Removing Ink from Clothing?
Obviously, this answer is late, but if the stain is still there or if this happens again, try rubbing alcohol. If thats not available, use something that contains alcohol - hand sanitizer, hair spray, mouthwash, etc.
Dye Transferred to Colored Clothing?
Saturate the stains with straight rubbing alcohol - then wash as usual. Ive used this method several times. It works most of the time, but not always. But its cheap and wont do any harm. Worth a try...
Pads for an Antique Rocking Chair?
Go to Home Depot, Lowes or your local hardware store and buy felt strips that are made specifically to put on the bottom of furniture to keep it from scratching your floors. They also make the furniture very easy to move.
Cleaning Rate for a Friend?
Are you truly helping him clean or will you be doing all the work yourself? If he is helping, too, I would probably charge around $50 a day. If youre doing it all by yourself, I would charge at least $75 per day. Maybe more, depending on the amount of work...
Lengthening Draperies 9 Inches?
Lengthen them with a band of contrasting fabric. It can either be a solid color or a print that coordinates with other fabrics or furniture in the room. Ive seen lots of new window treatments that are made like this.
Removing Hair Dye That is Wrong Color?
I dont know if this works because Ive never tried it, but Ive read that washing your hair with baking soda will remove some of the color. Put about a teaspoon or a little more baking soda in your hand, add shampoo, mix them together and wash your hair as usual...
How Can We Get Rid Of Litter Odor?
The first thing she needs to do is get at least 2 more litter boxes - 3 or 4 would be even better. Not knowing what kind of litter or litter boxes she has, these suggestions may or may not apply:
Removing Sharpie from Hair?
Try saturating the colored hair with rubbing alcohol. You might have to apply more than once - it dries very quickly. If the color comes out, you need to wash your hair afterwards.
Removing Soap Scum on Shower Tiles?
Use steel wool pads (SOS, Brillo, etc. - I buy WalMarts store brand). It will take some time and elbow grease, but its the only thing Ive found that really works. And no, it wont scratch your tile.
Removing Dried Paint from Carpet?
Go to Home Depot and get some Goof Off. Its petroleum based and smells pretty strong, but it will remove the paint. Youll find it in the paint department. Theres a similar product called Goo Gone, but it doesnt work as well on dried paint.
Uses for Scalloped Tree Ring Bricks?
Assuming these are the curved ones, you can just make a round flower bed.
Kitchen Cabinet Paint Color Advice?
Since I assume your appliances are closer to the cabinets than the table legs, I would paint the cabinets to match the appliances.
Sewing Machine Top Thread Keeps Breaking?
Have you changed the needle? If not, try that. Sometimes a needle will get slightly bent and cause all kinds of trouble.
Removing Ink on Clothes?
Try rubbing alcohol. Put something absorbent (old towel) under the stain, pour on a little alcohol and blot with a clean cloth. Since the alcohol dries quickly, you may need to repeat a few times. I used it to remove an ink stain from clothing that was dried...
Removing Permanent Marker from Clothing?
Rubbing alcohol. Place a washcloth under the fabric and saturate the stain with alcohol, using another washcloth to blot the stain. If the alcohol dries before the stain is gone, pour on more alcohol and blot again. Keep doing this - it should remove the marker...
Myrrh for Treatment of Toenail Fungus?
I didnt watch Dr. Oz, but I recently heard on a local call-in show that Vicks Vaporub works. Just rub in on top of the nail and the skin around it each night before bed. I dont have any personal experience with this, but the doctor on the show said he had tried...
Getting Rid of Cigarette Odors Inside?
Have you cleaned your furniture? Upholstered furniture and mattresses will hold on to that smoke smell. Even wooden furniture (be sure to clean the sides, not just the top) and cabinets need to be cleaned well to remove the tar and nicotine residue. You might...
Getting Rid of Moles?
I had a bad mole problem a few years ago. After reading that the moles were after grubs in the lawn, I treated the yard for grubs and havent had moles since. I bought the grub treatment at Home Depot. Its granular and you spread it like you would fertilizer...
Cleaning Stained Shower Doors?
Try a steel wool soap pad (SOS, Brillo, etc.) It wont scratch the glass like you think it might and it really cuts through soap scum.
