Buddy (Terrier?)
I believe your terrier is a fox, looks just like our jack we have. If so you have a great pet here, I know ours is. Ive never seen a dog like him, hes right by our side, a great pet.
Frugal Window Treatment
This is so neat, never would of thought of this. Im sure gonna try some on my windows. Thanks for the great info, do you have any ideas on blinds? Ive seen them shades that pull up, they are pretty neat, thanks.
Raspberry Sugar Cookie Mix Recipe?
Hello, yes, its on the home interior web page. I thought maybe someone might know how to make these. Im telling you these are so good. I believe they are about $7.00 thats not bad, guess we can buy them from there. You all gotta try them. I kept going into...
Raspberry Sugar Cookie Mix Recipe?
Hello again I found the site look at food when you go there. These are raspberry sugar cookies. http://www.celebratinghome.com/PWPHome.ashx
Raspberry Sugar Cookie Mix Recipe?
Hey guys when you get on that page you have to click the search, then type in cookies. There is other flavors too on there. Im gonna get me some, all of the 3 different kinds, ha ha. Hope you all love them.
Dentures Are Hurting My Gums?
Hi, I know what your going through, dont give up & leave them in, someone my say to you, take them out at nite, cause you take your shoes off at nite, but dont listen to that bull, leave them in. I had lots sore spots& even burning in my gums, it was awful...
Making a Seat Lift from a Recliner?
Hello, thanks Ill sure check these out. You would think theyd ask you if you needed these things when you see a doctor, but we never knew. Thanks.
Americana Lantern
Hi, would you sell any of these? I might be interested in some. Let me know, thanks, Donita.
Yo Yo Chicks and Bunnies
These are so cute. Would you be interested in making some to sell? If so please let me know, email me at precioustaylor53 AT gmail.com I might buy some, my granddaughter & these little neighbor kids would like these. Thanks. Donita.
Name Ideas for an Ice Cream Business?
Have you picked a name yet? I was gonna do this kinda business also. We were gonna name it two turtle doves. I thought it was cute for the two of us. Let me know what you think, good luck.
Dessert Made by Reba McEntire?
Hey this sounds like it both recipes here do, after i sayed reba, reba was the good sweet potatoes I find & they were so good, best Ive ever made, so I dont believe these were a reba recipe, but these two here is what Im looking for. I made this for thanksgiving...
Mrs. Buttersworth Valentine
cute cute cute, wish i had good ideas, lend me yours,haha, im gonna show my 5yr.old grandaughter this, i might try one, im no painter though.haha. thanks.
Healing a Cut?
hello every one, thanks for all the info on cuts on fingers, im sure gonna try these, a cut really does hurt. thanks, Donita.
Healing a Cut?
hello, thanks to all of you on here, its nice to know that theres a dr. in the house. haha, i love all kinds of remidys, if anyone has some, send them to me at precioustaylor@stjoelive.com thanks again. Donita.
Snowman Nitelite
Yes so cute, you ought to sell these. Id sure buy some. Im here in Saint Joseph, Missouri, are you in Liberty, MO?
Scanned Christmas Card Wrapping Paper
hey cindi, thats a good idea, i dont have a scanner or nothing like that, you oughta make those kinda things & sell, i love different ideas, but someone elas has to make it for me. thanks. Donita.
Easy Christmas Centerpiece
hello, this is such a cute idea, also what i was thinking, what about putting a candle in the middle, if i do one, ill put berries,bows,& candle, thanks for the tip.Donita.
Christmas Crafts Using Kraft Cheese Jars?
Hello poor but proud, me too Im proud, lol. Thanks for the ideas, Ill have to try these, sounds real simple, thank you.
Alternatives to a Christmas Tree?
Hello grami948, & heaven4441. Thanks for the info, hey it isnt a joke, he is a grump, this really upsets me, Ive always had a tree, he had too till he went to some sort of church,, he says a tree is pagan. I dont wanna make him mad at me, so I do decorate the...
Alternatives to a Christmas Tree?
Hello all, thanks so much for the very kind words on a crazy tree, its hard, he just says not in his house. I thought this was my house too, but evidently not. My family thinks its awful. I did decorate our coat rack by our front door. Its in the corner. I...
Alternatives to a Christmas Tree?
Hi all, your gestures on so good, I will have to try these, I wrap presents today, & guess what? I put them under the coat rack hanger I made into a tree with lights & little pity lights. Its cute better than nothing.Happy holidays to each & every one of you...
Christmas Stocking Hanger
hi, does this clothes pin item hold photos? how is this made? im tryimg to find something neat to hang all yr. around, or does anyone know if a coat hanger could be used for photos? hope i hear back from someone, im trying to make some cheap gifts as well. thank...
Use a Disposable Cake Platter as a Mini Greenhouse
Wow this is neat idea. Ive just got done washing this dome lid that a angel food cake came in. I thought Id try a terrarium. Could be real neat, maybe? Thanks.
Recipes For Cold Salads?
I make a salad that you use cooked macaroni drain, add miracle whip, cut up tomatoes, green olives cut up, celery, and cut onion. Mix all together & enjoy. This is good for several days.
Cracker Barrel Style Cracker Spread Recipe?
hi, i buy those small jars of cheese, like bacon flavor, mild chedder,smoked flavor,add some diced onion cream cheese, pecans,& mix all up in a ball, roll on some pecans, refrig till flavored.serve with the sociable crackers. its really good.
Making Homemade Door Wreaths?
Hi, email me at precioustaylor AT stjoelive.com if you can make a wreath for my front door. Thanks.
Making Homemade Door Wreaths?
Hello, what do your wreaths look like? Im wanting one to hang on my front door, a good size one, I thought something with berries, twigs, bird nest one. Let me know, thanks.
