Has Anyone Tried 'Miracle Noodles'?
They arent calorie free, but extremely low carb, something like 3 grams of carbs per serving. :)
Old-Fashioned Fun Recipes
Play dough Oh yes! Ive made this a few weeks ago for my daughter and it works GREAT! If it dries up a little or is too wet, just add flour and water til it gets just right. So much cheaper too! We use old yogurt containers with the lids to keep it in. Orange...
Travel Tips for Kansas City, KS?
The nice thing about Kansas City (Kansas and Missouri) is that you can get around the Metro Area in roughly 30 mins. or so (pending traffic of course) Heres some stuff you might check out, most are free, all cheap to do: Deanna Rose Childrens Farmstead (Free...
Travel Tips for Kansas City, KS?
(quote)Worlds of Fun is inexpensive and a Great Amusement Park for kids and adults.(/quote) Well... imo I wouldnt call World of Fun inexpensive, but if you are going to go here are some tips: You can find discount coupons around Kansas City, I believe Dairy...
Free Firefox Web Browser
I just downloaded it and am curious to see how well it works. I hadnt noticed a freebies section here before... cool! Good thing I have the ThriftyFun RSS feed in my gmail account! :)
Do I Need a Coffee Table?
We use ours as a tv stand... works great! No, its not in the middle of the living room either. ;) LOL!
Poll: How often do you eat at restaurants each month?
We go out to eat about once a month as a couple only, about twice a month as a family, and about once a week as a drive-thur drive by for the dollar menu or something. When we eat as a couple, we usually just go to restaurants listed in our Entertainment Book...
Taking Zinc for Sweat and Colds
I like using the Walmart brand of Cold-EZE, Im a big believer in zinc.
Taking Zinc for Sweat and Colds
I like using the Walmart brand of Cold-EZE, Im a big believer in zinc.
Longhorn's Onion Petals?
I didnt find it at http://www.copykat.com/ but maybe theyll have it one day?
Store Brands That Are Better Than Name Brand Products?
I normally go store brand all the way, unless I have a really good coupon for a store brand. Quality wise, Ive never really had any issues with the generics, only Walmart ziplock baggies let me down, but then Target Brand baggies worked out great! (theres a...
Store Brands That Are Better Than Name Brand Products?
I normally go store brand all the way, unless I have a really good coupon for a Name Brand. Quality wise, Ive never really had any issues with the generics, only Walmart ziplock baggies let me down, but then Target Brand baggies worked out great! (theres a...
Tips for When You Are Being Held Up
Here are some tips if you get held up at home and you have an alarm system. When at home, keep your alarm system armed. If someone breaks in while you are home you will be ready for this tip: Learn what your duress code is and be able to enter it in the keypad...
The Breast Cancer Site Needs Clicks
Ill be glad to share this with others on my site, as well as email it to friends and family. :)
Free Meals for Children at Restaurants?
Ive collected a list of restaurants in the Kansas City Area, but have recently decided to collect other websites that offer kids eat free listings and put them on (b)http://www.kidseatfree.info(/b) You can find them listed under the Kids Eat Free / Kids Eat...
Promoting ThriftyFun.com?
I always share the site URL whenever the opportunity comes up. This is one of the few websites that I frequent (when I can). Ive even posted it to my own site (under Helpful Sites) Maybe if you could provide some type of mini-banner with code that webmasters...
Turtle Costume for a Baby
Wow! What an excellent and thrifty idea! Not only did you create this yourself, but you can still use the costume pieces for their original purposes after Halloween! (and wearing a custom turtle bicycle helmet looks cool too!) I cant wait to tell others about...
Knights Float Ideas?
I can see the idea of building a tank to represent the Knights. Maybe a more modern version of a Knight? Make the tank look cool and futuristic (it would represent the horse) and have your Knights wear a futuristic looking suit of armor, almost combat ready...
Odors From Cooking Chinese Food?
My grandmother would always burn a candle (scented or unscented, didnt matter) in the room when cooking fish. She said it was to help get rid of the smell (after cooking). I dont know how effective it was since asian cooking smells dont bother me.
Water Stain on the Ceiling from Flooding?
At my old job, the facilities department simply spray painted it with a matching color (usually white). Looked good to me! :)
Entertainment Ideas for a Single Female?
You could go to ThriftyFun.com to read and submit great tips! Oh, wait... ok, so you do that already. How about start a Blog? You could also start your own message board (or participate in one) or website. You could read books and post your own reviews online...
Helping My Husband Lose Weight?
You could have him visit the doctor for a check up... and have the doctor break the news to him? Of course, youd be there to offer support when he got home. :)
Recipe for Doubling Butter?
