Repairing a Kenmore Sewing Machine?
DONT loosen the screws...they all need to come in line to work. Take a bit of time and go to a sewing machine store where there is a repair person on site. I often go to get screws you cant get at the hardware store for your OLD machines. Some new ones as well...
Transporting Helium Balloons
Not only the environment side but the fact any airborne mylar balloon swooping into the sky...zillions of highline and electrical lines catch them...and that will cause the spark/connect for power outages..not just small ones..a well as set off fires. Now what...
Get Last Bit of Toothpaste
I also use an expensive toothpaste (Sensodyne Pronamel) and am finding companies are starting to make the tube more pliable..BUT I use Binder Clips, keep rolling the tube up and applying. Almost get out 100% that way.
Value of a 1985 Cabbage Patch Doll?
Not what you are hoping for. PBS Antique Show says trend or society chased after SOME DAY VALUE, usually means waiting a 100 years or more to see increase from what you bought. Often, it is much lower than what you bought. Value is when it becomes the small...
Freezing Eggs?
Know your recipe or amount you will need. You cannot individual fry them once altering into solid state, but if you scramble or use in cooking or baking, just open the eggs and store in plastic bag/seal a meal to amount. And Zip or seal bag. Freeze in bottom...
Selling Cut Pine for Wood Crafts?
Etsy? Pinterest? My son cuts cedar. Alot of time it depends on the wood, whether it is a sappy wood, how hard it is to clean the wood up to be used...planner, etc.
Pine Tree Removal in Ohio?
Young established pines might be of interest in new property for housing section. Pull out ball, etc and replant. Harvesting pine for construction needs to consider what kind of pieces of wood could be cut from each trunk. And whether to be kiln or air dried...
Identifying Porcelain Dolls?
A good start is looking up Doll Museums or Doll Hospitals.
Fixing a Bad Dye Job?
Your products you are using are compounding your issue. You need HAIR RESTORATION 9-1-1. Surprised it has not broken off in the meanwhile. Some people will continue till hair falls out. Blonde hair changes is like a crap shoot. Even the water you wash it in...
Does my German Shepherd Look Purebred?
DNA testing BUT if you bought this from a breeder and not have paper work, I would challenge what would be said unless proven. Someone else liability for that breeder signing papers. Also, a breeder.....loosely used, would have your beginning...
Substituting Evaporated Milk for Whole Milk in Baking?
Yes, you could use it straight strength, you could also get instant milk to keep on hand as well. That you just add water to. I think some of the other posters are thinking EVAPORATED Milk as the same as CONDENSED MILK. NO to that answer. CONDENSED MILK is...
Getting Rid of Mice in Your Home
One thing, our OLD style of dryer vents are no longer approved ones. They need to be fixed stove pipe style, not expandable..either plastic or foil wrapped. We had an audit our house done and that was a huge no-no. Check with your home hazards...
Homemade Hand Sanitizer
VIRUSES can be encapsulated by soap and water. Including those being shared currently. For killing influenza...
3-Step DIY Hair Treatment Tip
Lotions from do not know the chemical make up. Some by just putting on your hands can create burn factor. And on the other end, high of water. Better yet, eat a good diet of healthy fats in food. Drinking more water than you do can help reset the...
Wrangling Plastic Grocery Bags
As a whole I use of my own reusable insulated bags, but 15-20 yrs back, I took a pair of my sons/husbands blue jeans, cut off the ratty legs, ran sewing machine across the bottom, made a handle from some welting pieces and with a few cents, had a couple bags...
Pretzel Rolo Turtles (Gluten Free)
This is the recipe on the package...has been there for years. My neighbor makes these all the time. I do not use gluten free pretzels, difficult to find. Expensive to pretzels from scratch with rice flour but it is doable.
Better E-Mail Writing
I send those to myself to re-read as the other person before actually sending to THEM. Often change where the period went...Too many duhs and slang in emails will totally slam the other person. Period or .... in the wrong place...means you dont care. Heaven...
Slurpee Straw Saver and Cleaner
I just take any of these bottles, etc and take the lid off, lay on side and microwave 10-15 seconds ONLY, then invert into a small container like tupperware you can seal and then use the product. When up to 2 ounces can be left in these bottles, use your voice...
