Value of Corningware Spice of Life Cookware?
Sorry, you have been misled by the phony information about this item. Check out eBay sold listings.
Troubleshooting Singer Steam Press?
If your answer is not in this manual or under ask a question then ask your question or go to Singer website and ask your question.
Help Identifying a Wallpaper?
Take a picture facing the wall straight on (instead of on an angle) and post the picture on Google Lens.
Information About Noritake China?
I wish that I could tell you that your lovely china was valuable but sadly, find china just does not sell very often and generally, it is very difficult to sell a set. Here is some information for you to help you get started with listing your set for sale. There...
Interested In Jarmar Mallary Porcelain Doll Molds?
Perhaps you could list them for sale on local (pick up only) sites like Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, etc. Just take general pictures and sell for a reasonable price with pick-up only.
Identifying Plush Animal Monkey?
Sorry, but without a tag or any type of name, it will be difficult. You may be able to find similar ones if you keep looking on Google, especially eBay and Etsy. You can post to this site but it will receive more attention if you provide a reason why youre...
Searching For Half Sibling?
The best way to start is to question anyone who might have even a small piece of information about this person. Be sure to write down and keep a good record of everyone/everything you find out. This will help you piece together all parts of the puzzle. Social...
Information About Imperial Table?
This style table was generally called a dumbwaiter but you will see it described as: dumbwaiter 2 tier w/claw feet side table, etc The value will generally depend on where you are located as well as the condition. When you paid $25 for the table you (more or...
What Bug Is This?
Bugs are not always easy to identify, even with good pictures and information Was your bug from inside or outside? Look around for evidence of other similar bugs whether inside or outside. If any bugs are found, take good close-up pictures of the bug and where...
What is This?
I only found something that looks similar to your picture: Be sure to check for names/numbers on your wheel. Try posting your question on Reddit and they may be able to tell you what it was originally used for. https://www...
IKEA Bathroom Wallpaper?
Look for this pattern: Erismann 6303-07 Paradiso Collection Non-Woven Wallpaper, Multi-Colour Links for same and similar: https://www...
Identifying Little Black Bugs?
First: You probably need to check all of your packaged goods to see if any are also contaminated. You will not always be able to see the bugs, but you can shake the package/box to see if any power falls out - a sure sign of bugs in the package. All that I can...
Information About Murphy's Cedar Chest?
Your pictures will not be of much help in identifying your cedar chest, but you can read the answers from similar previous questions/answers, as the information will be about the same today. When searching for value you will have to consider the current market...
Eggs on Curtain?
Insect eggs can be difficult to identify, especially when found inside. Is this the only place where the eggs are found? I would advise you to send the picture to your county extension site, as they are familiar with insects in your area and can advise you...
Identifying Sewing Machine Model?
It looks like the name on your machine is Frick. This company is located in South Africa but you may be able to contact the company and ask about who made your machine and where to get a manual. Companies like this bought other brand-name machines and put their...
Identifying Sewing Machine Model?
One small picture is not enough to help you identify your machine. There should be a name and serial number somewhere on the machine. Is it a treadle or a portable? You can post several pictures of the full machine - front and sides - a close up so we can see...
Information on B.L. Marble Swivel Chair?
This style chair may be shown under different names: Bankers chair Office chair Lawyers chair The B.L Marble was a very well-known company that started in 1910 and closed in 1985. The BL Marble chair company began in Bedford, OH in 1894 and closed in 1985. The...
Information on Mersman Table?
There are no true records showing how to date Mersman furniture, but most styles are listed as mid-century modern. This style table could be called by several names, but Im not sure if it had a specific name. Hall table Sofa table (goes behind sofa) Lamp table...
Information About Conant Hutch?
Age is probably in the 60s. You can find hundreds of this Early American-style country hutches listed for sale, but most seem to be slow to sell. and the ones sold are mostly selling for under $100. Here are some examples (different years, but the value seems...
What Is The Correct Name of This Dresser Style?
