Keep Track of Daily Medication
I take two(2) meds a day. I put Xs on my calander, when I take them, one for the morning and one for the night.
Stuffing Mix Meatloaf
I always use Pepperidge Farms, for my meat loaf filler. I have thought of using the Stove Top stuffing Mix, but never have. I think I will try it, the next time I have meat loaf. I also know this lady that uses cereal for her meat loaf.
Turn Off Water Heater To Save Energy
I, too, turn my water heater off, except when taking a shower, and washing my dishes. My electric bill was around $300. It went down to $150. My bf got me doing this.
Problems with Email View?
It might be in your date on your computer. When my hubby turns on his laptop (for some unknown reason), the computer always has the year 2008 on it. If he doesnt set the month, day, year and time. Then he cant get his email of this year either. It frustrates...
Mixing Carnation Instant Breakfast With Coffee?
What I do is mix 1/2 package of Carnation instant breakfast into a cup of coffee, then stir. Delicious.
Use Squeegee for Removing Pet Hair from Carpet
I just tried this on a tiny space on my carpet. (I vacuumed it yesterday, and I cant believe how much hair I got out of my carpet. I didnt do the whole thing yet, but I just experimented to see if it works, and it did a fantastic job. I have one dog, and she...
Homemade Dryer Sheets?
I take 1 cup of cheap fabric softener, 1 cup water, and 1 cup of white vinegar and mix them together. I put it in an old plastic Folgers can. Then I use a sponge and soak it in the solution. When I need to use it, I wring the sponge out back in the can. If...
Gag Gift for Boss?
I had a boss, that always said Im hot. So for Christmas,we drew names, and I drew his.I bought him a tiny hand held fan, and wrote on the card I hope this cools you off. Then I also bought him some real nice after shave. It was a new brand, at that time. Weezy
Freezing Bell Peppers?
I wash the bell peppers, then I dry them off with paper towel,then I slice them open,and get rid of the seeds.Then, I first slice then in to strips,and then cut each strip into chunks(whatever size you want them,but I cut them into small chunks). After I cut...
Freezing Celery?
I always chop celery into small chunks (after washing them), and put them into gallon freezer bags. After I put them into the baggies, I squish all of the air out of the bags, then zip them up, and I lay them flat. I never have any trouble with them clumping...
Losing Weight With Portion Control
This is what I have been trying to do, most of the time,it works for me. Once in a while, I flub up, but Im not beating myself up for it. My hubby says,if you push yourself away from the table, sooner, then you wont gain weight. Thanks,for the tip. Weezy
Teach Children That Abuse Is Not A Sign Of Love
I am a product of mental,verbal,and physical abuse,when I was a kid.I was never sexually abused,thank God. Then I got married, and the abuse went on. I let it go on for 5 years, then I left him,when he started to beat on my son (he was 31/2,my daughter was...
Inexpensive Cosmetic Bags
I have used cosmetic bags, instead of cosmetics (except for one). I have one for odds and ends, one for my hair clips, one for pens and other writing things (note pads,and stamps), and other assorted things.
Coffee Cup Scramble
I do this every time I want scrambled eggs, except I use a small bowl. I grease the bowl (with oil or cooking spray),and I cook it for 45 to 50 seconds, stir, then cook 45 to 50 seconds the second time (if I am fixing two eggs). Delicious and easy and quick...
Game Rules: 7 Hand Rummy
This is almost like a game I learned several years ago, except the hand of the sets,we are allowed to have discards. The last hand, no discards. The points are,2to 9-5 points;10 to K-10 points;Ace-20 points; Red Joker-25 points;and Black Joker 50 points. The...
Cleaning Ziptop Plastic Bags
I also wash my ziplock baggies, also from my sink. I do it after dinner, when Im washing the rest of the dishes. I always have a large spoon, knife, or some large utensil and open them up and set them on the utensil, to air dry.
Mayonnaise for Hair Conditioner
While growing up, my oldest sister (who was about 14 years older than I) had the most beautiful shiny black hair. I found out, after I was married,that she used mayonnaise on her hair,before she washed it. My Mom (her step-mom) found out quite by accident, after...
Save Money on Fabric Softener
I have been doing this for years, except I use 1/3c. fabric softner, 1/3c. distilled vinegar, and 1/3c. water. I also spray it on a small towel, and through it in the dryer with the clothes. Now my clothes comes out feeling great and smelling wonderful. And...
Use Binder Clips to Secure Garbage Bags
When we change our garbage bags,we use two (2) small bungee cords. We hook them together,when we have the bags the way we want them. and we can put anything we want into the can,and our bag stays in place. I smash all of the air out of the bag first, when I...