Protect Your Phone When Baking
Fast and not heat blocked to create damage..Drop into open page protector. top open...remove when done.
Always Price Check
Not only that but do price check and also watch it go through check out. Many times you get charged the higher price.
Save Discontinued Monopoly Pieces
There is always someone looking to BUY and REPLACE pieces. I dont want to buy the game with the new pieces. For me, destroys the memory of playing the old board games. The toss away society will never know what it is like to get to have that special piece, playing...
Finding Fabrics for Charity Crafts?
Have been there, done that for many projects..Many years the art director for 100-150 kids for Bible School. I designed projects easy for adults to follow as leader assistants, age worthy from preschool to 6th grade. THEN making my NEEDS list, I put my needs...
How to Clean Shrimp
When I get to the nasty vein process, I take out a trusty but small crochet hook, to poke, catch and pull out quickly. Works like a knife with a hook.
When Frugal is Not!
Great comments....tired of people saying their drive an hour to get a cheaper price at big box stores when smaller home town markets are just as manageable. Who carries out your grocery..Who home delivers when you are sick, broken limb...My sons supermarket...
Microwave for Drying Herbs
I started doing the microwave herb drying after seeing a UTube video last summer. I have a 1250 watt so I use 15 sec to 30 sec for drying. Tarragon being done right now. I found using a whole leaf of kale was 3 minutes..BUT do in 1 min x 2 and 30 sec till texture...
Bobby Pin Necklace
We used to do a version of this back in the 50-60s when you had grandmas pins to play with. Boredom creates pretty things.
License for House Cleaning Business?
If you advertise your business, or do word of mouth are 2 different types. If you have the same clients every week, I would say no. If you help an aging adult do their home monthly, I would say no. If you want to branch out in businesses, the department of...
Singer Sewing Machine Not Stitching Properly?
If you want to keep this machine, invest in a professional to go over it for you. Sometimes a needle breaks and all pieces dont get removed, to wrong type of thread used, bobbin aged, esp if using metal bobbin. Keeping machine clean is very important, and oiled...
Re-Dyeing Your Hair
Might I add, these tips from above work about the same when you choose to dye fabrics......if you are not an expert at solving problems in doing it, find a friend or business who will, and expect to be charged for the work. Nothing worse than the friend who...
Saving a Root Bound Plant
I have learned over the years if I have a plant that looks unhappy...I set out the newspapers for the mess and slide the plant out of container. I find by dividing apart and then putting back in replenished soil helps keep them happy...thus root bound avoided...
Baby Food Snack Containers
I do similar, get them from my neighbor who did daycare. I buy batteries in bulk (30-40 at a time), and store each size in their own container..same ends pointing same direction. Also, buttons, screws, nails, etc can all be stored and then I store the screws...
Doubling Your Tomato Crop
For generations the proper way to plant to tomato was to tip it like this in a trench..makes stronger root system. On your list of things, you forgot the magnesium sulfate...needed for any thing blossoming. It is also for the end rot..get enough of the mag...
Can My Children Receive Survivor Benefits?
There is a difference between custody and legal guardian when it comes to issues like this. Was it a full legal parental rights removed by a court? Everything has to move through the court jurisdiction? This also means that you dont get custody back, have no...
Shopping for Milacris Shampoo?
Did some google research and apparently that brand is discontinued. But you can google coal tar shampoo or you can go to your local pharmacy, big box stores, and it will be on the shelf. Many brands of that if you are not stuck on the one brand you mentioned...
Getting Rid of Possums in the Yard?
They used to be part of a certain section of the country, but here in MN, we have seen them as well. One was on my patio in town, had my dog out late at night to pee, on a leash. She got angry about something in the yard, which started hissing, etc. I grabbed...
Reusing Refrigerator Baking Soda
Because of the smells drawn to the soda when in the fridge..I use for drain cleaning. A bit of soda and a few TB vinegar are awesome couple times a week refresher.
