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1 Post | 7 Comments | Active Since 2019
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Paparazzi Consultant Jewelry Business Name?
Actually it is the opposite. Paparazzi is not to be included in the name. The name is just something unique to you as the independent business owner. The name is also used to create a domain that links directly to your Paparazzi replicated website.


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Paparazzi Consultant Jewelry Business Name?
Paparazzi cant be in the name.


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Paparazzi Consultant Jewelry Business Name?
Paparazzi cannot be on the name.


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Paparazzi Consultant Jewelry Business Name?
You are correct regarding the restrictions. Also, it does currently read as my name and independent consultant.


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Paparazzi Consultant Jewelry Business Name?
Thanks for all of the feedback everyone. I have decided to go with The Bling Bag!


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Paparazzi Consultant Jewelry Business Name?
I wish it was me, but it isnt. Well, back to the drawing board.


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Paparazzi Consultant Jewelry Business Name?
My business name is Chic Necessories



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