Using Address Labels
I use these labels on my cane and umbrella. Once left the cane on shopping cart at the market, but was able to ID it from many other canes that had been lost at the market. Left the umbrella on the bus but was able to ID it among the other loss umbrellas
Umbrella Tree (Schefflera actinophylla)
very invasive. HOA had them all removed from the property. Roots were growing under the buildings. Not a good plant for s. fla.
What Is This Houseplant?
The plant with long green leaves and redish on.the under side looks like a oyster plant they get a tiny little lavender colored bloom.
Identifying and Controlling Root Knot Nematodes
How about solarizing your Garden. In the.summer time we cover the plot.of land with a dark plastic. The.heat summer here In south Florida destroys all the nemos.grubs and what the.soil
Plant Not Blooming?
You need to tell us what the name of the plant is. Different plants have different requirements.
Finding a Source for Rhubarb Crowns?
Go to and sign up with your Yahoo. account. This is a place where you can post what you are looking for (rhubarb crowns) or post any thing you want to give away. Absolutely free-nothing is ever sold or bought. I have gotten tons of plants for...
Repairing Cut Ivy Vine?
Vines are usually easy to propagate.Call you local Extension Service for your county. They have Master Gardeners who will explain to you exactly how this is ton. They can also offer a ton of information about you particular vine. good luck
Prevent Onion Powder From Caking
If the container they put in YOUR medicine is SAFE-it should be just as save in with the onion powder.
Setting Up Gardens for Seniors?
Seniors could easily tend to a container garden on a patio or along the foundation of their apt.
Getting Rid of Worms in Lawn?
If you are referring to earthworms, WHY would you want them out of your yard. They are very beneficial to your yard.
Homemade "Memories" Gift for Sons Grieving Loss of Father?
I once saw an artilce where a woman made a quilt from the fabric of her late husbands shirts. If a quilt is too much for you to make, try making each of the boys a small pillow cover from one of their dads shirts. Jeannette
Marking Hard Boiled Eggs
You do NOT have to mark eggs to tell if they are cooked. Just give them a spin-raw eggs wobble. Cooked eggs will spin nicely
Making an Adult Bib?
It makes perfect sense to make a adult bib for some one in a nursing home. I bet it would even be appreciated-no more stained cloths. I take a couple of bibs with me on my cruise, so I do not stain my good dresses. One is made of Battenburg lace and the other...
Keep Rodents Out During Winter
Steel Wool can also be places and stuffed around the pipes where you think the rodents might be coming in. They can not chew thru the steel wool. Works fine for winters in Ct.
Testing Soil?
Contact your local Extension Service. They have a small packet with directions on how to gather your soil for testing. Return the packet with your soil contents and with in a short time you wll receive a reply and how to rememdy your soil. There is a small...
Pinecone Crafts for Kids?
Make a owl with Large pine cones. Level bottom of the pine cone. I use pieces of feathers for ears on top of Owl. Felt peak, and use Large Craft store plastic eyes. Take cloths dryer lint and stuff it in the pine cone. It appears as a downy whitish colored...
Keeping Flies Off of Goats Naturally?
I have a friend that buys Avons-skin so soft. and she applies it with a sponge to her horses. It does keep the flies off of the animals.
Free PVC Bird Patterns?
You just need to type in PVC craft birds in your search area. Tons of pages will pop up with directions on how to make these birds and many other crafts using PVC pipes.
Do Any Plants Smell Like Cat Urine?
Yes! Sorry I can not name the plant but I can describe it. Two banks in my town plant a low evergreen bush around their property. It definitely smells like cat urine. Maybe some kind of Juniper?
What is This Plant?
The plant on the right is a stapelia giganta or stapelia aserias. The other plant looks like a Christmas catus.
Sewing Machine Presser Foot Came Apart?
Have you gone to Sears or who ever sells that name product? The salesman can either help you or get the information you need from the Kenmore Company. It is worth giving a try. Good luck. jjs fl.
Making a Pine Cone Turkey?
Can not help with Pine Cone turkey, but can tell you how to make a pine cone owl. Large pine cone with small end up. Buy a bag of eyes at Michaels craft store and glue two of them to the top front of the Cone. Fashion a peak from a piece of felt that has been...