Check the Hoses on Your Washing Machine
An added note to being a penny-wise person is to make sure you have the metal washer hoses, rather than the rubber ones. Most sell you the set when you buy knew, but if you dont, a $10 investment can mean the difference in hundreds of dollars damage. Also, if...
Car Heater Not Working?
What Louise said, but if you know something about what you are doing, make notes to tell the person who finally is scheduled to fix it. For several decades my husband has fixed and done autobody to the family cars. And 2 of 3 sons went to college tech for these...
Waverly Window Panels Sold by Target?
Sorry to say, as many things you find you like, the stores move them on and OFF their shelves. This keeps the people coming back to replace.
Cleaning Gums After Tooth Extraction?
I am assume this extraction process is before dentures. Your dentist should have advised you. Rinse your mouth often as if you have teeth. Warm saline water (not strong salt). You can purchase at the drugstore a product call glyoxide which is used for elderly...
11th Birthday Party Ideas?
I guess it is up to the birthday gal to decide what she wants to do and if a spa, her friends fit it and celebrate it. My granddaughter is a Tommy Girl, but loves to do Girly Girl things too. It is the age.
15th Birthday Gift Ideas for Boyfriend?
First, remember your ages. Nothing personal, stay clear of trying to impress you are his girlfriend, it will look possessive. Does your school have a school store where you can buy mascot decorated sweatshirts, t-shirt, etc. Give him a gift certificate to go...
Disability Payments and Child Support?
The check needs to be sent to the person the court designated as legal custody or as the law would say, more than half the care of the child allows you the tax credit. Maybe did not think of that either. The disability payment has a trail of paper behind it...
When Can Babies Sit Up Alone?
All children have different rates they do milestones but this is concerning. My 1st walked at 13 months. My 2nd at 9 months, my 3rd at 7 months. All were sitting by themselves by 6 months of age. My 3rd one never crawled... skipping an important step is also...
Starting a Bent N Dent Store?
Hi, here in Mn too. Contact Meadowland Market 10 W 6th St Morris, MN (320) 585-5050. They have a very successful store. In fact, were in an area small town to start with and had to move to the bigger town. This is a college town, many use it. Grandma from Benson...
Hair Dye on Skin?
If you are asking if this can change it permanently, no. Temporary hair dye might slightly change it IF you concentrate on leaving the dye on the mole. If it has changed on its own or you dont see if change back to normal in a few days, get it checked out. That...
Getting Hair Back to Natural Color?
Using your regular shampoo, do daily washings. Do not use anything harsh. Most self given hair dyes have a short life span. I am a swimmer and 3 weeks is all I get from my OTC less than $8 boxes. I have found a few about $10-15 that will give me 60 days.... Do...
Curtain Color Advice for Den Dining Room Combination?
I always use a soft camel color, not beige but a bit brighter...but not a red tone. I find I can blend everything else in when I use that as a basic color.
Steel Wool For Cleaning Coffee Pot
Or just take some lime away or some unflavored koolaid, fill pot, bring koolaid to boil. Can also use this in the Mr Coffee types to clean as well. Pour in with water. Maybe it is the citric acid of the product. See what it does for teeth?
Using Hedge Apples for Pest Control?
I take an old disposible pie plate, crunch around the hedge ball, set then on floor, carpet, etc any zone where spiders seem to be found. It will dry out as it ages..I swear by these...have a 110 yr old house..and need to put on my list for the fall.
Vitamin E for Fever Blisters
Make sure it is a fever blister...meaning you ran a temp, rather than a cold sore, which is totally different. Either one can use Vitamin E capsules popped and applied. But the cold sore is a virus created lip issue. I take a q-tip and swab alcohol on and then...
Shopping for Peppermint Oil?
Make sure you know what you want it for. Cooking? Topical therapy? From the grocery store to the drug store. Lots out there. I get mine from Puritan Pride online.
Instant Receiving Blanket Bib
I take old washclothes (or new) and take a shoe lace, cut in half, sew to each corner for the top and GOT A BIB.
Use Old Stuffing For Removing Nail Polish
You are creating a chemical reaction. The stuffing I am presuming is the poly kind, made of petrol products. Not the old of 50 years ago, when stuffing was cotton. I would be very careful, esp if you use this on children.
