Organizing Individual Fabric Craft Projects
I make purses, bags, and totes too, this is a great idea. I too gather all my materials but putting them in a zip bag is a great idea.
Packing Kids For Multi Day Trips
This is why women find they are married to little boys who can not do anything for themselves.
Packing Kids For Multi Day Trips
Yeah, hes going away to get away, so what if his clothes are mismatched and forgetting the soap is not a disaster. hes too old to be so coddled.
Save Your Old Cookware Lids
This is a good idea, also look at garage sales for more lids. especially the glass ones, its nice to see how your food is cooking while you are holding in the heat.
Home Remedies for Low Thyroid?
Kelp, it has iodine in it, and is natural. It works great. Take it in the morning.
Preventing Having to Warm Up Your Car?
We used a heating pad and a blanket, the pad was on the engine, the blanket wasnt over the whole hood with the hood down. It doesnt have to be on high, just low will work for the pad. The metal conducts heat.
Reuse Plastic Cupcake Trays to Start Seeds
Be sure to wash your seed starting trays each time you re-use it.
Water Plants With Leftover Ice
Plants prefer warmish water. Cold stunts their growth, do not use icey water on your plants this includes well water, let it warm up first.
Plant Shade Trees to Conserve Energy
I plant amaranth to shade sections of my garden that keep my brassicas from getting too hot in the second half of the hot summer.
Freeze Berries on a Baking Pan
No cooking pan, just place unrinsed, NO wash first! Berries single layer in a freezer bag closed on a plate to keep them flat, when berries are frozen whap them against the counter, to make sure they are loose-when all berries are individually frozen seal up...
Packing Peanuts in Net Bags for Plant Containers
NO, it doesnt work, just use dirt [soil][, the roots die when thery get to the peanuts. And its murder to get them out of that soil. I reuse soil, and put it all in my compost, all the peanuts need to be removed or it will be unsightly in your garden. Also...
Use a Paper Towel Tube for Vacuuming
Try going to a cheap second hand store, not the pricier ones that advertise but the back street ones, and get another crevice wand, most are usable for all machines, I have several because my mother and I save all the old tools.
Get Rid of Pests in Fall Arrangements
Use a very low setting in your oven, pine cones are highly flammable. The critters might be better guests than the fire department.
Shop Other Thrift Stores Before Goodwill
Ive noticed that Goodwill for many years is going the same route as the Red Cross, they are for profit agencies that claim to be non-profit, Goodwill [and Volunteers-of-America] pockets most of their income, and charge huge prices for all-donated item, it is...
Snakes In Water Garden?
Do not use moth balls around your pond, they may fall in the water and kill your fish.
Anyone have uses for pillow shams?
I cut up special fabrics of some of the prettiest ones to make laprobes to give away, Im always on-the-prowl for cheap fancy fabrics for my small blankets, and some have nice cording around them to use for my other crafts.
Donating to Goodwill
I donate only to St. Vincent De Paul, because they dont charge so much for items that are totally free to them, and they actually help people.