Looks like a beautiful item, but Im not sure of the correct name/style either. Seems like highboy/tall are used for chests of drawers but possibly dressers also. This is the best site to find an answer as well as the current value. You will have to join, but...
Value of Antique Quilt Blocks?
This is the first time that Ive seen this type of pattern, so Im not sure what to suggest. I can only suggest you join the Quilting Forum and see if some of its members can help you.
Dying Vertical Blinds?
You do not provide what type of material your blinds are made of so it would be difficult to provide very much information. However, ThriftyFun has information on this subject. I would suggest you contact the Rit...
Is This Dog A Pitbull?
From your pictures, your new pup certainly appears to have dominant pit bull genes, as people so commonly call similar puppies. Perhaps if you read the following articles, youll understand where my remarks are coming from.
Where Can I Find The Whole Set of "Endangered!" Reference Books?
Sorry - I can only refer you to Reddit. These members seem to be able to find almost anything. You will have to join but they will probably want more pictures than the one shown here.
Identifying a Plush Maker?
I believe you think the tag will provide more information than most tags do. You should post a picture (or several pictures) of the plush along with the picture of the tag if you want help identifying this plush. If you submit pictures and reasons why youre...
Removing Blue Wax From a Wood Table?
This type of question has been answered on ThriftyFun in previous issues.
Value of Nun Porcelain Doll?
The Knightsbridge Collection of Porcelain Dolls This collection is generally in the lower value range. You may see a lot of higher asking prices but rarely will you see a sold doll for more than $15-$20 and most will be lower. Check out eBays sold listings...
Betty Jane Carter Doll?
If you post a picture of your doll and the marking on her neck, I will try to help. Betty Jane Carter dolls were produced by several companies.
Information on D.H. Deshay company In Elysburg, PA?
Nice pictures. I could not find very much information on D.H. Deshay, but I did find two sites that mentioned a plow made by this company, so most likely it was a very small company and may not have been around very long.
Cream Homer Laughlin Rimmed Bowl?
Sorry, picture is not good enough to read markings. You will need to post pictures of the bowl - complete bowl from over the top as well as side of bowl.
Caroline Porcelain Doll?
Probably 80-95% of Cathy produced dolls have 1-5000 on their neck. This just means this doll was one of 5000 same dolls produced. These are called mass-produced dolls and presently these dolls are valued at less than $25, but usually even less than that. Also...
Value of Thomas Kincaid Library Print?
Hometown Lake Thomas Kincaid Library Print This is a popular painting but there are hundreds (same edition/same frame) listed for sale so it may take some time for it to sell - at any price. Many listings have been up for sale for years but this is unpredictable...
Bed Identification?
I agree with Sandy. You will need good pictures of the headboard and footboard as well as close-ups of the feet and top. Also, the information on the tag is too faint to read in a picture so you will have to try and write it out, even if you cannot make out...
Bug Bite?
These seem to be unusual for just a bug bite. You should try to see a dermatologist or if that is not possible, try asking your local pharmacist for help.
Value of Mersman Tables?
It is very difficult to place a value on furniture as shipping is extremely high (probably over $100 to ship 2 tables) so most of the time the final value depends on the market in your area - local pick up - no shipping. Your area may like vintage tables but...
Food Grade Sealant for Oyster Shells?
Im not sure about using shells for foods, but I know we always boil our shells before using for any crafts. I would suggest you go to a hardware store like Ace and ask for help. Ive always been able to get answers from my local stores. You might try calling...
Sealing Sensor Light Does Not Work?
Sorry, there is no way to help you without a brand name (even the product?). It appears you may be talking about a sealing machine such as FoodSaver but what is your brand? You should contact the brand company and ask for help. These companies always have support...
Curly Hair Problems
Im sorry that I have no clue as to how to help you, but there are several sites online that have a lot of different suggestions. Hopefully, one of these may have an answer for your situation. https...
Iron Farm Piece?
You look like someone who finds this sort of thing on a regular basis, so why not join Reddit so you can ask for help anytime you find something you cannot identify?
How To Get Grid Size For Stitch Fiddle?