Buying an Inexpensive Laptop?
I agree with the above answer. If you are still planning on a purchase, there are many stores that have refurbished computers. My son takes peoples computers they are done with, whether updating, etc and refurbishes them as a hobby. They go to people in need...
No Power to Bathroom Mirror?
First, are you an electrician. If not, get the advice of one. A dimmer switch, as they used to be, is different, depending on the use. They dont all work for every kind of appliance/light/light bulb. Make sure you have enough circuit breaker power for your...
Storing New Passwords in Emails
This still leaves you with the inability to get in if your computer would crash, also leaves it open for hackers and other ID theft to happen. When a virus hacks your email, and believe me, it happens will find others getting your information from...
Hair Dye Burned Scalp and Damaged Hair?
You are going to have to see a professional about this. This is a chemical burn. After the fact, nothing except try to heal the scalp. Suggesting using Vitamin E capsules popped open and spread oil on area. This heals wonderfully and is fairly cheap to buy...
Craftsman Garage Door Opener Not Working?
FIrst, try changing the batteries in all remotes to this door.
14th Birthday Party Ideas?
Check with your local hotel with a pool or local high school. They rent them out by the hour. For the hotel, often it is just paying a room rent to use the pool. Many hotels do this, just have to ask. Our local HS rents its pool out for many parties. Have to...
Garbage Disposer Making Metal Shavings?
You need to disconnect the power to this disposer and then remove it. Something is wrong and and you could get hurt. If you cant, call a plumber. Do not stick anything down it, do not try to fix it while it is connect to electricity.
Getting Rid of Fleas in House, Bedding, and Hair?
Please call your local public health office. They will have suggestions and may be able to assist. Your children being bitten is a health issue, the landlord will have to clean the infected apartments to the health code regulation. At no cost to you.
Getting Rid of Paint Smell Inside?
There are many kinds of paint. There are some that are indoor or outdoor paint. My personal choice inside is to use oil. New paints have very little odor to them. Adding a few drops of colorless baking vanilla and stirring in does well in LATEX only. Ask the...
Removing Mold from Baby Clothes?
I use an oxygen bleach, liquid form. Used this for over 25 years. My kids bibs, onesies lent down to my grandchildren... all are white as can be. Can be applied directly to the stain, let set a minute and wash in the hottest water fabric can be washed it with...
Dealing with An abusive Husband?
You dont think a slap in the face is anything? So what stranger on the street would you let do that to you? Do you finally get it when he hauls off and whacks one of the kids....and maybe he did not mean it but he did it. Our community is dealing with 4 missing...
Getting Rid of Scuff Marks on Floors
I keep Mr Clean sponges in the sink cupboard, cut into 4s. Just a quick swish of that makes them all disappear.
Unique Child Care Name?
Go with Grandma Rita. Younger kids will call you that when older and speaking clearly.
Save Coins in Prescription Bottles
I do this too. Quarters in the laundry cupboard, in case I have to take something big to laundromat. In the glove box in the car, in my gym bag. Use the coin most apt for the reason you are storing it.
Hair Spray To Protect Printed Signs
I keep a can of clear spray paint handy. Not all hairspray is water proof. Helmet head days of the past warrant friendly products on the market which do not harm your hair like days of the past products did. I use this clear spray paint for certificates, documents...
13th Birthday Party Ideas?
Many in our area have been doing destination birthdays, meaning there are always FEED THE HUNGRY CHILDREN food sites, where you bag the meals. The kids who have been involved have said this was much better than having a selfish birthday, and it made a better...
Mother's Day Meal?
Late dinner! Unless you are serving just sandwiches, chips, etc then it is a snack.
Finding Free Used Appliances?
Go to your social services agency. They have lists and contact people who can help immediately.
Paint Color Advice to Coordinate With Butterscotch and Black Furniture?
Pick one bright color you like. Not neon but say a sunflower yellow, or gemstone colors.
Changing a Smoke Alarm Battery?
Batteries are meant to be changed out every 6 months. Fire code suggestion. Take alarm off the wall, turn it around, there it is. Even if you test it and it is good, replace. Your life is not worth the $3 battery. Same time, check your CO detector. If it has...
