Preparing for a Life with Less Income
This is a great post Judy. Thinking ahead is always a good place to start anything. My family has always lived frugally overall but you have given me many great ideas to consider as my husband begins to slide into retirement. Merry Christmas!!
DIY Manicure
Very insightful. My nails look like photo 2 through most of the winter months but I solely rely on hand cream. I have a jar of coconut oil that is begging me to try this manicure.
Felt Ear Bud Pod
I have always wrapped the cords around fingers and then securing with an elastic band (which does nothing to hide them or keep them from being damaged). This Ear Bud Pod sounds like a really good idea.
Honey Hair Treatment
I have learned this recently and use natural honey from a beekeeper friend. It is a great moisturizer for naturally curly hair when mixed 1:1 with usual conditioner. I think the honey is working for Linda despite any of the other ingredients added to the honey...
Buying a Bagless Vacuum?
I am extremely happy with the Bissell Power Force Turbo upright vacuum which is bag less. A very good vacuum for approximately $90 Cdn.
"Blocky" the Log Monster
You should get an A+++ for this adorable critter which is explained in such detail and with awesome photos. Some of us have talent but some of us enjoy seeing the talent of others :-)
Cleaning Neglected Spots in Your Home
WOW! I never would have pegged myself as having OCD, but seeing as how I regularly clean all the places you listed I think I need help :(
High Tech Kids in a Low Tech Place
Too funny! I remember when my sons 3rd grade class went to a telephone museum. They were shown how to use a dial phone and most of them couldnt grasp the concept of keeping their finger in the circle and having to redial the entire number if they made a mistake...
Encourage Students To Be Frugal In College
Great suggestion! Our oldest son worked for a couple of years after high school in order to pay his own tuition at secondary school. This allowed him time to be sure of what he wanted to enroll in.
Home Remedy for Heartburn?
I dont get heartburn very often, but when I do I swallow a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and follow it up with a few sips of water. Most people are put off with the taste of vinegar, but it disappears within a minute or quicker when you follow it up with...
Tic and Tac (Red Ear Slider Turtles)
We used to be able to buy tiny turtles such as these from pet stores in Canada in the 1960s, havent seen them in years now. Yours are adorable and bring back favorite memories. Tic and Tac, sweet!
Pack Luggage 24 Hours In Advance
This is a great tip because it works. I have been doing this for as long as I can remember and, when I realize that something hasnt been packed that should be packed, its never too late to toss it in.
Evaluating (and Protecting) Your Credit Score
Further to Kellys advice, I learned that once you begin to pay interest on a credit card (from not paying the full amount), you will continue to be charged interest for every purchase made afterwards until you receive a statement with a zero balance. I read...
Kenmore Washer Error Code F 02?
We bought a Kenmore Elite H3 washer in 2003. Through 2006 and 2007 each wash cycle was getting progressively noisier plus we had the F02 error message appearing repeatedly. We had a Sears service technician come out in June 2007 and he gave us a wealth of information...
Add Plastic Toys to Homemade Soap
I love your idea. These kinds of soaps were available in stores when I was a young child. It was awesome to wash up with the anticipation of getting to the toy eventually.
Use Loose Leaf Paper In Your Printer
I never thought to try this. Im guessing you are referring to an Inkjet printer but it will be worth the price of the school paper to see if it works in my Laser printer as well. Thank you!
Saving Money Going To The Movies?
We generally dont make it a point to see movies at the theatres because there is always something more important (nececessities) that the money could be directed towards, but when we do go we first make a stop at the local dollar store for candy. We are inconspicuous...