Getting Rid of Fleas in Your Yard?
A good product to use to rid fleas is D.E. Powder. It can be purchased at any of the big box stores. It can be used in doors on carpets also. The powder can be used in a big basin for birds to dust them self with. It also kills lice, and many other kinds of...
Eight Houseplants That Are Virtually...
Your recently article said that Spider Plants do not like to be crowed. I was told by several green house staff, they like to be pot bound-this is what forces more babies to shoot out above. I always keep mine pot bound. jjd
Problems Making Yogurt?
You need to be careful that your milk is not TOO hot or too cool when you add your starter. This has a effect on how your yogurt will set up. The longer you leave it in the yogurt maker the more tart it will be come. I usually take my jars of yogurt out of...
White Fungus on Pitisporum Tobira...
It looks like you have spittle bugs in your garden. Heres another pest that looks worse than it is, the aptly named Spittlebug (Cercopidae Family). There are some 23,000 species of spittlebugs. Thats because spittlebugs are very good at hiding. That mass of...
Creating Mementos from Funeral Flowers, Ribbons, and Baskets?
You could make book markers with the dried flowers. Put the flowers between to pieces of stiff plastic, punch a small hole on top and insert a ribbon.
Shopping for Inexpensive Beads and Clasps?
You need to check out the thrift stores. I often see beads and other craft items in these stores. People start projects and never finish them- the supplies are given to the thrift store. I recently picked up a ton of new embroidery floss _bobbins _and the container...
Use Coffee Grounds To Deter Slugs
Slugs also hate crushed egg shells.the shells.will.keep them out of the garden.
Growing Gladiolus?
If you get deep frost you need to dig up your glads. If you leave them in the ground where there is deep frost they will turn to mush! If you are in a mild climate you can get away with leaving them in the grounds It is still a good idea to separate the bulb...
Plants that Improve the Soil?
How about planting peanuts to add nitrogen to your soil? Try some clover? Just give the garden a rest for a season. Mean while do some container gardening jjs w Palm Beach, FL
Organizing Recipes in Your Purse?
Keep an empty envelope in your purse. I keep an empty envelope to keep track of the bank statements and paper work I get every time I use the ATM or swipe my card. This helps me keep my check book in good order.
What is This Plant? Creeping Charlie
Its a Pennywort, also called dollar weed. It thrives where the ground is very wet.
Planting Armeria Maritima Seeds?
Just a suggeston. Try cc&p the chinese words. Then go to a Translator on your computer. Just paste in the words that you copied and cut. See what it translate too! I have done this with German words I did not understand. Good luck.
Trouble Sewing Lycra?
Adjust the tension on your machine. It can be changed when ever you change the weight of your fabric. You have to have a hand book that came with your machine. This will guide you.
What is This Plant?
It looks like Ajuga-Bugleweed. Your picture is kind of dark. Look up Ajuga and compare for your self. jjs
How To Kill A Tree?
Where will the dead tree fall? On your car, maybe in the neighbors yard? I think you better just cut it down instead of killing it off.
Weak and Puny Looking Tomato Plants?
Testing your soil: Contact your local County Extension Service. They have a kit that you can purchase (a couple of bucks). The directions come with the kit an it explains how to take samples of soil from your garden. Return it to the address listed on the kit...
Organic Solutions for Powdery Mildew
Try powdered milk. Mix the dry milk with water-put in a spray bottle and spray away. Works very well to rid powdery mildew.
Bulbs Not Blooming?
If these bulbs were ever forced to bloom, they some times get blinded and the following years produce only leaves. People some times save the bulbs when they get a gift of potted flowers. These flowers have all been forced to bloom for a certain date. (Easter...
Feeding Hummingbirds?
Plant items that attract the hummers to your yard. Holyhocks, bee balm, rose of sharon, cardinal vines, trumpet vines, butterfly bush, lantana and delphinium to name a few. Most any red flowering item will attract the hummingbird. I have a Native Fire bush...
Use a Mechanic's Creeper to Garden
Some folks in wheel chairs are able to garden by planting in hay bales. Lots of vegetables do.well planted in the bales
Why Do Spider Plantlets Grow at Different Rates When Potted?
