Is Tuna Safe for Cats?
If it is regular tuna, yes, it will harm your cat. It will deplete their supply of taurine. If you want to feed a cat tuna, get cat food tuna, it is supplemented with taurine.
Freezing Baking Soda and Baking Powder?
My mom kept her baking powder in the freezer and I do too. You do it so it will keep longer. It works just fine. Tricia
The Wiggles Birthday Party With Dancing?
buy/rent/check out from library any Wiggles tape, they dance to all their songs. The kids will be able to dance along with the Wiggles, get the CDs if you dont want the TV on. The Wiggles music just makes kids WANT to dance.
Ants on Porch?
I read on another board to use pennyroyal, that ants wont cross it. The poster said she put it on the door frames to keep ants out.
Removing Cat Pee Smell From Sweatshirt?
I had a similar problem and I found several products at Petsmart. Just pour it in with the wash and works like a charm. Tricia