Remedy for Skin Cracks on Fingertips?
Mix @ 10 to 15 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil into1/2 cup coconut oil and rub into finger tips. If you can find them, cotton gloves worn over night after putting this on.
Take Better Care of Your Possessions
I totally understand! I often find clothing in Thrift stores with just a button missing, donated by someone who just doesnt care enough or doesnt know how to do simple repairs. I too am teaching the grand kids to can food! They are amazed that not everything...
Using Gift Cards with Small Amounts Left?
I carry a small sharpie so I know what rhe balance actually is. When using them I know exactly what to enter. Walmart lets you do this with more then 1 card. So if my purchase is $6 I swipe my card for $3.14 then the next card for $2.00 then pay cash for the...