Re-dyeing Hair?
I would mix blue Dawn dish soap with baking soda. Add enough baking soda to the point it like thickness of a milk shake. Wash your hair with it and leave it in your hair for 45-60 minutes. Rinse it out afterword then wash and condition your hair like normal...
Rehabilitating a Former Bait Dog?
Please dont give up on this pup. This is all he has been taught that the bigger you get, you try and kill the younger. They can be retrained with patience. When around a smaller animal stay close and any show of slightly hurting the smaller one. He is put aside...
No Where to Go from Abusive Relationship?
First of all when he has smoked his pot, call the cops for endangering the welfare of a child with an illegal substance, for smoking it around the child. While he is arrested and gone, file for a restraining order and sole custody of the child. Get yourself...
Older Child Afraid of the Dark?
I had gotten my boys a dog, that would sleep with them. I would tell the boys the dog will protect you. I made sure the dog would sleep in the boys room either on the bed or between the boys.
Real Estate Business Name Ideas?
New Start Realty, its a new start for you, as well as the person needing the new house, rental etc...
Older Child Afraid of the Dark?
Another thing is to check to find out why she feels this way, did something happen elsewhere and she didnt tell you... But my best thing to help is always a dog. A dog is a great warning and guard for her. When you think of it, they use dogs for Veterans with...
Caring for a Dog With Parvo?
From what I have learned from experience depends on how bad your dog has Parvo. It can be 2-6 months to get over it. Please dont give up or frustrated with your dog as they go through this. It is very hard on them. Plus they can die from Parvo without steady...
Getting a Dog After Parvo?
I rescued some puppies that had Parvo, from my experience and what a Vet told me, your house and yard can be dangerous for up to 2-3 years after. House can be bleached to help keep next animal safe. As for yard- make sure puppy get his/her shots before going...
Getting a Dog After Parvo?
By the way, a dog that got over Parvo, will not get it again, and if totally over it, cannot spread Parvo.
Getting a Dog After Parvo?
Dont know if I got this to you or not, but here goes again. After rescuing some puppies with Parvo, what I learned and what a Vet told me. That as long as your house is well bleached your house will be fine. Please bleach your house even though the dog didnt...
Dog Keeps Jumping the Fence?
What we did and works greatly, is on the top of the fense facing inward, we put an electric fense, like you would do for horses. So they can play all they want in the yard with no problem but if they try to jump they get zapped. The horse electric fense is...
Remedy for Genetic Mange?
The active ingredient Permethrin works to get rid of Mange-You can buy Freedom45 spot on for dogs-cost is $15. for 3 months - can be bought at or buy Ivermectin- use once a week, - cheaper online, the pour on is what we have used in past too...
Puppy Biting Older Dogs?
If this dog is already showing agressive, and you cannot get his jaw open. Something to think about, what if he got out and bit a child in the face and wont let go. Is it fair for your other well behaved dogs have to suffer do to this dog? The breed doesnt...
Low Cost Vet for Dog Surgery?
Dont just go to low cost Vet. Some are what you would call a butcher. Your dog could have more problems afterwards. Then you would have to go through more surgeries to correct. Please check out the Vets background first.
Getting Out of an Abusive Relationship?
Please get out of that house, stay with your family or friends. Your daughter doesnt need to see or hear this growing up. Plus NO woman deserves to be treated like this. The longer you stay in this relationship, the worst it will get. End it now. Go to the...
Pet Snake Has Stopped Eating?
Check the temperature of the tank. If its slightly too chilly they wont eat also.