Lowfat Cake Recipes?
Try substituting 3/4 of the oil called for in a recipe with applesauce or yogurt. You still want to use a little oil to keep the cake moist.
Can I Freeze Havarti Cheese?
Softer cheeses tend to crumble when thawed. I have frozen havarti cheese before and it crumbled....But it was Ok for grilled cheese and such.
Why is Food Now Sticking to My Pampered Chef Baking Stone?
Try not to use soap on a stone, but you can use baking soda. What I do is, make a paste of baking soda and water, then I spread it on the stone and let it sit in a low heat oven setting, say 150 to 200 til the paste becomes dry, then I take it out and scrap...
Recipes Using Pop Tarts?
How about mashing them up and adding to oatmeal or a cookie batter? Just rememeber to omit a little flour.
Microwaving Baked Potatoes
Forgive me, but I was told never to put Saran wrap in the microwave. Toxic chemicals in the Saran Wrap will leak in to the food. I love the paper bag idea. I also cook them in the microwave, then after they are cooked, put in foil for five minutes to finish...
Glass Jars for Food Storage
I reuse mine all the time, spaghetti jars are my favorite! Salsa jars work great when reheating soup (Glass is much better in the microwave, plastic chemicals leak into the food) I also use them to save space in the fridge, when there is only a little milk...
Recipes for the Small Slow Cooker?
Try dividing the recipe in half or customizing the larger recipes. You can always freeze what you do not eat. I three crockpots super, small (1 1/2 qt), and Crockette (i think around 2 cups) I love my middle sized one. I make soups, pasta sauces, applesauce...
Cooking for 8?
Italian Beefs are using a great meal. Beef is usually cheaper (around $4 a pound) at a local deli, NOT at chain groceries. Sloppy Joes are quick, cheap and easy. Roasted Chicken is easy too. And pasta pasta pasta!
Making Vegetable Soup?
Anything goes. An quick way I make soup is: one can broth (any kind) one can tomatoes (if you dont have, its OK too ) veggies-frozen, fresh or can black beans a handful of chopped onion noodles or rice any meat Feel free to omit anything you do not have or...
Making Soup?
Any type of broth will work. Along with any type of meat also. Or, those dry soup mixes added with water will work too. I usually add a can on stewed tomatoes to give it a rich color and flavor. Cook either in a crock or simmer in a pot for a few hours. Cook...
Making Soup?
Any type of broth will work. Along with any type of meat also. Or, those dry soup mixes added with water will work too. I usually add a can on stewed tomatoes to give it a rich color and flavor. Cook either in a crock or simmer in a pot for a few hours. Cook...
Pierogie Recipes?
Oh, the possibilities are endless! I suppose that you could make the wrapping from scratch, but I cheat a little. I use wonton wrappers these can be purchased at any grocery store, they come in squares or circles. Then put a little, about a TBSP of your choice...
Toaster Oven Recipes?
Food tends to cute a bit quicker in a convection oven. My toaster oven does both, bakes and cooks convection. From my experience, meats veggies cook the same way as baking, only 1/3 of the time. I will not suggest to bake using the convection method, brownies...
Freeze Bananas in Their Peel
I recently found a similar trick. I hate bananas but I was tired of throwing them away if my kid did not eat them. SO, I decided to cut them in coin shaped pieces and freeze. They are delicious. What a healthy treat on a hot day. Next I am going to try adding...
Freezing Butter?
I freeze butter all the time. I found out that if the butter is kept in the original box (the one pound package), it tends to stay a better consistency when thawed. But thats my personal opinion. Then when I am running low, I removed a stick and put in the...
Freezing Vegetable Soup?
I freeze soup all the time. After the soup thaws, I do find it to be a little thick, but then I just add one cup of water and one bouillon cube (or canned broth).
Using Frozen Meatballs?
I like to make Swedish Meatballs. Use one container of sour cream, and one jar of Brown gravy. (the powdered gravy will work too, but prepare according to the directions first). I add a little onion and cook in crock pot. Serve as an appetizer or over noodles...
Seasoning Mix for Hamburger Patties?
I just use a little garlic (powder or fresh) with a little pepper. Could use Italian seasonings as well.
Check Receipt Before Leaving Store
I do the same for coupons, I always count the coupons before I give them to the cashier, and I watch them as they scan them. There were lots of times that coupons were not scanned or were dropped on the floor.
Thawing Fish?
I thaw fish in a shallow bowl of milk. The milk will get the fishy smell out. Or just water will also do.
Should I Saute Onions for Spaghetti Sauce?
You can do do it either way. Sometimes I saute ground beef and onions, and then mix in the sauce. But I have also just put the un-sauteed chopped onions in the sauce, then I boiled it.