I dont know why I had not thought of this idea myself! This is a GREAT tip! (Im all about making things last longer) Thanks for asking this question and all the tips posted in response! :) I might add a touch of garlic or some other flavoring to the mix.
Keeping Track of Low-Cost Family Activities
Your master list of activities for your 2 year old is a great idea to have around, why not take it one step further and share it with the world? You could take your list and post it online via a free website or message board service. Not only would you always...
Babysitters Rules vs. Grandma's Rights?
My 2 cents: Youre too nice and there too often, you deserve some respect. Maybe theyll appreciate you more if youre not always so handy to have around. I only say this because I occasionally clash with MY mother-in-law on issues, but I also realize she is doing...
Organized Pre-packed Meals
Empty Tic Tac and prescription medicine bottles work great for carrying just enough spices and seasonings too (dont forget to remove the labels) :)
Iced Tea Tips?
I prefer Lipton Cold Brew Iced Tea too. I keep a 52oz. cup with lid (saved from a trip to the local convienence store) with one bag (pitcher size) of tea and water and let it sit til it gets nice and dark. I then pour a bit of this concentrate tea into another...
Should I Declare Bankruptcy?
Exhausteds story sounds very similar to our situation. I was fresh out of high school and working a full time job when the credit card offers started coming in. We were married with debt to begin with and the debt only grew and we had children (we have 3). We...
Netflix for Books?
Wow... I must be lucky. Here in Kansas City, the Johnson County Libraries are set up like Netflix. You can go to their website and set up a queue of books/movies/tapes/etc. and when they become available theyll let you know via email/automated phone call/snail...
Cleaning the Bathroom?
I always use a bottle of 50/50 water and white vinegar and spray down the toilet and give it a quick wipe with a bit of toilet paper. I also spray down the counter with a damp wash cloth and the vinegar mix. I also spray a little mist of vinegar solution in...
Buy Extra Strawberries
I like to slice or dice them and put them in the dehydrator. I then store them in a jar and add them to my hot oatmeal and cream of wheat.
Saving Money Going To The Movies?
2 movies companies in our area have a special summer movie camp with movies as cheap as $1.00 http://www.cinemark.com http://www.amctheatres.com Also, a great cheap movie theatre in Kansas City http://www.trailridgecinema.com
Birthday Location Ideas for Teens and Adults?
You cant go wrong with renting a large shelter and having a barbecue at a nice park. Having chaperones there will help out with preventing things from getting out of hand. You can even have them in disguise as help (ie, cooking, clean up, security...?) Check...
Pen Around Your Neck for Shopping
Should you ever lose that pen, or it runs out of ink, check with a local dollar shop or Walmart for a replacement lanyard pen. Youre sure to find a bargain there. :)
Refilling Spice Jars
In our area, we have to rely on local farmers markets and dollar stores for cheap prices on spices.
Use an Old Freezer as a Pantry
We actually have 2 refrigerators, one we use as a regular frig, the other we use for extra freezer space and storage space for bottled water, soda and juices as well as paper goods, plastic utensils, unopened condiments (stock up when on sale I say) and other...
Turning a Patio Into an Outdoor Living Room?
I guessing nice outdoor furniture? Plastics to avoid moisture damage and bug infestations. Bug bulbs and zappers. Maybe a brown astroturf carpet? If you have the money, a weatherproof speaker set for music. An enclosed fire pit/cage? Im guessing enclosed meaning...
Dealing With An Abusive Husband?
Check with your local police department or ADT Security Services Sales Office about the A.W.A.R.E. Program. This program provides free equipment and monitoring for women in abusive relationships to get help silently, safely, and fast. My understanding is that...
Saving Money on Bottled Water?
If you live near a (b)QuikTrip(/b) store and you need some good clean water when youre on the go, heres a tip we use: The coffee machines have a spout just for hot water (for hot tea, hot chocollate, etc.). The water used for these coffee machines have their...
Dollar Menus at Fast Food Restaurants?
Wendys in my opinion now has the best dollar menu (and healthiest) Burger King also has a dollar menu. KFC has a .99 cent chicken sandwich now too. A lot of local mexican restaurants have a .79 cent taco night. 2 tacos, free chips and salsa and glass of water...
Dollar Menus at Fast Food Restaurants?
Check with your local McDonalds and Wendys around each holiday (or season). I know Wendys here in Kansas City offers the Jr. Frosty coupons (10 for a $1, I think) for Halloween and McDonalds offers the coupons around Halloween, then Christmas, Valentines Day...
