Caring For A Dog With Parvo?
I was an overnight shock trauma vet tech and I have cared for many serious cases of parvo.The first thing that comes to mind is the smell of the diarrhea because I of the blood that comes with it. Although your dogs case doesnt sound as serious as I have seen...
What Breed is My Puppy?
Could be chow or mix with chow. To tell look for a Chows signature black tongue. Chows were never meant to be pets. They were bred to eat. In fact it is said the blacker their tongue the sweeter the meat.
Removing a Stain From a Jersey?
There is a product from Canada, EZ Strip All purpose stain remover. In the US it is now called MAX all purpose stain remover. I am an artist and get paint on everything. I had a pair of shorts that for 7 years had a half dollar size of white acrylic paint on...
Is My Dog a Chihuahua?
I think she has papillon in her but she is beautiful. A lot of breeders of small dogs breed several types and are not always careful about them mixing company.