Making Homemade Door Wreaths?
Hi, do you make these & sell them? Also do you know how to do the Christmas tree made from 6 wire coat hangers? email me at precioustaylor AT stjoelive.com
Recipe For Straw Jello?
Thanks Judy. Im just now seeing my messages on here. I never could figure this out on here to get my messages. Its been awhile since I emailed about this recipe. Im sure its the pretzel one. Thanks.
Vintage Wooden Toolbox Planter
hello, how cute, do you wanna make me one? id be willing to buy one from you. please let me know, thanks, Donita.
Selling Recycled Bag Rugs
oh gosh i see they are rugs, im sorry. how cute. email me at precioustaylor@stjoelive.com i might be interested in some. thanks. Donita.
Iowa Flood Relief Charities?
i will donate, but i have a personal check, no credit card, so this is how i can send money, if you have a address for where the money goes, then i can do that, please let me know.
5 Year Old Having Bowel Movement in Pants?
Hi, I hear all of you here on this problem, my son was that way at age 5, we took him to doctor, they said if he was my kid, Id take him to Childrens Hospital. Well that scared us to death, but we done just that, went there and had to find out that he had a...
Getting Rid of Weeds To Plant Ground Cover?
thanks, im gonna try the nespaper, i allways have lots to throw away, beings nothing is ever in the paper,lol.
Monogram Ornaments
hi, ive been wanting something like this for my grandaughters room, shes gonna soon be 5, & im needing to find someone to make me something like this for the bedroom here, would you be interested in making one to sell? the name would be so cute on the wall...
Putting a Photo on a Christmas Ornament?
hello would anyone here make these bulbs to sell? This sounds cute with photos. Id be interested in some, email me precioustaylor AT stjoelive.com thanks.
Avocado Fudge
hi, i was just looking at your different fudge recipe, really you cant tell thats in it? i love avocados, but some of my family dont, maybei could fool them,haha. thanks.
Corner Fence
Hi, this is what I need in a corner of my yard, how clever. That man up there gave him true talent, what a gift. Id buy one from him. Ask bubba if he would sell one? lol Thanks. Donita.
Hubcap Birdbath
Hello Donita; this is Donita as well. I remember emailing you before on here, how are you? Weather here in Missouri is gonna be pretty hot this week in the 90s so Im gonna stay cool. Hey this idea is so cute. Do you know how to make the whirlygigs, used with...
Hubcap Birdbath
Hey Donita, Im gonna try to make one, it doesnt look hard, its very neat, send me some more good ideas of yours, cause they are very neat. Thanks, Donita.
Cigarette Smoke Coming Up Through My Vents?
hi, i bought some wonder wafers on ebay, they smell pretty good, they must be new out. give um a try.!!!
Snowmen Painted Rock
hi judy barr, do you ever make these for people? let me know if you do, i might order a few of them. also can you do anything like that with a photo? thanks Donita. my email is precioustaylor@stjoelive.com
Little Girl's Lampshade
So cute, do you make & sell any of these? Let me know, might buy one. Thanks. Donita
Salted Nut Fudge?
hmmmmmm i want some. gosh this looks so good, did anyone find the right recipe for this? thanks. happy holidays.
Dirty Rice
Hi, my 5 yr old grand daughter just told me she had dirty rice for supper, I said what? She said grandma its not really dirty, thats just what you call it. So I had to get on here & find out if anyone knew what this was, cause Ive never heard of it. I make...
Maple Butterscotch Brownies
hi sure gonna try these, they sound so good, & easy. thanks, happy holidays.
Decorating Lamp Shades to Look Outdoorsy
Hi, this is so neat. Do you make & sell any of these? I have seen where one did a transfer of a photo on one. Could you make one? Let me know, thanks.
Candy Cane Holder Candle Centerpiece
hello im new here as well, this was a cute idea, all of you come up with such cute things, does anyone know how to make the reindeer from clothes pins? thanks, happy holidays to all on here.!!!
Homemade Roach Trap
Im sure gonna try this, cant hurt. Ill let you know. Any other helpful hints, keep posting. Thanks, Donisue.
Card Holder from CDs
wow, this is just great, something i can make for gifts, do you make the christmas trees that are made with coat hangers? i would love to buy one. thank you.
Asking My Mom To Let Me Shave?
this is funny, i remember the bra thing, that was so embarassing, or when we started our monthly thing, gosh i got red in the face,lol, so dont back away from your legs, cause thats not as bad as what youre gonna go through, my mom never told us kids nothing...
Asking My Mom To Let Me Shave?
this is funny, i remember the bra thing, that was so embarassing, or when we started our monthly thing, gosh i got red in the face,lol, so dont back away from your legs, cause thats not as bad as what youre gonna go through, my mom never told us kids nothing...
We have a Mouse!
hello, i just had to leave a message here on the humane traps, they never worked for me, i have 3 out, so far its been a week, & still havent catched that crazy critter, so im still trying to catch it, ive got my frig so packed with all my food, im not gonna...
Colic Remedies - Tip for Colicky Babies
I have heard this about peppermint, also my sis says wrap baby like a taco, the warmth of that blanket helps so much.
"Lucky If You Get a Piece" Dessert
hi, im gonna try this for the 4th, sounds really good, anymore good recipes, id love to have. thanks.
Make a Christmas Tree With Junk CDs
Hello, these look so pretty, would you wanna make me a few of these? Id be interested in some, please email me at precioustaylor AT stjoelive.com thanks, Donita.
Make a Christmas Tree With Junk CDs
Hello, can anyone of you make these? Id love to buy some. Email me at precioustaylor AT stjoelive.com Thanks.