This is something Ive never used but it looks like fun. Since this is a unique program, it appears your best solution would be to ask your question on the Stitch Fiddle site;
How To Ask My Mom About First Bra?
Hello, You are not by yourself in this type of situation. I believe some of the answers to previous similar questions will help you find a way to do this.
Information on Ashley Belle Doll?
The doll market has been flooded with all types/brands/sizes of dolls for many years, and this tends to lower the value of any doll. Ashley Belle dolls average value is $10 - $35. I did not find your particular doll (which is not unusual) and the artist is...
Does Anyone Know What These Biting Specks Are?
This looks and sounds serious enough to need a doctors opinion. I would recommend seeing a dermatologist as soon as possible. If the cost is too much right now you can try some of these links to see if someone can help you. this one charges $59. https://www...
Cooking Lasagna For 70?
11 x 19 pans are much larger than normal so you may have to do special calculations on your own. Most recipes call for using a 9 x 13 pan so it appears your pans would be a double recipe that calls for a 9x13. How many will a 9x13 pan of lasagna feed? As a...
Replacement for Bed Slats on a Single Bed Frame?
Jess has a good idea but Lowes or Home Depot will also cut sturdier slats that should hold up better than what you have. Im only mentioning this just in case you do not have someone around that can handle a large piece of plywood (like me). It would be a good...
Indoor Sunstar Plant?
I believe the Sunstar plant has to have bright light, so if you have no available bright light then, no, it would not survive without it. If you have strong overhead lights in your office they may provide sufficient light but it would be better if you had a...
Patriotic Parade Float?
Im not sure what type of question you are asking but maybe looking online for pictures of other similar theme floats would give you some ideas.
Information on General Electric Stereo Console?
You will need to discuss your questions with someone who has experience with consoles like this. I can suggest some sites but you will have to join each one and you will need better (unobstructed) pictures of your console (pictures of tags also). https://audiokarma...
Information on Teddy Bear?
Sorry, your picture is blurred and I cannot tell what type of plush you have: rabbit, bear, kitten, ??? Maybe someone else can help you. If you can provide more information (and why youre wanting this item) someone on these sites may be able to help you. These...
Value of Steamer Trunk?
Your lock may have some information about the age of your trunk but it is difficult to place value on something like this without seeing the actual item. Your pictures do not show enough of the actual trunk to see it clearly. Sideways pictures are usually of...
Value of Zenith Stereophonic?
I have been unable to find this exact model, but most of these types of record players were popular in the 1940-1970s. You will have to find your serial and model number to be able to find answers. You can try asking your question on several sites: https://www...
Special Birthday?
Perhaps you are thinking about one of the special birthdays like the golden, platinum, or beddian. There are a lot of previous questions and answers on ThriftyFun so maybe some of these will answer your question.
Where To Store Clothing Worn Once?
My granddaughter did this all the time - wear something to the store - for maybe an hour - run home to change before going off with friends. We decided to buy a set of one-color plastic clothes hangers - pink for this - and only use that color for worn clothing...
Value of 1800s Antique Bedroom Set?
Its nice that you have so much information on the past history of your set - hope some is in writing. It will take a certified appraiser to provide a value on your set, and they may want to have more full-size pictures of each piece. You can try posting on...
Value of Coffee Table?
The final value will probably be what the market for this style/finish furniture happens to be in your area. Almost all furniture is listed as pick up only due to the high cost of shipping. I found several similar tables sold for $50 - $300 dollars but thats...
Who Buys Huge Vintage Entertainment Cabinets?
Im sure these have been sold on auction sites but probably not as a whole/complete unit. You could try selling as a complete unit, but it would take a lot of pictures (several pictures of each individual unit) and complete descriptions of each piece. Value...
Information About Figurine?
Pictures are very important when asking for help. It looks like this is a planter but the pictures do not show this. I found only one and it sold recently for $24.95. Description states vintage from the 70s Good pictures.
Repairing Kenmore Sewing Machine Buttons?
You can probably join both of these forums and receive all the help you need. The names may not sound like they will answer all problems, but they will provide answers or provide information on where to obtain the information you need. https://www.quiltingboard...
