Glue Gun Glue on Fabric?
What type of fabric is it? If it can take the heat, you might try holding it over steam to soften the glue and then pull it off. Something delicate like silk or such may benifit from a trip to the dry cleaners. They have solvents that will disolve the glue...
Nail Polish on a Cotton Shirt?
Honestly? I think you have one for the rag bag. If the polish is bright red, it will dye the fabric. You may try using remover, and then overdye the shirt.
Reupholstering Wicker Furniture?
I have reupholstered a couch before - I wont do it again. The amount of work and frustration involved about did me in (and my husband, kids, and pets!). But, here are a few suggestions. Start with good fabric. Get advice from your local fabric store, and dont...