Flowers or Flock of Geese? (Western New York)
The name of that plant is Gooseneck Loosestrife - very appropriately named!
Cleaning Closet Wire Shelving?
Try this and see if it works for you. Mix up a solution of 3 parts water and 1 part ammonia in a spray bottle. Take the shelves outside, lay them flat and spray liberally with the ammonia solution. Wait 10 minutes or so and hose them off.
Removing Packaging Wrinkles from Crushed Voile Curtains?
Yes, you can wash them, but they will lose their wrinkles best if you put them in the dryer after they are washed. If you dont have a dryer, it wont hurt to iron them. Just use a lower heat and some steam. The crushed effect wont iron out.
Use Lemon Juice in Recipes?
The lemon juice acts with the baking soda to make the bread rise. You dont want to leave this out. But it doesnt matter whether you use fresh or bottled.
Chirping Smoke Detector?
I had a similar problem with a carbon monoxide detector. I went to the website for that brand and searched for data on my model. Turns out, they have a limited life of about 7 years. I had to replace it. This could be the same problem with your smoke detector...
Using Bisquick?
Bisquick is a combination of flour, leavening (baking powder, baking soda & salt), and fat. Besides biscuits, it make great pancakes and waffles. There are usually several recipes printed on the box. Do an internet search for Bisquick recipes and youll find...
Removing Gray Stains on Bathroom Tiles?
You didnt say what material your tiles were made of - vinyl or ceramic? If your tiles are vinyl, I can tell you this: I had gray splotches on the vinyl flooring in my kitchen when I bought my house. I didnt worry about it since I planned to replace the floor...
Using Recycled Newspaper Cat Litter as a Plant Mulch?
That sounds like a great idea to me. Assuming, of course, that the only ingredient in the cat litter is newspaper.
Cleaning Gold Jewelry?
Mix one part ammonia and one part hydrogen peroxide. Swish the jewelry in the solution for a few seconds, then rinse with clear water. This can be used on real gold, costume jewelry and jewelry with hard gemstones (diamonds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds, etc...
Keeping Appliances Clean
Great minds think alike! I do these things too. Its nice to know Im not the only one who cleans the cords!
Cleaning Gold Jewelry?
Mix one part ammonia and one part hydrogen peroxide. Swish the jewelry in the solution for a few seconds, then rinse with clear water. This can be used on real gold, costume jewelry and jewelry with hard gemstones (diamonds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds, etc...
Removing a Grease Spot from Light Carpet?
Try Spot Shot. You can get it at Wal Mart, Home Depot, etc. I havent found a carpet stain yet that it didnt remove.
Simple Halloween Costumes for an Office Group?
Take an older T-shirt or sweatshirt and paint a large letter P on the front. Then use black or dark gray make-up (eyeliner, eye shadow, eye pencil, anything really dark) under and around one eye. You are a Black-eyed Pea!
Kitchen Cabinet Paint Color Advice?
The first thing that came to my mind was to paint the cabinets the same golden yellow as the walls, but without the faux finish. If you think that might be too bright, use one of the lighter colors on the same color strip. You can find really pretty knobs and...
Finishing OSB as Wallboard?
You could just paint the OSB. The paint would hide the different colored chips and give the walls a nice textured look. My friend built a small outbuilding in her backyard, using OSB as the flooring. She painted it dark brown - it sort of looks like leather...
Cleaning a Black Ceramic Top Stove?
Scrub those burn rings with baking soda and a blue Scotch Brite pad. Be sure its the blue, non-scratch one and not the green one. If there is a heavy build-up, you can scrape most of it off with a single-edged razor, like the ones you use to scrape paint off...
"0" Button Not Working on Microwave Touch Pad?
Just subtract 1 second from the time you want to enter. For example, if you want to cook something for 3 minutes, enter 2:59.
Determining the Value of a 1940s Tableware Set?
I just discovered that replacements can also help identify a pattern, if its not printed on the bottom. Theres a place on the website called Identify My Pattern (or something like that). You take a picture of the item and email it to them. I used this to identify...
All of My Flowers are Dying?