Information About George Lawn Equipment?
This site is probably what you have already found. You might try asking for help on this site. It appears it is not a well-known brand, so most likely it will be about the same value as...
Identifying Glasses?
Im sorry, but your picture is not good enough to identify your glasses. Im not even sure if they are clear or if they have a colored bottom. This was (still is) a popular design and thousands/millions have been produced. Without a brand name on the glass, it...
Value of 1985 World Book?
Encyclopedias, single books or sets are usually very, very slow selling items. There are numerous single books listed for sale on eBay and other sites.
1800 Heater Lilly Pro?
My first choice would be to contact Lily to see if they sell these or who does sell them. They can also tell you the number bulb you will need for your model. Contact Info: 240 South Broadway Aurora, Illinois...
Cleaning Spit Buildup?
The most often DIY suggestion is to use half-and-half distilled water and white vinegar. Use it in a spray bottle or wipe it on with a very soft cloth. Do not leave on the car for more than 3 or 4 minutes. Rinse with distilled water more than once. It is best...
Remove Towel Lint After Showering?
New linens/towels etc have to be laundered before use because they have residue from the production process and that is one of the reasons most linens feel softer when new. Obviously, a shower would wash away the lint from your body and dry with a laundered...
Couch Cushion Labor Charge?
I believe it will take someone who works with reupholstering to help you with this. I would suggest contacting a local upholstery shop and see if they will give you an estimate on what they would charge.
Dixie Furniture Identification?
My personal opinion: Your nightstand appears to have been made out of 3 different pieces of furniture. The top part with drawer appears to be the only authentic Dixie piece in the group. It looks like the original legs were cut off and a centerpiece (harp) was...
Looking for Seabrook Wallpaper?
It is always difficult to obtain any brand/pattern of wallpaper that has been discontinued. Most companies now require dealers to return any stock and the company decides if it wants to sell this stock to a company that deals only in discontinued stock. Apparently...
Black Snakes and Small Dogs?
As a general rule, black snakes are easily frightened and usually run away (and they are fast!). Your dogs will most likely just bark and the snake will disappear. You can ask for professional advice if you contact your local extension office: They will know...
Value of Thimbles?
I would say most of these thimbles are very low value. Only 2 have sold on eBay over the past several months and both were sold for under $5.
Value of Antique Lamp?
Did you wish to explain the E.G Antique in your question? Without better pictures of the complete lamp including the cord and bottom it would be difficult to answer your question. You can try asking on Reddit, as they answer a lot of questions about lamps. https...
What Is On My Foot?
Members on ThriftyFun are not usually qualified to provide medical information, so your best solution is to see a medical doctor. A doctor can see what is happening and ask questions as to why this is happening. Its possible an Epsom foot bath might relieve...
Value of Currier & Ives Snack Plate
Currier & Ives pieces are collectible, but mostly low value. Here is a description/information on Worthpoint: You can check eBays sold listings for sold prices of similar items...
Bassett Furniture Bedroom Set?
The final value of your set will depend on several things: Location: shipping on large items is very costly, so that leaves the buying area to wherever the set is located. Some people will travel 100 miles for a bargain but most will only travel maybe 25 miles...
Finding Porcelain Doll Body Parts?
Im not sure if you are an experienced doll repair person or if this is just a doll youre wanting to repair so its difficult to know where to start. Repairing/replacing arms and legs on soft-body dolls is not an easy task, so even if you find the parts youre...
Information on Ashton Drake Porcelain Doll?
She is very cute but sadly, the market has been flooded with dolls of all brands for several years and the sales market does not seem to be improving. Information on your doll: Ashton Drake Galleries Carly Doll - Beach Babies Collection Artist: Cliff Jackson...
Identifying Large Iron Ring?
Life on an old farm was made up of using things like this for multiple chores, so there are many possibilities, but Im sure there was a primary reason for its initial use. I would suggest you join Reddit and post your question, as these members answer questions...
Sad Female Muscovy?