Spider plants like to be pot bound.This forces the plant to put out more babies and growth. They grow very slowly when there is too much room in the pot.
Protecting Roses from Winter Temperatures and Wind?
When I lived in CT, I would place tall stakes around the plants and then wrap burlap around the stakes. You can also add leaves inside of the burlap cage you make. Be sure to Water the plants well before putting them to bed for the winter. Up north it is the...
Making Bumble Bees for a Beekeeper Costume?
If you visit one of the Craft stores (JoAnns, Michaels) you can check the silk ribbon embroidery books. I have seen a collections of bugs and bees that you can embroider. They are so life like. When you embroider with the ribbon the bees seem so life like. jjs...
How Can I Make My Own Rooting Hormone?
I dip the tip of my cuttings into honey. This works as well as any purchased rooting hormone. jjs w palm fla.
Shredded Paper in Pea Trench
This post said to shred your email paper? How exactly is that done? I read my email/no paper involved.
Identifying House Plants?
If the leaves are turning brown at the ends, they are probably transpiring, too much water. You said you have the little card which tells how much light the plant needs, the same card should Tell you the name of the plant?
Growing Herbs in a Container Garden?
I suggest you group each herb in its own container. Certain herbs require dry soil, others like to be kept more moist. How would you handle this problem if they are in the same pot? One plant would suffer. Guess it would be okay to put more than one type of...
Keeping Squirrels from Eating Hammock Strings?
They probably are using your hammock strings for nesting material. You could throw some string or yarn around the hammock area. Perhaps they will grab this material and leave your hammock alone. Every spring we would throw out string, pieces of yarn, Easter...
Homemade Deer Repellent Clogs Spray Bottle?
Try boiling your spices in hot water, then strain the mixture and put into the sprayer. The hot water will extract the properties from the spices. You could also grind the spices finely, pulverize them in a coffee grinder or blender.
Where Can I Find a Pruning Guide for All My Garden Plants?
Contact your local County Extension Office. They have tons of brochures on pruning, etc.
What Are These Plants?
The plant with the smaller green leaves looks like a Hoya. The larger purple leaves look like a Wandering Jew.
What is this Plant?
You have a Pony tail palm also known as an Elephant foot. They are native of Mexico, but they really are not a PALM. I live in Florida and they grow to be huge here with our warm tropical weather.
Knowing When to Amend the Soil for a Garden?
Contact your local Extension Service, they have a kit that you can buy (inexpensive), They tell you how to take several scoops of your soil and give you the container to mail off. In a few weeks you will get the results and it will tell you how to amend your...
Starting Plants Indoors?
Teresa, First you need to know when is a safe time to put your plants in the ground for your area. If you call your local County Extension Service, they can give you an idea as to a safe time. Look at the plant seed packet, calulate how low it takes for those...
Discarded Christmas Tree for Birds
Every year we decorated our Christmas Tree with strung popcorn, little Queen Anne Apples that were tied to the tree with red ribbons, + peanuts in shells. After the holiday we stood our tree up in the snow bank and enjoyed the birds having their feast.
Cardboard Box Pre-planted Garden?
What do you think will happen to the cardboard box when you water your plants? If you line it with plastic, it will not have proper drainage, I would try to find some thing else to plant in.
Cooking Half a Turkey?
The butcher at the market CAN take your large Turkey and saw it in half for you. My dad does this every year. jj schmidt
Reuse Styrofoam Trays for Crafts
Styrofoam trays can be used for making Christmas ornaments. My grandchildren would use Cookie Cutters pressed into the stryrofoam trays-to make an impression. You either snap the impressions apart or cut them with small scisorrs.They would then color the items...
Start Christmas Cactus for Next Year's Gifts
$134.00 for a Christmas Catus? How many are you buying? Home Depot has them dirt cheap, Good idea to propagate your own.
Surviving Family Thanksgiving?
Tell the mother in law that dinner will be at your house. Every one is going to help make it an enjoyable event. You will lock the cats in the basement, and she has to smoke out on the Porch! Let her choose what she wants to do-smoke out side or stay home alone...
Treating Plants with Powdery Mildew?
