Red Lump on Puppy?
My dog had a lump that looked like that on her ear. Check out the listing for histocytoma on wikipedia. If thats what it is, it should go away in a few weeks. The dog may be crying because you are irritating it when you try to treat it. Of course, you should...
Protecting Chickens from Cats?
I have several cats that live in my garage with my chickens. The chickens are bantams but the cats have never tried to harm them at all. They seem to enjoy watching them. Maybe you dont really need to worry about keeping the cats away.
Removing Skunk Odor on Dog?
It is a chemical reaction between the peroxide and baking soda that makes this remedy work. If you dont have any baking soda, you could try the old tomato juice bath if you have any of that on hand. Follow with a bath in soapy water.
Getting Rid of Tape Worms in Cat?
It wont work. Diatomaceous earth works on insects with a hard outer shell by scraping away the shell and causing the insect to dry out and die. This cant apply to a soft bodied tapeworm living in the fluid filled interior of the intestine. You need to get tapeworm...
Keeping a Grasshopper?
You can keep them in the jar for a few days as long as the jar is not too small and it has a way for air to get in, such as a screen top or a metal lid with plenty of holes. Give them new grass and weeds to eat every day while you have them. After watching...
Honeysuckle Has No Scent?
Some of the orange flowered varieties of honeysuckle are scentless. You must have one of those. They are very attractive to hummingbirds, however.
Keeping Cats Out of Flower Pots?
Find some pine cones at least 3 inches long. If you cant find them under a tree you may be able to buy them in a craft store. Completely cover the surface of the pot with pine cones. The cats will not be interested in digging through the pine cones. This has...
Feed Clover to Your Chickens
They like the leaves too. I usually grab a handful of clover or grass and cut it up with a scissors before giving it to the chickens if the stems are too long.
Instant Potatoes As Non-Toxic Rat Bait
This would be a very cruel way to kill any animal. If the gut bursts, the animal does not die instantly. It will develop peritonitis and die a painful death over a period of days. If someone were to suggest killing a dog or cat by bursting its gut they would...
Remedy for Skin Cracks on Fingertips?
I have the same problem. A couple of things have worked sometimes. One: wrap a bandaid around the tip of the finger in the evening and leave it on overnight. Sometimes this will give the crack enough time to start healing. Usually the bandaid is inconvenient...
Preventing Algae in Dog Water Bowl?
When the bowl starts to turn green, fill it with water and add about a quarter cup of chlorine bleach. The bleach will kill all the algae. Give the dog another bowl to drink from while this is happening. Be careful where you dispose of the water. I have found...
Problems Weaning a Kitten?
I guess I wouldnt worry about her too much at this point. Just make sure solid food, either canned or dry food that has been moistened is available to her at all times. I have bottle raised several kittens and have found out that even though they have teeth...
How To Kill A Tree?
Poor tree! Well anyway, you could girdle the tree. Remove al the bark in a circle all the way around the tree. Remove about 6 inches to a foot of bark so there is an area completely around the tree with no bark. This will stop food from going from the leaves...
Reviews of E-Book Readers?
I have had a Kindle for over 2 years and I love it. Right now I have around 200 books, periodicals and samples on it, and a few hundred more in the archive. Amazon lets you buy books from their store move them to an on-line archive when you are done reading...
Remedies for Weak and Thin Fingernails?
I am 59 and have had very weak nails all my life. I also have fine textured reddish hair and a thin and senstive skin. i believe these things all go together in some way and it probably does run in families, although not everyone in the family will be affected...
Why Does My Dog Pee on the Bed?
Two possibilities: Could be a medical reason such as a bladder infection. If you have eliminated that possibility, it is most likely territorial marking, just like dogs do when they lift their leg outside. Even females will mark with urine. You either have...
What Else Can I Do to Improve the Quality of Life for My Ill Cat?
If your cat is eating and eliminating OK, his quality of life may not be as bad as you think. When you say he seems miserable, what exactly do you mean? I have nursed sick and old cats in the past and I know how heartbreaking it can be. Just a couple of tips...
Freezing Eggs in the Shell?
They will crack if you freeze them. I have chickens and live in a cold climate. If you do not collect the eggs promptly they will freeze and crack. If the egg is cracked, it will allow bacteria to enter the egg. A cracked egg could possibly be used right away...
Garden: Monarch on Butterfly Weed
Very pretty picture, but the butterfly looks like a tiger swallowtail, not a monarch.
Keeping Pet Water from Freezing?
If you live in a cold area, there may be no way to keep the water from freezing. If you can afford it, you could feed the cat canned cat food at least once a day. It contains a lot of water and this may be enough to meet its needs.
What Plant is Also Known as Sheep Shar or Shire?
Could it be sheep sorrel also known as sour dock? Scientific name is Rumex acetosela. This has been used as a salad herb.
Homemade Flushable Wipes?
I have been using the same method, but use witch hazel to wet the toilet paper. It witch hazel helps if you have an itch in that area for whatever reason.
Hot Water Weed Treatment
People mistakenly think that pouring substances like hot water or vinegar on weeds is a safe and easy way to get rid of this. This is false. Anything that you pour on top of a plant (except for herbicides such as roundup) kills only the top growth and the weed...
Freeze Soup Bones For Your Dog
Dogs love them,but be careful. We had a dog that a couple of times got a marrow bone stuck around her lower jaw behind her canine teeth. Once we had to take her to the vet to get it removed.
Hand Raising Kittens
We are currently bottle feeding two kittens abandonded in our garage at two weeks of age. They are now five weeks old and doing well. You can buy various brands of kitten formula in department stores such as Walmart and Kmart and it is more reliable than other...