Healthier Iced Tea
It may just be me, but I like to really dilute my tea. Just enough color and sweetner to give it taste, but more water (which is good for you too). I just got used to it after awhile. Now its my preferred choice for drinking tea.
Sneak Vegetables Into Your Dinner!
Great idea! And if your family is the adventurous type, try substituting peas (for green mashed potatoes) carrots (for orange) or a tiny bit of beet (for purple). It might be the colors that entice the younger ones to eat them!
Teen Looking for Dieting Advice?
Walk 30 mins. a day, 6 days a week. Drink 2 gallons of water a day. Eat more veggies. Avoid starchy veggies (corn, potatoes, peas) Avoid sugar and simple carbohydrates. Get advice from registered dietician/nutrionist for your individual needs. Have patience...
Inexpensive Ideas For Entertaining Toddlers?
Several of our local malls now feature an indoor play area for the kids! You take their shoes off and let them run around and climb on these indoor playgrounds for free! Theres usually other kids and parents there too, so your children are sure to meet new...
Savings on Cola
Check with your local Walmart, I feel their 2 liters taste like Coca-Cola to me, and Ill even mix the regular and diet to make my own CokeC2. In our area, 2 liters cost .50 cents for Sams Choice (Walmart Brand) BigLots is a good place too for cheap cola. .49...
Cooking On a Model A Ford's Manifold?
Reminds me of cooking in tin foil in a camp fire pit. Meat, carrots, potatoes wrapped in tin foil (twice or more if needed). The heat... heats it up! Wouldnt know why it wouldnt apply here too. :)
Frugal Tips For a Convenience Food Addict?
If hell only eat celery and carrots, then try to get him to eat this more often. Better that then nothing (vegetable wise) and they are very good veggies anyway. For mashed potatoes.... add cooked cauliflower. Not saying hes a kid, but my children wont touch...
Food TV Currently On "Economical" Kick?
http://www.foodnetwork.com Food Network is great! In addition to 30 Minute Meals, theres a new show with.... I believe his name is Dave Lieberman, about great low cost cooking. (cooking on a budget).
Getting the Last Drop of Mayonnaise or Catsup
Also good tip for making a marinade for your meats come grilling time! (Vinegar and condiments)
Kool-Aid for Diabetics
In my area, Kool-aid occasionally goes on sale for 10 packages for a dollar. When this happens, I stock up. I NEVER buy Kool-aid for less than this price. I have also found it for .10 each at BigLots. If I happen to run out before the next sale, Wylers drink...
A Healthy Meat Substitute
Thank you for posting this article! Now I too have discovered the joy that is TVP! Ive already used it in spaghetti sauce, Im ready to try making burgers next with it. We only have the small granule variety here where I live, I cant wait to find the flavored...
Ramen Instead of Spaghetti
So true about using Ramen Noodles. I save the seasoning packets for use later (bouillon) and I have found that Great Value (Walmart) brand is the cheapest in town. .10 cents a package! Ive also made baked spaghetti with Ramen Noodles, and cheesey ramen noodles...
Uses for Candle Wax?
We use a Tart Warmer and a small Fondue Pot, both available for under $5.00 at places like Bed, Bath and Beyond and Walmart. These work great for keeping a room or house smell fragrant and to help use up the left over scented candle wax!
Take Advantage of Birthday Perks
Marble Slab Creamery... Panchos Mexican Buffet Red Robin... Friendlys... TacoTime... California Pizza Kitchen... I have a ton of them listed. My website is in my profile (sorry, I dont want to get in trouble by posting my website here on ThriftyFun too much...
Favorite Stores?
My favorites: For groceries: Walmart and Save-A-Lot For everyday items - Walmart For Clearance Shopping - Target For this and that - Deals Nothing Over a Dollar Store and Dollar Tree For Clothing: The Childrens Place (for clearance) and JC PENNEY (for clearance...
Keeping your Palm Pilot and Nintendo DS like new!
It works great for Nintendogs! (IMO) :) I think it works better because youre not petting your Nintendog with a plastic stick. :) Actually, Ive been using a QTip to use on the DS since my last post and Ive had no problems with it ruining the screen. (And I...
Removing Hair From Hairbrushes?
This is just a suggestion, please let us know if it works. How about taking a sharp pair of scissors and cutting through the hair going row by row?
Looking for AOL CDs?
You mean, where can I NOT get a bunch of AOL disks? LOL! ;) If youre not getting enough in the mail, just make sure you stop by the apartment and auto books (free) on the way out of your local grocery store, Walmart, post office, etc. If you feel a little shy...
Video Gaming For Less!