I dont know about a virus, but I have a bed in the front of my house that wont grow anything - pansies, marigolds, begonias - nothing! I finally found out that theres a fungus in the soil that is virtually impossible to get rid of. Anything I planted would...
Removing Duct Tape Residue on Gutters?
If Goo Gone doesnt work, try some Goof Off. Its a similar product, but in my opinion it is stronger than Goo Gone and works faster.
Brewing Coffee Without a Coffee Maker?
Is your broken coffeemaker a drip machine? If so, put the filter & coffee in the basket as usual. Sit the basket over the glass carafe and pour boiling water through it. Youll have to do it slowly so the basket wont over fill. If its one of those makers that...
Things to Do With Kids in New Orleans?
Check out the Audubon Zoo and Aquarium. Its been a long time since my last visit, so I couldnt tell you the cost of these things. Look online for coupons.
Cleaning Wood Floors?
When my wood floors arent terribly dirty, I damp mop them with just plain water. When they need a little more cleaning than that, I buy Bruce hardwood floor cleaner at Home Depot, spray an area of the floor and damp mop. The Bruce cleaner comes out as a fine...
Kitchen Flooring Advice?
My personal choice is sheet vinyl. Thats what I have now. Its very easy to clean, soft on the feet, and it comes in many colors and patterns. The one I have looks like ceramic tile. I had ceramic tile in another house. It was cold and while the tile itself...
Best Cat Litter for Controlling Odor?
I have 2 litter boxes in my utility room. I use Tidy Cat scoopable litter. Every time I scoop, I take a wet rag, spray a little household cleaner on it and wipe down the edges of the litter box. You would be surprised how much urine collects there. Another...
Kitchen Backsplash Ideas?
I used white subway tiles. Although my colors are totally different from yours, this might work for you, too. I figured that if I ever decided to change the colors of the walls, cabinets, countertops, etc., the white tiles would still work. I bought the tiles...
My House Smells Like Cigarette Smoke?
The type of cigarettes that he smokes could make a difference. My brother smokes full strength menthol - much stronger odor than the ultra light non-menthol ones that I smoke. A couple of things you can try to cut down on the odor: 1. Get a small air purifier...
Removing Dog Poop Stains from Carpet?
Try a product called Spot Shot. You can buy it at Walmart, Home Depot and probably some grocery stores. It comes in a dark blue can or I think they sell it in a spray bottle now. I never found any carpet stain that it couldnt remove. I used it to clean mystery...
Getting Rid of a Blister?
It sounds like it might be a corn. Those little corn pads really work great.
Water Game Birthday Party for a 5 Year Old?
Set up a couple of sprinklers and let the kids run through them. I still remember this from when I was little, a long time ago!
What is This Plant?
Its called Dead Nettle. I personally consider it a weed, my yard is covered with it.
How Can I Tell If I Have Body Odor?
Since its hard to smell your actual body, try smelling your clothes when you undress. If your clothes smell bad after youve worn them for awhile, then you probably have body odor.
How Do I Get My Hair Color Back to Its Natural Color?
You could keep it colored with a semi-permanent dark color (the kind that gradually washes out in about 28 shampoos). As the color gradually fades, you will be able to tell how far the silver has grown out. If it still has a long way to go, color it again. Once...
Removing Oil and Odors from Work Clothing?
A couple of options to try: 1. Borax is supposed to be a good deodorizer for laundry. 2. Sams Club sells a product called Odo-Ban (I think Ive seen it in Home Depot, too.). Buy the gallon jug, not the spray bottle. The gallon is concentrated. There are instructions...
Odorless Pain Cream?
Aspercreme doesnt smell. Ben Gay makes one called Vanishing Scent or Vanishing Odor - it smells like regular Ben Gay, but after a few minutes, the smell disappears.
How Do I Get Rid of Cigarette Smoke Odor in the House?
The only things you havent mentioned cleaning are things like light fixtures, ceiling fans, window blinds, cabinets. If you havent already, you can clean all these with any good household cleaner or use a mixture of 1/2 cup ammonia in a gallon of warm water...
What to Do About a Tooth Sensitive to Hot and Cold?
When I had this problem several years ago, it was because my gums were receding slightly, exposing a very sensitive area at the top of the tooth. I used a toothpaste for sensitive teeth and that helped a lot. Eventually, my dentist put in gum line fillings...
