Paying Bills During Financial Hardship?
A good site to get great advice for free is Try for a little financial assistance. I LOVE!
Weight Loss Themed Christmas Cards?
Hi! I belong to a similar group and I put a recipe I enjoy on a pretty card insde mine. I have also bought discounted book marks with veggies/fruits on them as they can be used in recipe books. I also made some from felt using pinking shears to cut the straight...
Pattern for Knifty Knitter Bag?
Nadine, Go to and put in nifty knitter. There are tons of patterns and sites to go to! There are even nifty knitter groups to join! Good luck! Mara
Angel Foods For Struggling Families
I use Angel Food for my son and his family and also if I know of anyone else that is having a tough time. It costs 25.00 a box and the program is sponsored by a ministry in GA. It is non-denoninational, no pressure to attend the church where you drive through...
Coffee Mix Recipes?
This is a really fun site! I have found lots of recipes I like! Thanks again! Mara
"I've had it with reality, where's my fairy godmother?" Cross Stitch Pattern
Try the website, It has a forum and the people there may be able to help you. It is my favorite cross stich site! Mara
Recipes Using Canned Beef?
Reuben Casserole 1- 12 oz. can corned beef 1/4 cup Thousand Island Dressing 1- lb. can saurercraut, drained 1/2 lb. Swiss cheese, shredded 1/4 cup melted margarine 6 slices rye bread, crumbled Crumble the corned beef into a well greased 12 x 8 baking dish. Dot...
Throw Up on Microfiber?
Sams Club sells some stuff called odo Ban and you can put it in a spray bottle to kill the odor. I use it on my carpet. Also, any of the pet odor enzyme products will remove that kind of odor too. Good luck! Mara
Sam (Raccoon) and Chick
What a great job you do! Bless you for releasing the raccoons to the wild. It must be very hard to do after raising them.
Organizing Recipes as Meals
Hi! What a great idea! I wonder if you would share your cracker barrel casserole recipe? Thanks, Mara
Recliner Fix?
I used the stuff you mend a cars dashboard with once on a kitchen chair and it worked. Available at at Walmart or most other dept. stores. Mara
Removing Nicotine From Mustache?
Try using shaving cream just to wash it. Also, mix mouthwash with soap and try washing with it.
Target and the Salvation Army
Yay for Target! If they let SA there what about the other charities? Besides, I know where they are if I want to contribute. Maybe when they they stop discriminating I will think about it. For now, Ill give my money to Target instead!
Looking for Prescription Drug Help in Ohio?
Marissa, Perhaps your Dr. can give you samples. Let him know your situation and perhaps he can refer you to someone that can help. At the very least, call the office and talk to SOMEONE there. Good luck! Mara
Outrageous Meat Prices?
Danielle, Is there a Sams Club nearby? They also sell their meat discounted if you get there in the early morning. I work nights and usually stop there there on my way home from work around 7am and load up! Good luck! Mara