Update: Since my last post, I have found that Target stores in my area seem to have some of the best cleareance in new videogames. Sure, you cant just show up and expect to find a clearance game, but if you check often enough (I try to check once a week) you...
Gift Wrap Ideas
The chinese newspaper idea is a good one Ive used myself. My kids are into the japanese swords, ninjas and anime and the newspaper was most appreciated when Santa wrapped their gifts this year!
CD Scratch Removal?
Check your local video game store (like GameStop or EB Games) for a device that shaves a tiny tiny bit of the cd, just enough to remove the scratch. Off the top of my head I cant think of the name, Disc Doctor. or something, but theyll know exactly what Im...
Looking For Free Junk Website?
Wow! Im glad I subscribe to the newsletters! I just signed up now to start my own local group (since they didnt have one in my area)! BTW, its http://www.freecycle.org not .com ;)
Uses for Plastic Soda Pop Bottles?
We keep almost (but not completely) full 2 liter bottles of water in the freezer: 1. Keeping your freezer full saves on energy usage. 2. Great for keeping the ice chest or cooler cold. 3. Drinking water, either for emergency use or when youre at the beach/park...
I just signed up now to start my own group, for some reason they didnt have one already set up in my area, but they do now! ;) They made me take an oath that I must give up my pack ratting ways ;)
Getting Basement Smell out of Clothes?
Im a BIG fan of the many uses of vinegar. Wash the clothing with 2 cups of vinegar. Then wash them again with normal laundry soap.
What to Do with 10 Pounds of Ground Beef
The best time to buy meat at the supermarket is in the mornings, look for the quick sell labels (sometimes orange, sometimes neon green), usually they have to be sold by that day.
Better Tasting Instant Mashed Potatoes
When we make a big batch of Ramen Noodles, we dont use all the flavor packets, as usually one packet for every two packages of noodles adds enough flavor. We end up having extra packets and we add these to our instant mashed potatoes (among other foods).
Thrifty Halloween Ideas
If you are into video games (like our family) youll like this idea (which we did for this year). Mega Man: 1 pair Blue Sweat Shirt and Sweat Pants (NOT Dark Blue, more of a medium or bright blue is best) Old childrens or adult bicycle helmet (round kind) Spray...
Uses for Paper and Craft Ideas?
For the work I do, I use a lot of scratch paper. I take all my junk mail to work, fold them into nice squarish shapes while Im on the phone, and use them as scratch paper. I get to browse through my junk mail and resupply, with what I would otherwise toss, my...
Microwave Cooking?
4 things we love cooking in the microwave, they can all be made for just one person: Ramen Noodles hot dogs hamburger patties frozen .99 cent pizzas (Totinos is one brand) Its actually pretty good! Like a pizza burrito!
Teen Back-To-School Saving On Designer Clothing
If your child doesnt mind wearing non-name brand clothing, check out the clearance aisles every once in a while at Target. In our area, they are notorious for clearancing out good quality clothing on a regular basis (in addition to the normal seasonal closeouts...
Bankruptcy Advice?
Laws vary by state. When we filed, we were allowed to keep the house and car, if we wanted to. You still have to claim them as part of the bankruptcy, we just had to resign an agreement for them. (to keep paying them).
Grocery Shopping? Food Budget?
We go for Store Brand over Brand Name, usually. A couple times weve found the Name Brand cheaper. Our favorite and cheapest places to shop for food? http://www.aldi.com http://www.savealot.com Walmart Brand (Great Value and Sams Choice) Deals Nothing Over a...
Surveys for Money?
I had signed up for some of those surveys and I quite frankly stopped doing them because they took too much of my time. (online). On the other hand, I did do the get paid to surf the web, and got a $30.00 check for doing it for about a month. Only thing is...
Trip to the Day Old Bread Store
Trip to the Day Old Bread Store If you find the bread starting to get a little hard (but not moldy pop it in the toaster, itll still taste great!
Thrifty Tips for the Week of 8-1-2003
A dripping faucet can cost you dollars. I also collect the dripping water to use for my pets water bowls! Dont cry over an onion I find leaving the skin on then removing it after Ive cut the onion helps too.
Save Those Extra Condiments
Our local McDonalds has recently been stingy with giving away extra McNugget sauces, they now charge for extra McNugget sauces (they still give the ketcup away). The most useful place weve found for condiments is our local QuikTrip. They carry Heinz Mayonaise...
School Lunch Recipes?
Invest in a sandwich maker. Yes, those once infomercial now available at Walmart for ten bucks Hamilton Brand (or other) sandwich maker. Weve made stuffed sandwiches with everything from traditional bologna and cheese, to pizza pockets, to stuffing them with...