My Frugal Life: Resolutions for 2011
Do you keep the instruction manuals for all your gadgets? If so, try taping or stapling the receipt inside the front cover of the manual. That has made it easy for me to find a receipt when I need it.
Suggestions for Sewing Curtains Using a Stretchy Fabric?
Do you have a scrap of that fabric that you can do a little test on? If so, sew a hem in it, then wash and dry it. Lots of times, fabrics will stretch and pucker when you sew them, but once they are washed and dried, they come out fine. This happens to me when...
Spoiled Milk Odor in Car?
First, take the floor mats out of the car. If they will fit, put them in your washing machine and wash with regular laundry detergent in warm water. I was able to fit mine in without folding. They dont move around much when the washer agitates, but they still...
Keeping Cats Out of the Christmas Tree?
I have 3 cats. Two of them just sniff the tree, chew on the branches a little and end up sleeping under it. The 3rd one, however, is a totally different story. Lizzie is 3 years old and climbs the tree every chance she gets! Sometimes she flattens out a spot...
Tomato Cage As Outdoor Christmas Tree
I did something similar, but I covered the tomato cages with artificial garlands to make them look more like real trees. Then I added lights & ornaments.
Left-Right Christmas Gift Exchange
That sounds like so much fun! Im going to suggest this to my friend who has an ornament swap party every year.
Clothing Dye Stained Washer Drum?
Run a washer full of hot water, detergent, and a cup of chlorine bleach. Do not put in any clothes. The dye packages usually tell you to do this right after dying something. Its possible that all the dye wont come out if its been awhile since you dyed your...
Crustless Pecan Topped Pumpkin Pie Recipe?
Look for sweet potato casserole recipes. Thats what this sounds like to me. Are you sure it was pumpkin? If so, you can probably substitute pumpkin for the sweet potatoes in the recipe.
Buying Mineral Makeup?
I use the mineral makeup made by Maybelline. I buy mine at Wal Mart for about $10. To make it last longer and go on more evenly, I mix it half & half with loose face powder. I apply it to my face with a small powder puff. This keeps the powder from falling...
What Can I Use for Dusting Instead of Spays?
I spray my dust cloth with a very light mist of water. It really helps to pick up the dust instead of just moving it around. If youre wanting something to clean and shine, there are homemade recipes using olive oil and lemon juice.
Reviews of E-Cloths?
I had not heard of E Cloths, but I looked it up. They are simply microfiber cloths. I buy a package of 8 cloths in the automotive department of Wal Mart for $5. And yes, they do work with just water. I use them to clean mirrors and windows. Just keep in mind...
Think Outside the Bird: Ideas for Cranberry...
Mix one can of jellied cranberry sauce and one bottle of chili sauce. Pour the mixture over frozen meatballs in your crockpot. Cook until the meatballs thaw and get hot. Delicious!!
Cleaning Hardwood Floors?
Clean your hardwood floors with water. I bought a mop with a wide head and a microfiber cover. I wet the cover, wring it out, put it on the mop and clean my hardwood floors with water only. I carry a spray bottle of water with me as I go. When the mop appears...
Adding Color to a Wall of Windows?
Paint that wall a different color to make it an accent wall, maybe a shade or two darker than the other walls.
Diminishing the Look of Highlights as They Grow Out?
Color your hair with one of the semi-permanent solutions. They wash out gradually over about 4 to 6 weeks. Choose a shade that matches your natural color. It wont change your natural color, but will make the highlights blend in. Its very simple to do it yourself...
Will Cotton Poly Sheets Make Good Cleaning Rags?
I dont think they would soak up spills very well, but they should be fine for cleaning and scrubbing. Jean
What Type of Doctor to See for Muscle Spasms?
Start with your family doctor. I had bad muscle spasms in my neck. My family doctor prescribed muscle relaxers and sent me to physical therapy for a few visits. That did the trick. If you family doctor thinks you need a specialist, he/she should be able to...
Number of Litter Boxes for Multiple Cats?
I have 3 cats and I use 2 litter boxes. Works fine, I only scoop them out about every 2 to 3 days.
