Can Vaccinated Puppies Still Die from Parvo?
I had 5 puppies get Parvo even though they had 3 shots each. I bought my 7 in one shots from Tractor supply and gave them myself. I lost one of the puppies, and all the rest are eating and drinking now. Did your vet give the shots? My vet told me that the feed...
Does Anyone Have A Positive Parvo Story?
I just saved 4 out of 5 puppies. My vet allowed me to treat them at home. I gave the lactacted ringers under the skin 4 times a day. Clavamox 2 times a day, and karo syrup. All of them started eating on day four. Use bleach to clean inside and outside. Wash...
Why Did Puppy Get Parvo After Starting Shots?
Did your vet give the shot or did you get them from a feed store? I had 5 puppies get parvo and they all had three shots. I bought them and gave them myself. I purchased them from Tractor Supply. I learned the hard way, saving a few bucks isnt worth my pups...