Im sorry, but ducks are just not something I have any knowledge about but I do have a couple of websites that may be of help. Youll probably have to join the site to ask questions. https://www...
Firewood Safety With Poison Ivy?
Poison Ivy is too toxic for an amateur to answer your question. Post your question on your local Extension Service site and they will be able to give you professional advice. I would advise you to follow their suggestions only. https://www.gardeningknowhow...
Identifying Celadon Vase?
Im sorry, but there are too many variables for me to help with this ID. If it is a true valuable piece an appraiser would need to see it in person. You may be able to post your question on this site and someone may be able to help with the markings. https://www...
Identifying My Childhood Teddy?
Looks like an English bulldog to me. Several companies made long-legged monkeys, but a few also made other types of made long-legged plush animals. Im not sure what brands were available in England 20 years ago. This was a major company out of Sweden that was...
Information About Norwood Sewing Machine?
You will probably need to join some sewing forum groups, as these members know all about the older machines and know where to get parts and manuals. The major machine site is Ismacs: https://ismacs...
Survivor Benefits After Graduation?
Im not sure exactly what you are asking. Do you think the money will be redistributed to his siblings? If that is your question, then no, this does not happen. One childs benefit has no connection/relationship to another childs benefit. Your 18-year-olds check...
Removing Stain From Nylon Bag?
You do not show a picture of your bag, but light colored stains sounds like the color has been removed. If that is the case there is no way to clean the spots away and trying may make them show up more. I do not know what type of nylon bag this is, but would...
Getting Rid of Urine Stench?
Sounds logical, but their problem was outside and most likely in the ground under the porch. Also, sun and rain may have helped the Lysol do a better job. I like using Lysol for cleaning/sanitizing jobs also.
Getting Rid of Urine Stench?
I love your tenacity, so I feel sure you will overcome this problem. The enzyme cleaners really work on almost any kind of urine smell. So many people struggle with this odor - human and pets - and just keep trying all kinds of cleaners, never realizing they...
Getting Rid of Urine Stench?
Have you consulted a professional - just to see what they tell you? The Internet is full of all types of suggestions, as Im sure you already know, but I have found that an Enzyme Cleaner is the only thing that works for me. Its for sure that Ive never had to...
Pricing Metal Items?
Your question is too general but you can check out forums for each category of items. You will have to do research on each item individually. eBays sold listings are usually where appraisers check first. You can ask about one or two items on this site and someone...
Chinese Miniature Vases?
Im not sure that anyone can answer your question from a single picture of the four vases, or from any picture for that matter. You can try posting these on Reddit and they can probably tell you if theyre fakes but they will need the size and probably at least...
Removing Jar And Bottle Label Glue
I have also tried this - waiting 15'20 minutes - and it was still a pain to remove the glue. Ill have to try waiting longer next time. Thanks for the tip.
Information About Console Record Player?
I have not found this particular console but that is not unusual as there are thousands of different models in every brand and this one may not show up right now. Consoles are identified more by the unit itself, and your picture of the console is not very good...
Identifying Bathroom Bug?
You can send your question and photo to your County Extension office as they are familiar with bugs in your area.
Information On Imperial Table?
Imperial did make tea tables and tea carts. Your logo appears to be the one used after 1939 and maybe into the 50s. I could not find a table like yours or even a similar one but your pictures are not good enough to post on other sites to ask for information...
Joining Twin Waffle Weave Blankets?
There are several different ways to do this, but some of the differences will be whether you will be using a sewing machine or sewing this by hand. Your picture is not very clear as to what a waffle weave blanket may look like, so here is a link to show what...
What Is This Old Tool?
Do you have any idea as to the location it was from? A farm? Woodworking? Im sorry but I do not even have a guess. You will have better luck if you post your question on this site, as these members seem to be able to identify most objects. https://www.reddit...
Mersman Coffee Table And End Tables?
These look like nice tables but the picture does not show enough to properly identify them. The numbers on Mersman furniture have never been explained well enough to provide very much information, so Mersman furniture is usually just listed as MCM. Im not sure...