Storage Solutions for a Small Car?
Maybe you could find those shoe pockets at a dollar store and just cut off the size you need (2 or 3 of the pockets). Im not sure how you would hang them from the dash, though.
Making Hair Wavy?
If your hair is all one length, the top isnt wavy because the weight of your hair is pulling it down. You could get the top part layered - the shorter sections would be more likely to be wavy.
Absorb Extra Heat With a Tea Kettle
I think this is a fabulous idea. I have to make potato salad tomorrow - Ill certainly give this a try.
Cleaning Jewelry?
Try this: Mix 1 part ammonia with 1 part hydrogen peroxide. Put in your jewelry, swish it around for a few seconds, and rinse. As soon as the jewelry goes into the solution, you will be able to see the dirt and grime bubbling out. You might need to use an old...
Make Your Own Take Along Coffee Packs
Thanks for this great idea. I can use this when I go out of town and stay in a hotel. They always have a small coffeemaker and furnish coffee in those filter packs - but they never give you enough for more than one pot. I usually take along some filters and...
Why is My Cat Stealing My Socks?
I had a cat that did the same thing, usually with dish towels, but if there wasnt one handy, he would drag any type of fabric around the house. One winter morning, I reached for my bathrobe at the end of the bed, but it wasnt there. After searching, I found...
Make Your Own Pet Carrier
Fantastic idea! Even though I have a large pet carrier, its very difficult to get the cat in. I usually turn in up on the end and drop the cat in from the top. Ive also had problems with the vet trying to get the cat out of the carrier. Theyve had to disassemble...
Recipe for a Small One Layer Cake?
This is the recipe I use when I want a small cake. It makes one layer. You could add chocolate, spices, or fruit to change the flavor. Its very simple to make. Dinette Cake 1 1/2 cups self-rising flour 1 cup sugar 3/4 cup milk 1/3 cup shortening 1 egg 1 teaspoon...
Home Kitchen Certification?
I would start by calling your state Health Department. If they arent the ones to handle this, they should be able to point you in the right direction.
Planting In Cinderblocks
Wow - theres somebody else like me out there! I do the exact same thing. Check out my gardens.
Eating Pole Beans Left on the Vine Over Winter?
Or, you could save them until the weather is warm and plant them.
Planting My First Garden?
Go to this website. It will give you a lot of information about what varieties to plant for your area. Basically, you need a patch of soil, plants or seeds, water, and sunshine. I, like kffrmw88, built a bed from...
Add Shelf to Side of Cupboard
I use those same shelves in other places. In my upper cabinets, I put my larger plates under the shelf and the smaller ones on top. I dont have to move small plates to get to the big ones. In my closet, I have a few shelves that are great for shoes, but there...
Simple Apple Crisp?
Apple Crisp 2 cans apple pie filling 1 cup flour 1/2 cup dark brown sugar 1/2 cup oatmeal 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 cup butter 1/2 cup chopped pecans Grease a 9-in. square baking dish. Pour in apple pie filling. Mix dry ingredients and cut in butter. Sprinkle...
Creative Ideas for Covering a Sectional Couch?
The easiest way to cover the cushions is to wrap them in fabric like a gift box. You can use large safety pins to fasten the fabric on the bottom of the cushions. Then just flip them over and put them back on the sofa.
Uses for Cooling Racks
Whenever I put a casserole dish without a cover in the refrigerator, I put a cooling rack over it. That way, I can stack another dish or other item on top of it. This also comes in handy when you need to transport dishes that dont have covers.
Helping My Husband Match His Clothing?
Is there a reason that you cant pick them out for him? Maybe the night before, you could put the shirt and pants together on a hook on the closet door.
Using RIT Dye in a Washing Machine?
I agree that there are probably 2 things wrong. 1. You need more dye in the washer because there is probably more water there - even on the lowest setting than 1 box or bottle of dye requires. 2. The dye doesnt stay in the washer long enough. To correct this...
Treating Plantar Warts?
Dr. Scholls makes a wart remover specifically for plantar warts. It consists of a small medicated disk and a larger, doughnut type pad. You put a new one on every other day. I used it and it took about a week to get rid of the wart. I dont remember exactly...