One thing that I found helps with powdery mildew is to make a solution of dry powder milk, and spray your plants. Learned this at a mg. class
What is this Plant?
It sounds like a Oyster plant, also known as Moses in a Basket, or Boat Lily. You can google Oyster plant and it describes a purple plant, with up right leaves and white flowers. check it out. This plant is very invasive here in S. FL.
Hibiscus Losing Leaves?
Is the plant you call the Hibiscus a Marshmallow plant (Althae officinalis) marsh mallow (plant), perennial herbaceous plant of the hibiscus, or mallow, family (Malvaceae)? I grew the Marshmallow plant in my Ct. home and it did fine through the winter.I did...
Sewing Zippers?
I suggest that you go to the Google Search area. Use the google math just type in Instructions and sewing zippers. Up will come the pages with graphics and every thing showing you how to install all kinds of zippers.
Preparing Carrots for Storage
We always stored our carrot in the cold basement. We would bury them in a big barrel of sand, and just dig them out over the winter as we needed them.
Overwintering Geraniums?
When I lived in CT. I would dig up the geraniums before the first frost. Hang them upside down from the rafters in the basement. I never watered them. Just left them hanging until spring when they started to green up. Then you pot them up in some good soil...
Plants That Like Coffee Grounds?
Ixora plants, wegilia, Azalez-all acid plants will benefit from Coffee grounds.
Uses for Dawn Dish Soap?
You can make a formula to spray on plants to kill bugs using dish soap. DO NOT use Dawn or soap with degreaser in it. Formula: 1 tea. dish soap, 1 tea. cooking oil (canola) couple of shots of hot sauce, 1 gallon of water. I spray this on plants that get rid...
Testing Your Soil?
Go to your local Extension Service Office. They have a kit that you can buy (reasonable) and they will tell you how to collect the soil in different areas. You then send the sample away where it will be checked and you will get a reply.When you talk to the...
Save Potato Water for Watering Ivy
Water that is used to boil your eggs in is also great for ivy plants.
Feeding an Azalea Plant?
You can use oak leaves and pines needles raked around your plants to help acidfy the soil. This worked fine for me for years. jjs. W. Palm Beach, FL
Planting Potted Tulip Bulbs?
You may be able to save your tulips bulbs for next season. No guarantee they will bloom. After the flowers bloom, let the leaves turn yellow then take the bulbs and dry them in a paper bag. Tulip bulbs need a dormant period. They need to be stored in a cool...
Craft Ideas for Small Ivy Bowls?
How about making Terrariums? The opening in those containers is large enough for children to put their hands in. They could add miniture animals, plants and flowers, throw in some moss. Also you can use layers of colored sand, to make different stationary patterns...
Homemade Salt Dough?
This is the receipe for HOMEMADE SALT DOUGH Salt Dough 2 cups of salt 2/3 cup water 1 cup cornstarch additional 1/3 cup COLD water and acrylic paint or food coloring Place salt and 2/3 cup water in small saucepan and heat until quite warm. Remove from heat...
Protecting A Geranium Plant In Winter?
When I use to live up north, Ct. I would dig my geraniums up every fall, bring them into the basement and HANG them upside down from the rafters. They sure got to look pretty dead looking, but when spring came they started to put out green, that was my signal...
Planting In Potting Soil Bags
Another good item used for planting squash, cukes, ect. is to use hay bales that have been soaked for several days. You can lay this bales right on cement if need be. Large areas are not necessary.Make sure you water you fertilize regularly. These hay bale...
Are There Hydrangeas That Are Naturally Blue?
The color of your hydrangeas depends a lot on the ph of the soil . If the soil is acid like you get nice blue ones and if you have alkaline soil , they might come out pink. I had a friend of mine that would sneak a beer out of the house to drink while mowing...
My Frugal Life: Poor But Proud
I belong to a group here in fla. called FREECYCLE.ORG ALMOST every state has a group. Once you go the the stie, it will ask you for your area zip code. Then you can locate a group near your home. No money is ever exchanged=people can just donate...
Harvesting Cattail As Food
Cattails flour makes wonderful pan cakes. I grind the cattail in too a fine flour .