, Care Credit, it pays for vet bills, optical and dental. Good luck. Ive been there. I have three dogs, and I dont know what Id do without any of them.
Emergency Veterinarian Services on a Payment Plan?
Another mention about the Care Credit card. I applied the Humane Society I go to and had the card in less than 30 mins. You can apply online. Since your not working, perhaps someone can help you out with a co-signature if need be. Call you local humane society...
Dog Seems Depressed?
My vet had informed me that when dogs get depressed it can be associated with pain and sometimes stomach problems.
Best Mop to Use on Hardwood Floors?
Libman mops are great but be warned, the end just above where you attach/detach the mop head rusts out extremely fast. I mean in weeks but takes months before it finally just deteriorates. I think they havent improved upon this because they know youll have...