Save on Heat with a Vaporizer
A humidifiers main purpose is to do just this. Mine has dials/buttons so you choose the amount of humidity you want, need. And I can adjust the heat about 6 degrees down on the thermostat at minimal. Vaporizer is meant to have a medication in it. Hot steam...
Whiten your Shoelaces with Paint
I toss shoe laces into the wash with the white clothes (undies, etc) that DO get a bleach. Or you can just take a kitchen bowl, pour some bleach, hot water, let them soak 15 minutes and it is done. Nothing is going to happen to the shoelaces in the bleach. Except...
Keeping Your Tub or Shower Clean
I wash the shower down with a cleaner such as Lysol basin/tub/tile and make sure your grout or caulking is clean. Then do the Turtle wax car polish on it. The sponge that comes with is fine. I dont buff it like you would a car, defeats the process by the number...
Repelling Outdoor Cats from My Yard?
Check with your city ordinance. This may be on their list of donts. People cant leave dog poop on their yards, health hazard according to public health. And a dog kennel filled will also get you a police visit AND a humane society visit due to the poop standing...
New to Selling on eBay?
There might be someone in your community who does ebay selling. My neighbor does and I take things to him, rather than mess with things. I save my boxes and packing I get from things to share with him, allowing him lower costs.
Selling Gift Cards on eBay?
A few of the suggestions I also had. You cant expect alot from ebay buyers. Maybe 75% at best. As suggested, use them as gifts. Donate to a silent auction for charity. Get tax credit. Instead of gifts for long distanced relatives, I do gift cards that are good...
Reusing High Quality Carpet and Padding?
Regift it through Habitat shops or ad on radio. My parents loved it when friends got new carpet. They would buy it for their farm house. Since you can imagine the feet on a farm, they would not put new in. To do with it as you suggest, might result in a some...
Removing Paint from Screen on Security Door?
Take it to your local hardware store or lumber place and have them put new screen in. They have kits to do it yourself, if you want. Not that big of a deal. Used to be how we did it back in the 60s, 70s. Redid screen doors and window screens.
Bathroom Wall Color?
And my color would be to go black. Sort of a reverse negative. I accented my bright green sewing/crafting/computer room with BLACK. O M G. Thought I was nuts with the green, then add the black? But it works great! Curtains, etc. So a black wall.....backspace...
12th Birthday Party Ideas?
Depending on how far off it is, there may be time for her to dog walk/sit, babysit, spring is here, rake yards for half the cost of the party. Makes the kids figure out how much easier it is to spend parents money than make it. I have had my kids beg off from...
Collecting Social Security for Child of Deceased Parent?
You will have to provide an original death certificate as well as original birth certificate. This means NO zerox copies. Different cost in each state. Just got copies of each for my family here (MN) and it was $13 for each. You may find that the extra copies...
Homemade Windshield and Window Cleaners
Take a gallon jug (buy where you get refills of water) and do 3 quart water, 1 pint white vinegar, 1 TB earth friendly biodegradable soap (liquid for clothes or dishes). Swish it up and add water to top it off. Takes off the nastiest summer windshield bugs...
Sealing Laminate Flooring to Use on Countertops?
You are not going to be able to do everything a counter top should. No cutting, no setting down anything. Try a spot on the floor...make a sample copy, before wasting your time and money to make a counter top. I know you will not be happy. Heck, even only unfinished...
Shredding All Those Old Files
Because of safety measures, shredders are being made to fit only the container sold with it. A shut off switch engages when the top is lifted. I used to do as the poster suggested, and was always having jams, read consumer report of injuries happening clearing...
Neighbourhood Cats Spraying My Front Door?
I know this might get negative feedback BUT keeping the garden hose hooked up and on spray taught the neighborhood cats what they would get if arriving at my house (pre dog era). My kids sandbox was not to be used, nor my door. Replacing expensive screens on...
Wait to Brush Teeth after Acidic Foods
I beg to differ on that. A recommendation for people who are unable to rinse or brush immediately after eating is to take a piece of sugar free gum and chew it for 20 minutes to help eliminate any food particles as well as acids from food. EXAMPLE: This is...