Sauteing Frozen Vegetables?
I always use frozen onions,bell peppers,and celery,and I cant tell the difference between them being frozen or fresh. I have just used the last frozen bell peppers, from last year, and when these next ones come in, I will freeze more. I have two bags of onions...
Canned Fruit Smoothie
I have been doing this all winter long, except I use canned fruit, that I buy from the store (I have never canned food).I really dont know how. Weezy.
Use Stuffing Mix for Meatloaf
I had been doing this for around 30 years.I started thinking,instead of using bread crumbs(where I would have to tear pieces of bread up),why not use the thing that is tore-up. All I would have to do is mash a cup of stuffings up,and,unless I want to, I dont...
Chop and Freeze Extra Onion
I always freeze my onions. I take the peels(skins) off,then I chop a whole bag of onions. I put them in a zip lock bag, squeeze as much air out of the bag,as you can, and lay it as flat as you can in the freezer. They are just like when you put them in(except...
Hairspray On Mirrors?
I have found a tip(forget where),but if you take some shaving cream,rub on the mirrow,then take a clean cloth and wipe off,it will get the mirrow clean.And also as an added bonus,your mirrow will not fog up,when taking a shower.I was pretty skeptical about...
Recycled Can for Filling Freezer Bags
Thank you so very much for this tip. I will certainly try this. It beats trying to hold onto the bag,and spilling the contents everywhere. Weezy
Saving Money on Cereal
I go to Sav-A-Lot stores.I usually pay half there,than in the regular stores. But,putting generic foods in the name brand containers,doesnt always work. Believe me,I know. When my kids were little,I tried putting a cheaper brand,into Miracle Whip jar,and Jif...
Coffee Mug Chocolate Cake
This sounds pretty darn good.Gonna try it,real soon. I will let you know how it turns out. Weezy
Wholesome Juice Spritzers
I do the same thing,but I also buy bottled water,and I mix juice,or a little bit of lemon juice,(not a whole lot,that will be a little tart,and also make you thirsty).I also do it with tap water,(only when I cant get to the store).I also drink just plain real...
Save Chip and Cracker Crumbs for Meatloaf
I ran out of bread crumbs, and I wanted to make cube steaks (I usually bread mine,before I fry them). I had some wheat thins,that had grown stale. Instead of throwing them out, I put them in my food processor, and crushed them. I also added some Italian seasoning...
Use Both Ends Of Your Ironing Board
I,too,use the wide end while ironing. I use it,when I iron my hubbys pants. Works great.I can fit all of the waist on the wide end,without any struggle, on my part, at all. Thanks,Weezy
Use Flat Sheets Over Comforter
I, too, put a sheet on our bed. Pita thinks its hers too, and when she come in, (especially after it has rained), she jumps up on the bed. With her feet being wet (although I have a towel close by the door,she still has wet feet). I have a heavy comforter on...
Where Can I Find A Round Rubber Jar Opener?
I found my rubber jar openers at my local Bi-Lo Store.It was in the aisle where they had the cleaners and and household things.It didnt cost much,and there were 5 to a pack.(Cant remember how much they were,cause I got them over a year ago. Weezy
Information about Havre de Grace, MD?
I used to live in a near-by town(I grew up in Conowingo,Md.),and I went to Havre de Grace,at least once a week.It is a nice little town,with little shops,(at least in the 60s to 80s),and some very nice and friendly people living there.Everything I wanted was...
Using the Slow Cooker in Hot Weather
I have been using my crockpot slow cooker,in the summer,for about 3 years now.I make meatloaf,chicken,any thing you cook in the oven,you can fix in the crockpot. I even found a recipe for crockpot fried chicken. Weezy1c
Crockpot Reviews?
I have two crock pots, they are both Rivals. One is quite a few years older than the other (I like the older one the best for meats and other things). I have had it so long, that the handles fell off, and just recently the knob on the controls fell off (from...
Using Leftover Coffee
I used to do this a lot. I used to work at a lot of restaurants, and when I wanted coffee, I would put hot chocolate mix in my coffee. It tasted great (even when the coffee got kinda old, in hot weather). Weezy1c
Party Potatoes
I think I will try this next time I fix mashed potatoes. I have just started to put sour cream in my potatoes, and he loves them. So I am gonna try this. Hopefully, he will love them, also. Weezy
Save on Hot Water Bills
We turn our hot water heater off, when not in use. My hubby turns the heater on, when he first gets up, since he gets up before I do. I take a shower, then wash up any dishes that are dirty. Then I turn it off, after I do dishes. I wash clothes in cold water...