Cleaning a Thermos Bottle?
We use dishwasher soap, since we always have it on hand. Just put a little in the thermos and fill with water. After about 10 minutes it will look brand new.
Treatment for Restless Leg Syndrome
I also have suffered from RLS. I found that I need to take a magnesium tablet every day. My husband read an article that said it helps, but can take up to a month to work. I have only had rare occurances since I started taking it.
Removing Ink from Rubber Shoe Sole?
You might try spraying it with hair spray and wiping. That is what I used to get ink stains off dolls when my daughter was small.
Cleaning Spoiled Milk Odor in Car Carpet?
The problem may be that it has soaked through to the padding and the floor underneath. Putting something on top will not always take care of the problem. My suggestion would be to make a solution of baking soda and water, thin enough to penetrate the carpet...
Computer Doesn't Start When it is Cold?
I had this problem with a laptop computer that was still under warranty. I sent it back to the factory and they installed a new bios. I have since learned that you can install a new bios yourself, just do an internet search. I am not sure how much info you...